Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2013
Generated 01-Feb-2013 03:32 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Search] [Users] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2013
Total Hits 94428
Total Files 71914
Total Pages 42468
Total Visits 20612
Total KBytes 50285264
Total Unique Sites 7121
Total Unique URLs 279
Total Unique Usernames 1
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 126 455
Hits per Day 3046 4659
Files per Day 2319 3929
Pages per Day 1369 1952
Sites per Day 229 619
Visits per Day 664 834
KBytes per Day 1622105 3780164
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.02% 15
Code 200 - OK 76.16% 71914
Code 204 - No Content 0.02% 15
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.96% 906
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.25% 239
Code 304 - Not Modified 2.50% 2358
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.01% 13
Code 401 - Unauthorized 7.31% 6904
Code 403 - Forbidden 2.54% 2397
Code 404 - Not Found 9.70% 9159
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.26% 241
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.24% 222
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.02% 15
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.03% 30

Daily usage for January 2013

Daily Statistics for January 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2885 3.06% 2177 3.03% 1469 3.46% 628 3.05% 371 5.21% 1622397 3.23%
2 3410 3.61% 2599 3.61% 1772 4.17% 666 3.23% 443 6.22% 2126361 4.23%
3 3215 3.40% 2603 3.62% 1593 3.75% 664 3.22% 400 5.62% 1855186 3.69%
4 3177 3.36% 2597 3.61% 1459 3.44% 698 3.39% 453 6.36% 1191450 2.37%
5 3237 3.43% 2515 3.50% 1623 3.82% 685 3.32% 452 6.35% 1135173 2.26%
6 2964 3.14% 2290 3.18% 1551 3.65% 682 3.31% 430 6.04% 1617003 3.22%
7 3829 4.05% 2910 4.05% 1952 4.60% 782 3.79% 474 6.66% 3780164 7.52%
8 3356 3.55% 2722 3.79% 1534 3.61% 761 3.69% 454 6.38% 1191533 2.37%
9 2985 3.16% 2333 3.24% 1433 3.37% 676 3.28% 407 5.72% 1637884 3.26%
10 3008 3.19% 2410 3.35% 1434 3.38% 695 3.37% 479 6.73% 729258 1.45%
11 3802 4.03% 3028 4.21% 1507 3.55% 798 3.87% 547 7.68% 1404202 2.79%
12 3147 3.33% 2202 3.06% 1424 3.35% 692 3.36% 461 6.47% 1132917 2.25%
13 2840 3.01% 2185 3.04% 1395 3.28% 661 3.21% 445 6.25% 1811582 3.60%
14 3012 3.19% 2191 3.05% 1390 3.27% 686 3.33% 462 6.49% 1764999 3.51%
15 2825 2.99% 2092 2.91% 1354 3.19% 664 3.22% 458 6.43% 3186977 6.34%
16 2507 2.65% 1767 2.46% 1002 2.36% 596 2.89% 483 6.78% 1146970 2.28%
17 3541 3.75% 2668 3.71% 1564 3.68% 772 3.75% 531 7.46% 2431702 4.84%
18 4659 4.93% 3929 5.46% 1105 2.60% 716 3.47% 583 8.19% 467862 0.93%
19 2793 2.96% 2043 2.84% 1289 3.04% 625 3.03% 444 6.24% 1485285 2.95%
20 2722 2.88% 2138 2.97% 1036 2.44% 561 2.72% 426 5.98% 1809699 3.60%
21 2615 2.77% 1930 2.68% 1046 2.46% 593 2.88% 416 5.84% 903278 1.80%
22 3175 3.36% 2253 3.13% 1448 3.41% 679 3.29% 455 6.39% 1985739 3.95%
23 3123 3.31% 2307 3.21% 1391 3.28% 641 3.11% 419 5.88% 1534720 3.05%
24 3043 3.22% 2051 2.85% 1438 3.39% 605 2.94% 431 6.05% 1213571 2.41%
25 2926 3.10% 2148 2.99% 1238 2.92% 597 2.90% 456 6.40% 1308371 2.60%
26 2394 2.54% 1768 2.46% 1232 2.90% 595 2.89% 429 6.02% 1395160 2.77%
27 2089 2.21% 1639 2.28% 799 1.88% 490 2.38% 377 5.29% 1109550 2.21%
28 3400 3.60% 2623 3.65% 1600 3.77% 834 4.05% 619 8.69% 2495654 4.96%
29 2977 3.15% 2254 3.13% 1361 3.20% 706 3.43% 497 6.98% 1328907 2.64%
30 2510 2.66% 1871 2.60% 966 2.27% 612 2.97% 487 6.84% 1802873 3.59%
31 2262 2.40% 1671 2.32% 1063 2.50% 591 2.87% 417 5.86% 1678839 3.34%

