Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2013
Generated 01-Jul-2013 03:49 CDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Search] [Users] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2013
Total Hits 48824
Total Files 31295
Total Pages 32264
Total Visits 13030
Total KBytes 26094574
Total Unique Sites 6176
Total Unique URLs 308
Total Unique Usernames 1
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 67 1985
Hits per Day 1627 3375
Files per Day 1043 2795
Pages per Day 1075 3119
Sites per Day 205 823
Visits per Day 434 962
KBytes per Day 869819 3456579
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.04% 18
Code 200 - OK 64.10% 31295
Code 204 - No Content 0.04% 18
Code 206 - Partial Content 1.53% 745
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.15% 73
Code 302 - Found 0.04% 19
Code 303 - See Other 0.29% 142
Code 304 - Not Modified 6.90% 3371
Code 401 - Unauthorized 2.63% 1282
Code 403 - Forbidden 7.10% 3465
Code 404 - Not Found 16.95% 8277
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.17% 84
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.06% 30
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.00% 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.01% 4

Daily usage for June 2013

Daily Statistics for June 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1263 2.59% 867 2.77% 729 2.26% 406 3.12% 296 4.79% 1724471 6.61%
2 1450 2.97% 951 3.04% 812 2.52% 379 2.91% 296 4.79% 2036519 7.80%
3 1588 3.25% 1142 3.65% 804 2.49% 427 3.28% 321 5.20% 1662697 6.37%
4 1894 3.88% 1242 3.97% 959 2.97% 440 3.38% 330 5.34% 947980 3.63%
5 1414 2.90% 1011 3.23% 782 2.42% 421 3.23% 312 5.05% 587466 2.25%
6 1440 2.95% 1050 3.36% 774 2.40% 397 3.05% 296 4.79% 431262 1.65%
7 1490 3.05% 932 2.98% 903 2.80% 380 2.92% 299 4.84% 816983 3.13%
8 1233 2.53% 898 2.87% 633 1.96% 308 2.36% 266 4.31% 512486 1.96%
9 1928 3.95% 1292 4.13% 1168 3.62% 405 3.11% 325 5.26% 1232312 4.72%
10 1883 3.86% 1386 4.43% 1098 3.40% 365 2.80% 279 4.52% 2541087 9.74%
11 1586 3.25% 992 3.17% 757 2.35% 336 2.58% 276 4.47% 1890968 7.25%
12 1959 4.01% 1222 3.90% 973 3.02% 357 2.74% 232 3.76% 3456579 13.25%
13 1699 3.48% 1143 3.65% 851 2.64% 356 2.73% 282 4.57% 1082113 4.15%
14 1526 3.13% 1176 3.76% 755 2.34% 355 2.72% 293 4.74% 1112182 4.26%
15 1491 3.05% 1047 3.35% 856 2.65% 400 3.07% 271 4.39% 1217170 4.66%
16 1443 2.96% 933 2.98% 835 2.59% 391 3.00% 274 4.44% 1581560 6.06%
17 1549 3.17% 1119 3.58% 866 2.68% 427 3.28% 301 4.87% 1247869 4.78%
18 1498 3.07% 1084 3.46% 835 2.59% 452 3.47% 298 4.83% 649517 2.49%
19 1495 3.06% 1066 3.41% 855 2.65% 467 3.58% 321 5.20% 1060416 4.06%
20 351 0.72% 135 0.43% 245 0.76% 104 0.80% 96 1.55% 203802 0.78%
21 2142 4.39% 42 0.13% 1411 4.37% 446 3.42% 317 5.13% 8866 0.03%
22 1680 3.44% 441 1.41% 1384 4.29% 417 3.20% 308 4.99% 8962 0.03%
23 1185 2.43% 595 1.90% 913 2.83% 454 3.48% 342 5.54% 7735 0.03%
24 1245 2.55% 542 1.73% 1060 3.29% 509 3.91% 333 5.39% 5332 0.02%
25 1171 2.40% 518 1.66% 939 2.91% 415 3.18% 286 4.63% 5651 0.02%
26 2927 6.00% 2378 7.60% 2667 8.27% 849 6.52% 689 11.16% 17658 0.07%
27 3375 6.91% 2795 8.93% 3119 9.67% 962 7.38% 823 13.33% 18985 0.07%
28 1126 2.31% 529 1.69% 876 2.72% 385 2.95% 251 4.06% 6511 0.02%
29 987 2.02% 465 1.49% 794 2.46% 356 2.73% 230 3.72% 5476 0.02%
30 2806 5.75% 2302 7.36% 2611 8.09% 702 5.39% 565 9.15% 13961 0.05%

