This is a version of Andrzej Kotanski's jpegshow 3.0 for the MM/1 that has been modified to include support for placing the decoded JPEG image into the clipboard, using Joel Hegberg's cliplib. I added cliplib support around 1998. I believe I posted this online somewhere -- possibly Delphi, or maybe one of the FTP sites that had OS-9 stuff at the time. In any case, it doesn't appear to be available anywhere online at the time of this writing (2/11/2007). I suffered a hard drive failure, or filesystem corruption on my MM/1, in 1999 or 2000. I believe I lost the source code for the modifications I did in that indident. I recently came across this binary though, so I'm placing it online for those who still have any interest in such things. Though the source code is likely lost, it shouldn't be too difficult to add clipboard features back in to Kotanski's original jpegview 3.0. I spent more time getting to know the jpegshow code than implementing the initial clipboard support. Type "jpegshow -?" to get a usage message, or see the documentation from the original 3.0 package. This version differs from the original in the addition of two new command line options: -c -- Copy the decoded image into the clipboard. -e -- Copy the entire window into the clipboard. Using the saveiff utility from the cliplib package, one can copy the decoded JPEG image from the clipboard into the MM/1's native CLUT IFF format, which will likely be much larger than the original .jpg file, but will load much faster. The main benefit to using this over something like DJPEG is that you can preview the image before saving it. Joel Ewy