Hourly usage for January 2013

Hourly Statistics for January 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 96 2976 3.15% 78 2446 3.40% 40 1263 2.97% 36711 1138037 2.26%
1 98 3059 3.24% 76 2360 3.28% 48 1497 3.53% 31914 989322 1.97%
2 98 3048 3.23% 79 2452 3.41% 46 1437 3.38% 11153 345731 0.69%
3 106 3295 3.49% 86 2688 3.74% 46 1445 3.40% 18223 564908 1.12%
4 104 3238 3.43% 84 2632 3.66% 46 1434 3.38% 28927 896731 1.78%
5 110 3422 3.62% 84 2619 3.64% 52 1620 3.81% 47099 1460077 2.90%
6 121 3753 3.97% 90 2801 3.89% 59 1838 4.33% 41585 1289122 2.56%
7 126 3931 4.16% 89 2762 3.84% 52 1632 3.84% 62772 1945929 3.87%
8 122 3796 4.02% 94 2918 4.06% 56 1741 4.10% 47907 1485107 2.95%
9 122 3800 4.02% 91 2829 3.93% 57 1783 4.20% 64802 2008867 3.99%
10 170 5275 5.59% 129 4029 5.60% 64 2004 4.72% 122276 3790569 7.54%
11 161 5002 5.30% 124 3865 5.37% 66 2065 4.86% 85171 2640308 5.25%
12 138 4290 4.54% 109 3398 4.73% 60 1864 4.39% 107666 3337655 6.64%
13 141 4375 4.63% 102 3166 4.40% 65 2043 4.81% 73076 2265363 4.51%
14 149 4621 4.89% 113 3516 4.89% 59 1857 4.37% 100212 3106570 6.18%
15 163 5059 5.36% 113 3523 4.90% 82 2548 6.00% 116940 3625155 7.21%
16 141 4385 4.64% 109 3397 4.72% 61 1921 4.52% 90278 2798610 5.57%
17 133 4136 4.38% 100 3105 4.32% 59 1834 4.32% 100779 3124139 6.21%
18 122 3796 4.02% 87 2726 3.79% 56 1754 4.13% 72699 2253660 4.48%
19 131 4082 4.32% 98 3056 4.25% 60 1866 4.39% 47287 1465905 2.92%
20 125 3893 4.12% 92 2878 4.00% 59 1836 4.32% 80108 2483351 4.94%
21 114 3564 3.77% 90 2797 3.89% 53 1643 3.87% 68032 2108983 4.19%
22 133 4150 4.39% 102 3179 4.42% 63 1981 4.66% 76422 2369088 4.71%
23 112 3482 3.69% 89 2772 3.85% 50 1562 3.68% 90067 2792076 5.55%