Hourly usage for June 2013

Hourly Statistics for June 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 53 1593 3.26% 29 894 2.86% 32 979 3.03% 32708 981255 3.76%
1 51 1537 3.15% 32 977 3.12% 32 977 3.03% 33851 1015520 3.89%
2 52 1560 3.20% 33 1008 3.22% 33 1006 3.12% 19148 574448 2.20%
3 51 1554 3.18% 30 916 2.93% 34 1042 3.23% 21499 644978 2.47%
4 53 1619 3.32% 31 949 3.03% 37 1123 3.48% 32498 974929 3.74%
5 57 1739 3.56% 36 1100 3.51% 37 1125 3.49% 28472 854164 3.27%
6 116 3488 7.14% 92 2762 8.83% 97 2929 9.08% 14904 447113 1.71%
7 57 1723 3.53% 35 1070 3.42% 37 1136 3.52% 9200 276006 1.06%
8 57 1731 3.55% 32 965 3.08% 38 1153 3.57% 25928 777846 2.98%
9 72 2177 4.46% 40 1219 3.90% 43 1317 4.08% 33818 1014532 3.89%
10 71 2148 4.40% 42 1287 4.11% 41 1248 3.87% 105895 3176860 12.17%
11 72 2185 4.48% 47 1433 4.58% 37 1116 3.46% 46488 1394637 5.34%
12 65 1964 4.02% 38 1147 3.67% 40 1207 3.74% 43330 1299892 4.98%
13 73 2207 4.52% 45 1363 4.36% 41 1254 3.89% 61096 1832875 7.02%
14 72 2178 4.46% 43 1297 4.14% 43 1313 4.07% 85616 2568492 9.84%
15 67 2032 4.16% 43 1299 4.15% 42 1273 3.95% 53336 1600077 6.13%
16 118 3566 7.30% 97 2912 9.31% 94 2834 8.78% 13821 414640 1.59%
17 120 3600 7.37% 97 2939 9.39% 95 2855 8.85% 33304 999111 3.83%
18 56 1702 3.49% 31 958 3.06% 34 1029 3.19% 23416 702476 2.69%
19 54 1645 3.37% 33 993 3.17% 30 915 2.84% 27134 814008 3.12%
20 58 1755 3.59% 32 975 3.12% 40 1216 3.77% 41601 1248021 4.78%
21 59 1777 3.64% 35 1058 3.38% 35 1073 3.33% 35632 1068957 4.10%
22 56 1705 3.49% 30 927 2.96% 37 1117 3.46% 28698 860953 3.30%
23 54 1639 3.36% 28 847 2.71% 34 1027 3.18% 18426 552784 2.12%

Top 30 of 308 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 7328 15.01% 41243 0.16% /
2 5907 12.10% 30334 0.12% /administrator/
3 4537 9.29% 33844 0.13% /guest.html
4 3196 6.55% 8689 0.03% /cgi-bin/
5 2670 5.47% 18913 0.07% /webdav/arb.ics
6 1071 2.19% 365 0.00% /robots.txt
7 360 0.74% 5698999 21.84% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/T1-T0/T1-T0 Info
8 262 0.54% 502 0.00% /~HRInstructor/
9 256 0.52% 456863 1.75% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/W5YI/West Info
10 225 0.46% 644 0.00% /Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js
11 207 0.42% 817141 3.13% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/W5YI/Q
12 197 0.40% 885 0.00% /~HRInstructor/Extra/
13 195 0.40% 77833 0.30% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/G1-G0/Q
14 192 0.39% 1697 0.01% /installation/
15 159 0.33% 87507 0.34% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/2010 Element 2 Q
16 150 0.31% 470772 1.80% /~HRInstructor/Extra/(10) Circuits
17 145 0.30% 584 0.00% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/
18 139 0.28% 195 0.00% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/
19 130 0.27% 413 0.00% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/
20 127 0.26% 743 0.00% /button4.swf
21 126 0.26% 754 0.00% /button10.swf
22 124 0.25% 753 0.00% /button3.swf
23 124 0.25% 778 0.00% /button5.swf
24 124 0.25% 748 0.00% /button6.swf
25 124 0.25% 754 0.00% /button8.swf
26 124 0.25% 813 0.00% /button9.swf
27 121 0.25% 806 0.00% /button15.swf
28 118 0.24% 774 0.00% /button16.swf
29 116 0.24% 757 0.00% /button17.swf
30 113 0.23% 1132 0.00% /wwa.html

