Sandia National Laboratories HTML REFERENCE MANUAL Last Modified: 26 May 1995 Index Introduction Conformance Sandia Requirements General Syntax Comments A, ABBREV, ACRONYM, ADDRESS, AU, B, BANNER, BASE, BASEFONT, BIG, BLINK, BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, BQ, BR, CAPTION, CENTER, CITE, CODE, CREDIT, DD, DEL, DFN, DIR, DIV, DL, DT, EM, FN, FIG, FONT, FORM, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, HEAD, HP, HR, HTML, I, IMG, INPUT, INS, ISINDEX, KBD, LANG, LH, LI, LINK, LISTING, MENU, META, NEXTID, NOBR, NOTE, OL, OPTION, OVERLAY, P, PERSON, PLAINTEXT, PRE, Q, S, SAMP, SELECT, SMALL, STRIKE, STRONG, SUB, SUP, TAB, TABLE, TD, TEXTAREA, TH, TITLE, TR, TT, U, UL, VAR, WBR, XMP Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Special Characters Standard Icons Disclaimer Acknowledgements _________________________________________________________________ Introduction HTML is an evolving language which is used to construct documents which can be viewed by World Wide Web browsers. HTML is attempting to be standardized by the WWW consortium but that standard is also evolving. HTML is currently defined at Version 2, but the final version of the RFC has not yet been officially published. This Reference Manual will be updated to the official RFC whenever that is published. The Version 2 Specification also declared some earlier elements obsolete. There is active work on-going to finalize the specifications of a Version 3 of HTML which contains significant new features. HTML+ was a draft of the proposals for Version 3. In addition, there is some talk of an interim Version 2.1 to standardize a few of the more desired Version 3 features earlier than the expected final agreement on a Version 3. This document attempts to include most of the extensions in the current proposal for Version 3, since some Version 3 features are beginning to be implemented in some browsers at use at Sandia. (ed:Most "Elements Allowed Within..." and "Allowed In Content Of..." still need updating.) While this may introduce confusion by describing non-existent features, there is value in being aware of the proposed directions in this language. The inclusion of Version 3 proposals intentionally excludes the additions to handle Mathematical Expressions since this area is still in progress. For further information about Version 3, see Acknowledgements. Not all browsers implement all features of Version 2. In addition, some browsers define and handle their own extensions. A browser is supposed to ignore any element or attribute of the language that it is not designed to handle. Conformance As of the IETF HTML BOF of 26 July 1994, the Version 2 Standard Specification defined five levels of conformance of the HTML Language elements. Browsers can choose (and declare) what level of conformance they fulfill. Level 0 Mandatory. Heading, lists, anchors, etc. (A text only browser is expected to have Level 0 conformance.) Level 1 Images, Emphasis Level 2 Forms, Character Definitions Level 3 Tables, Figures, etc. (proposed in Version 3) Level 4 Mathematical formulae (proposed in Version 3, not existing practice, not yet included in this reference) Sandia Requirements The Integrated Information Services Division of Sandia National Laboratories has established a set of requirements for HTML documents prepared at Sandia National Laboratores. These requirements are an attempt to maintain document consistency, provide some configuration management hooks, automatically insert links between documents and identify document ownership within Sandia's Internal Web. For individuals with access to Sandia's Internal Web, a more complete specification of those requirements is available. In addition to requirements, that specification also references documents with style guide suggestions for Sandia HTML authors. While this Reference Manual attempts to identify the Sandia requirements, for any conflicts, the specification page on the Internal Web takes precedence. In addition to the SGML identification line described in General Syntax, and the HTML elements and attributes which are required (see ADDRESS, BODY, HEAD, HTML, IMG, META, LINK, TITLE), all documents shall have a "point-of-contact" name identified in the document as part of the ADDRESS element that is e-mail enabled by surrounding the name with the element. Sandia authors should use Sandia's cgi-bin e-mail program to generate a mail message submission form by setting the HREF attribute of the A element to one of the addresses identified in the Sandia specification document. Until all the browsers which the CIO organization of Sandia suppports, and for which Sandia has a site license, accept the newly emerging mailto: URL access code, Sandia authors of documents on our Internal web are discouraged from setting the HREF attribute of the A element to "" This mechanism is acceptable for documents on the external web, but authors should also display the e-mail address of the "point-of-contact" name so that manually initiated e-mail is possible. All Sandia documents shall also display a line indicating the date the document was last modified. This is usually placed with the ADDRESS element at either the beginning or end of the document. Recommended format is: Last Modified: 18 Apr 1995 Any Sandia document which is part of a set of HTML subdocuments which form a sequence or hierarchy should include two specific LINK elements identifying the REL values of next and previous. In addition, the author should also place icons or text enabled with the element at the beginning and/or end of the BODY section to make it easy to jump to the document next or previous in the sequence. Only one next and one previous relationship may be specified in a document. _________________________________________________________________ General Syntax HTML is an application of ISO Standard 8879:1986 -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). SGML is a system for defining structured document types, and markup languages to represent instances of those document types. HTML is one such markup language. Its syntax follows the syntax of SGML. An HTML file is an ASCII file of text which also includes instructions to a browser, mostly about displaying the text. To formally identify the file as containing HTML elements, the beginning of the file should contain a line in SGML syntax identifying the version of HTML being used. For HTML Version 2.0, this line is Sandia Requirements The SGML specification line identifying the file as HTML is required before the element in the file. It should either specify the version number of HTML to which the file conforms by using a line like the one above, or simply specify that the file is HTML by using the line: Unless explicitly instructed otherwise, the browser normally treats all white space that is not a blank (e.g. tabs, end-of-line characters, etc.) as a single blank, and collapses multiple white space to a single blank. The browser instructions consist of HTML elements which are HTML element names, optionally followed by HTML attributes, all surrounded by "<" and ">" Attributes may be followed by an equals sign and some "value". White space is allowed around the equals sign. The standard requires that the "value" must be surrounded by single or double quotes, but many browsers do not enforce this syntax. The maximum length of "value" (after parsing) is defined as 1024 characters. Most HTML elements are designed to surround some content, usually text, and thus have both a beginning and ending tag. The ending tag is simply the element name preceded by a "/" all surrounded by "<" and ">" HTML names must begin with a letter and are followed by up to 33 letters, digits, periods, or hyphens. The standard defines the HTML names in upper case, but (except for Special Characters) browsers are supposed to ignore the case of HTML names. Comments Description To include comments in an HTML document that will be ignored by the HTML browser, surround them with . After the beginning comment delimiter, all text up to the next occurrence of --> is ignored. Hence comments cannot be nested. White space is allowed between the closing -- and >, but not between the opening Common Usage Variations Not all browsers will properly handle HTML elements (i.e. an "<" inside of a comment. Some browsers will treat as comments any element that begins with "" of the commented text. This syntax is actually SGML, and the browser is simply ignoring unrecognized SGML commands. Such browsers will terminate this "comment" upon the first occurance of a ">". Some browsers prohibit the double dash "--" sequence from appearing anywhere within the commented text except at the end. Version 2 specifies the double dash at beginning and end as required. A few early browsers recognized an element . The Version 2 specification delcares this element obsolete. Version 2 is proposing to add the SGML comment syntax to HTML elements. This proposal would begin a comment with a double dash encountered inside any HTML element (but not inside quotes), and treat everything as comments (including any ">", "<", or quote character) until the next occuring double dash. Such syntax would allow HTML elements within a comment. _________________________________________________________________ A Description The A element brackets (or anchors) a piece of text (and/or image) which is identified as a hypertext link. The A element must have either an HREF attribute or a NAME attribute. The HREF attribute identifies a destination URL, and the bracketed text is rendered as a hypertext link to the URL. Browsers will display the contents of an A element with an HREF attribute in a special manner to indicate that if the contents are selected, the browser will execute that hypertext link. The NAME attribute identifies a destination tag, and the bracketed text is thereby identified as an available hypertext target within this document. Browsers do not display the contents of an A element with a NAME attribute in any special way. However, an A element with an HREF attribute can now be constructed by using the document URL suffixed with #name. This will load the document, but will position the display starting at the location of this NAME tag. An A element with an HREF attribute can also be constructed to jump directly to this destination tag within the same document by a URL consisting solely of #name The presence of REL=relation in document A with HREF to document/object B identifies a relationship that B has to A that A recognizes/authorizes/verifies. The presence of REV=relation of the identical relation in document B with HREF to document/object A identifies a desired/expected/claimed relationship that B has to A, but must be verified by checking with A. Minimum Attributes characters... or characters... All Possible Attributes characters... Elements Allowed Within...
Allowed In Content Of...

              HTML+ and Version 3 propose changing the NAME attribute to ID
              and adding an ID attribute for various elements including the
              paragraph and heading elements. Version 3 specifically
              identifies NAME as obsolete and replaced by ID. At present REV
              and REL are rarely used or supported, and are Level 1
              attributes, but are of growing interest to automated document
              environments. These relationships are more commonly identified
              in the HEAD of the document using the LINK element. REL and REV
              are a comma-separated set of relationship(s) of the HREF link.