Top 30 of 279 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 16665 17.65% 124317 0.25% /guest.html
2 13336 14.12% 25032 0.05% /cgi-bin/
3 7610 8.06% 92520 0.18% /
4 2738 2.90% 334 0.00% /robots.txt
5 935 0.99% 2898 0.01% /Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js
6 915 0.97% 10927009 21.73% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/T1-T0/T1-T0 Info
7 891 0.94% 1732 0.00% /~HRInstructor/
8 863 0.91% 5538 0.01% /button8.swf
9 862 0.91% 5255 0.01% /button4.swf
10 858 0.91% 5929 0.01% /button9.swf
11 857 0.91% 5480 0.01% /button3.swf
12 857 0.91% 5541 0.01% /button5.swf
13 854 0.90% 5370 0.01% /button10.swf
14 854 0.90% 5480 0.01% /button6.swf
15 852 0.90% 5992 0.01% /button15.swf
16 833 0.88% 5665 0.01% /button16.swf
17 833 0.88% 5628 0.01% /button17.swf
18 731 0.77% 16237 0.03% /webdav/arb.ics
19 581 0.62% 1160898 2.31% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/W5YI/West Info
20 547 0.58% 240718 0.48% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/G1-G0/Q
21 535 0.57% 5089 0.01% /wwa.html
22 497 0.53% 2183 0.00% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/
23 478 0.51% 2224695 4.42% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/W5YI/Q
24 382 0.40% 6554 0.01% /os9faq.html
25 361 0.38% 506 0.00% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/
26 307 0.33% 428739 0.85% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/Substation.mpeg
27 305 0.32% 1481 0.00% /~HRInstructor/Extra/
28 262 0.28% 146532 0.29% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/2010 Element 2 Q
29 244 0.26% 8875137 17.65% /~HRInstructor/amateur_radio_today.mpg
30 233 0.25% 603 0.00% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/G1-G0/Info_Only/

Top 10 of 279 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 915 0.97% 10927009 21.73% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/T1-T0/T1-T0 Info
2 244 0.26% 8875137 17.65% /~HRInstructor/amateur_radio_today.mpg
3 84 0.09% 2442852 4.86% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/W5YI/W5YI_All_(286)+(414)
4 478 0.51% 2224695 4.42% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/W5YI/Q
5 45 0.05% 2101710 4.18% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/W5YI/Combo_Files/All_Info
6 35 0.04% 1566588 3.12% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Radio Merit Badge - KF5WT - Ham Com 2007.ppt
7 78 0.08% 1431879 2.85% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/BPL-and-HF-web.mpg
8 47 0.05% 1336208 2.66% /~HRInstructor/Extra/2008 Extra Class Sylibus rev2.16.doc
9 80 0.08% 1296836 2.58% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/Tsunami_HamRadio.mpeg
10 581 0.62% 1160898 2.31% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/W5YI/West Info

Top 10 of 98 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 16665 17.65% 9419 52.56% /guest.html
2 7610 8.06% 4753 26.52% /
3 891 0.94% 561 3.13% /~HRInstructor/
4 915 0.97% 297 1.66% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/T1-T0/T1-T0 Info
5 382 0.40% 257 1.43% /os9faq.html
6 581 0.62% 220 1.23% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/W5YI/West Info
7 535 0.57% 211 1.18% /wwa.html
8 478 0.51% 154 0.86% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/W5YI/Q
9 262 0.28% 98 0.55% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/2010 Element 2 Q
10 547 0.58% 95 0.53% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/G1-G0/Q

Top 10 of 97 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 16665 17.65% 9331 48.57% /guest.html
2 7610 8.06% 5964 31.04% /
3 915 0.97% 327 1.70% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/T1-T0/T1-T0 Info
4 891 0.94% 256 1.33% /~HRInstructor/
5 535 0.57% 245 1.28% /wwa.html
6 581 0.62% 243 1.26% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/W5YI/West Info
7 382 0.40% 242 1.26% /os9faq.html
8 478 0.51% 165 0.86% /~HRInstructor/General_2011/W5YI/Q
9 497 0.53% 142 0.74% /~HRInstructor/Technician_2010/
10 209 0.22% 125 0.65% /ftparchive.html