Top 10 of 308 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 101 0.21% 5929661 22.72% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/Tsunami_HamRadio.mpeg
2 360 0.74% 5698999 21.84% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/T1-T0/T1-T0 Info
3 77 0.16% 2249996 8.62% /~HRInstructor/amateur_radio_today.mpg
4 57 0.12% 941430 3.61% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/BPL-and-HF-web.mpg
5 25 0.05% 894678 3.43% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Radio Merit Badge - KF5WT - Ham Com 2007.ppt
6 207 0.42% 817141 3.13% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/W5YI/Q
7 17 0.03% 701927 2.69% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/W5YI/Combo_Files/All_Info
8 106 0.22% 495300 1.90% /~HRInstructor/Extra/(2) Skywaves
9 150 0.31% 470772 1.80% /~HRInstructor/Extra/(10) Circuits
10 256 0.52% 456863 1.75% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/W5YI/West Info

Top 10 of 87 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4537 9.29% 4471 42.79% /guest.html
2 7328 15.01% 1837 17.58% /
3 5907 12.10% 1359 13.01% /administrator/
4 256 0.52% 263 2.52% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/W5YI/West Info
5 360 0.74% 259 2.48% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/T1-T0/T1-T0 Info
6 262 0.54% 222 2.12% /~HRInstructor/
7 159 0.33% 149 1.43% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/2010 Element 2 Q
8 195 0.40% 134 1.28% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/G1-G0/Q
9 207 0.42% 119 1.14% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/W5YI/Q
10 150 0.31% 99 0.95% /~HRInstructor/Extra/(10) Circuits

Top 10 of 86 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 7328 15.01% 4135 35.64% /
2 4537 9.29% 3271 28.20% /guest.html
3 5907 12.10% 1362 11.74% /administrator/
4 256 0.52% 298 2.57% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/W5YI/West Info
5 360 0.74% 273 2.35% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/T1-T0/T1-T0 Info
6 262 0.54% 160 1.38% /~HRInstructor/
7 195 0.40% 134 1.16% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/G1-G0/Q
8 159 0.33% 127 1.09% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/2010 Element 2 Q
9 207 0.42% 117 1.01% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/W5YI/Q
10 150 0.31% 94 0.81% /~HRInstructor/Extra/(10) Circuits

Top 30 of 6176 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2895 5.93% 2725 8.71% 1224 0.00% 12 0.09%
2 1183 2.42% 26 0.08% 5423 0.02% 1 0.01%
3 1023 2.10% 449 1.43% 772776 2.96% 401 3.08%
4 972 1.99% 237 0.76% 9008 0.03% 5 0.04%
5 828 1.70% 10 0.03% 2824 0.01% 0 0.00%
6 576 1.18% 14 0.04% 3862 0.01% 0 0.00%
7 550 1.13% 534 1.71% 2816705 10.79% 47 0.36%
8 390 0.80% 385 1.23% 1473911 5.65% 1 0.01%
9 388 0.79% 302 0.97% 1515 0.01% 166 1.27%
10 305 0.62% 223 0.71% 241518 0.93% 95 0.73%
11 276 0.57% 203 0.65% 510 0.00% 95 0.73%
12 266 0.54% 266 0.85% 1676 0.01% 67 0.51%
13 256 0.52% 195 0.62% 10742 0.04% 99 0.76%
14 241 0.49% 241 0.77% 1513 0.01% 60 0.46%
15 240 0.49% 240 0.77% 1509 0.01% 61 0.47%
16 232 0.48% 80 0.26% 909 0.00% 6 0.05%
17 206 0.42% 179 0.57% 1122 0.00% 48 0.37%
18 206 0.42% 156 0.50% 890 0.00% 83 0.64%
19 192 0.39% 65 0.21% 658 0.00% 1 0.01%
20 190 0.39% 44 0.14% 156 0.00% 50 0.38%
21 181 0.37% 63 0.20% 93659 0.36% 67 0.51%
22 163 0.33% 122 0.39% 609 0.00% 97 0.74%
23 158 0.32% 47 0.15% 550 0.00% 51 0.39%
24 156 0.32% 140 0.45% 790 0.00% 68 0.52%
25 154 0.32% 113 0.36% 684 0.00% 70 0.54%
26 152 0.31% 113 0.36% 592 0.00% 71 0.54%
27 145 0.30% 15 0.05% 45 0.00% 66 0.51%
28 142 0.29% 115 0.37% 139197 0.53% 44 0.34%
29 136 0.28% 42 0.13% 427 0.00% 45 0.35%
30 134 0.27% 124 0.40% 341983 1.31% 6 0.05%