              These relationships and their semantics are registered with the
              HTML authority. Examples are UseIndex, UseGlossary, Annotation,
              Reply, Embed, Precedes, Subdocument, Present, Search,
              Supersedes, History, Made, Owns, Approves, Supports, Refutes,
              Includes, Interested. URN is for a Universal Resource Number,
              and is not currently used or supported, and is a Level 1
              attribute. TITLE is little used or supported, and is a Level 1
              attribute, but is expected to be the title of the HREF
              document. METHODS is little used or supported, but is expected
              to be a comma-separated list of HTTP METHODS supported by the
              object and accessible to the user. LANG, CLASS, and MD are the
              general attributes proposed by Version 3. SHAPE is proposed by
              Version 3 to provide a mechanism to define multiple A elements
              and corresponding "hotzones" within the proposed FIG element,
              to perform the equivalent function of ISMAP without the need
              for writing a responding cgi-bin program. A is a Level 0
              The ABBREV element changes the character rendering of the
              contents of the element to logically represent abbreviations.
       Minimum Attributes
       All Possible Attributes
       Elements Allowed Within...
       Allowed In Content Of...
              The ABBREV element is a Version 3 proposed element. All
              character definition elements are Level 2.
              The ACRONYM element changes the character rendering of the
              contents of the element to logically represent acronyms.
       Minimum Attributes
       All Possible Attributes
       Elements Allowed Within...
       Allowed In Content Of...
              The ACRONYM element is a Version 3 proposed element. All
              character definition elements are Level 2.
              The AU element changes the character rendering of the contents
              of the element to logically represent the name of an author.
       Minimum Attributes
       All Possible Attributes
       Elements Allowed Within...
       Allowed In Content Of...
              The AU element is a Version 3 proposed element. All character
              definition elements are Level 2.
              The ADDRESS element defines a separated multi-line set of text
              to be rendered for address information.
       Minimum Attributes
    All Possible Attributes
    Elements Allowed Within...

    Allowed In Content Of...

    Variations ADDRESS text is typically rendered in italics. The ID, LANG, CLASS, CLEAR, and NOWRAP attributes are proposed in Version 3. ADDRESS is a Level 0 element. Sandia Requirements An ADDRESS element is required to identify a "point-of-contact" For details, see the Sandia Requirements. _________________________________________________________________ B Description The B element changes the physical rendering of the contents of the element to a bold font. Minimum Attributes characters... All Possible Attributes characters... Elements Allowed Within...
    Allowed In Content Of...

              Browsers who do not have bold may render in some other manner.
              The ID, LANG, and CLASS attributes are proposed in Version 3.
              All character definition elements are Level 2.
              The BANNER element is proposed for corporate logos, navigation
              aids, disclaimers and other information which shouldn't be
              scrolled with the rest of the document.
       Minimum Attributes
       All Possible Attributes
       Elements Allowed Within...
       Allowed In Content Of...
              This is a proposed Version 3 element.
              The BASE element provides the URL base to be used for any
              relative URL links in this document. It must be a complete file
              name, and is usually the original URL of this document. If this
              file is moved, having the BASE set to the original URL
              eliminates the need to also move all the documents which are
              identified by relative URL links in this document.
       Minimum Attributes
       All Possible Attributes
       Elements Allowed Within...
       Allowed In Content Of...
              This is a Level 0 element.
              Change the document base font size to one of the seven defined
              sizes. The default is 3.
       Minimum Attributes
       All Possible Attributes
       Elements Allowed Within...
       Allowed In Content Of...
              The BASEFONT element is a Netscape extension.
              The BIG element changes the physical rendering of the contents
              of the element to a bigger font than normal text, if practical.
       Minimum Attributes
       All Possible Attributes
       Elements Allowed Within...
       Allowed In Content Of...
              The BIG element is proposed in Version 3. All character
              definition elements are Level 2.
              The BLINK element changes the physical rendering of the
              contents of the element to a blinking font.
       Minimum Attributes
       All Possible Attributes
       Elements Allowed Within...
       Allowed In Content Of...
              This element is not listed in the standard, and many browsers
              ignore this element. Many users find the use of this element
              annoying. It should be restricted to short term use for new
              information. Netscape 1.1N permits users to disable the
              rendering of this element.
              The BLOCKQUOTE element defines a separated multi-line set of
              text to be rendered as quoted text.
       Minimum Attributes
    All Possible Attributes
    Elements Allowed Within...