Top 10 of 6176 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 106 0.22% 95 0.30% 2927623 11.22% 0 0.00%
2 550 1.13% 534 1.71% 2816705 10.79% 47 0.36%
3 94 0.19% 84 0.27% 2448744 9.38% 0 0.00%
4 390 0.80% 385 1.23% 1473911 5.65% 1 0.01%
5 91 0.19% 87 0.28% 874992 3.35% 1 0.01%
6 1023 2.10% 449 1.43% 772776 2.96% 401 3.08%
7 28 0.06% 27 0.09% 678179 2.60% 1 0.01%
8 123 0.25% 123 0.39% 418055 1.60% 4 0.03%
9 26 0.05% 26 0.08% 406650 1.56% 3 0.02%
10 10 0.02% 10 0.03% 345651 1.32% 6 0.05%

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 2165 4.43% 58 0.19% 15667 0.06% 1 0.01% arb

Usage by Country for June 2013

Top 30 of 100 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 17161 35.15% 12442 39.76% 9584910 36.73% Unresolved/Unknown
2 11835 24.24% 5265 16.82% 9658830 37.01% Network (net)
3 10257 21.01% 7121 22.75% 5345424 20.48% Commercial (com)
4 3151 6.45% 2069 6.61% 79364 0.30% China
5 888 1.82% 545 1.74% 169665 0.65% Ukraine
6 630 1.29% 590 1.89% 9736 0.04% Japan
7 483 0.99% 481 1.54% 2476 0.01% Mexico
8 411 0.84% 380 1.21% 7546 0.03% Switzerland
9 388 0.79% 229 0.73% 43565 0.17% Russian Federation
10 367 0.75% 335 1.07% 1754 0.01% Turkey
11 328 0.67% 260 0.83% 10124 0.04% Germany
12 211 0.43% 200 0.64% 1029 0.00% Thailand
13 145 0.30% 133 0.42% 24246 0.09% Brazil
14 134 0.27% 68 0.22% 126707 0.49% Non-Profit (org)
15 116 0.24% 104 0.33% 875131 3.35% United States
16 112 0.23% 44 0.14% 28759 0.11% US Military (mil)
17 112 0.23% 84 0.27% 7211 0.03% France
18 106 0.22% 92 0.29% 17485 0.07% India
19 104 0.21% 104 0.33% 529 0.00% Peru
20 99 0.20% 90 0.29% 463 0.00% Colombia
21 96 0.20% 28 0.09% 15748 0.06% Indonesia
22 94 0.19% 86 0.27% 3238 0.01% Italy
23 91 0.19% 65 0.21% 541 0.00% United Kingdom
24 90 0.18% 68 0.22% 812 0.00% Austria
25 88 0.18% 67 0.21% 625 0.00% Poland
26 66 0.14% 66 0.21% 336 0.00% Armenia
27 66 0.14% 62 0.20% 6001 0.02% Greece
28 66 0.14% 59 0.19% 299 0.00% Viet Nam
29 64 0.13% 60 0.19% 315 0.00% Kazakhstan
30 57 0.12% 36 0.12% 275 0.00% Moldova

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23