Top 30 of 7121 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2940 3.11% 2927 4.07% 12794 0.03% 254 1.23%
2 2666 2.82% 51 0.07% 7915 0.02% 3 0.01%
3 1581 1.67% 25 0.03% 2928 0.01% 1 0.00%
4 1194 1.26% 16 0.02% 6924 0.01% 0 0.00%
5 1026 1.09% 723 1.01% 1031103 2.05% 221 1.07%
6 704 0.75% 700 0.97% 4241 0.01% 164 0.80%
7 540 0.57% 538 0.75% 3273 0.01% 118 0.57%
8 532 0.56% 530 0.74% 2572 0.01% 206 1.00%
9 531 0.56% 531 0.74% 2291 0.00% 266 1.29%
10 480 0.51% 480 0.67% 4128 0.01% 16 0.08%
11 440 0.47% 438 0.61% 2671 0.01% 100 0.49%
12 389 0.41% 332 0.46% 413363 0.82% 143 0.69%
13 374 0.40% 230 0.32% 452429 0.90% 165 0.80%
14 366 0.39% 366 0.51% 1606 0.00% 50 0.24%
15 340 0.36% 340 0.47% 1467 0.00% 170 0.82%
16 337 0.36% 249 0.35% 947762 1.88% 13 0.06%
17 312 0.33% 114 0.16% 83723 0.17% 11 0.05%
18 312 0.33% 310 0.43% 1616628 3.21% 42 0.20%
19 295 0.31% 189 0.26% 527592 1.05% 117 0.57%
20 293 0.31% 249 0.35% 1472095 2.93% 13 0.06%
21 290 0.31% 263 0.37% 689 0.00% 100 0.49%
22 277 0.29% 267 0.37% 21363 0.04% 108 0.52%
23 275 0.29% 39 0.05% 404 0.00% 2 0.01%
24 261 0.28% 261 0.36% 689376 1.37% 0 0.00%
25 260 0.28% 257 0.36% 1521 0.00% 20 0.10%
26 237 0.25% 237 0.33% 1808 0.00% 20 0.10%
27 236 0.25% 236 0.33% 457783 0.91% 0 0.00%
28 235 0.25% 104 0.14% 334883 0.67% 5 0.02%
29 223 0.24% 217 0.30% 1289 0.00% 16 0.08%
30 223 0.24% 223 0.31% 838696 1.67% 48 0.23%

Top 10 of 7121 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 312 0.33% 310 0.43% 1616628 3.21% 42 0.20%
2 293 0.31% 249 0.35% 1472095 2.93% 13 0.06%
3 1026 1.09% 723 1.01% 1031103 2.05% 221 1.07%
4 218 0.23% 180 0.25% 1007255 2.00% 6 0.03%
5 337 0.36% 249 0.35% 947762 1.88% 13 0.06%
6 157 0.17% 93 0.13% 880537 1.75% 4 0.02%
7 223 0.24% 223 0.31% 838696 1.67% 48 0.23%
8 157 0.17% 113 0.16% 743153 1.48% 6 0.03%
9 47 0.05% 44 0.06% 715981 1.42% 1 0.00%
10 145 0.15% 144 0.20% 701643 1.40% 12 0.06%

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 731 0.77% 40 0.06% 16237 0.03% 1 0.00% arb

Usage by Country for January 2013

Top 30 of 88 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 31557 33.42% 27826 38.69% 8271498 16.45% Unresolved/Unknown
2 30546 32.35% 18904 26.29% 21745145 43.24% Network (net)
3 16795 17.79% 13663 19.00% 15535680 30.90% Commercial (com)
4 3463 3.67% 2261 3.14% 63306 0.13% China
5 1429 1.51% 1237 1.72% 22032 0.04% Russian Federation
6 1010 1.07% 667 0.93% 2106656 4.19% US Government (gov)
7 967 1.02% 781 1.09% 88898 0.18% Ukraine
8 860 0.91% 710 0.99% 10444 0.02% Germany
9 729 0.77% 676 0.94% 8231 0.02% Switzerland
10 563 0.60% 559 0.78% 3455 0.01% Generic TLD (info)
11 549 0.58% 433 0.60% 1212296 2.41% Educational (edu)
12 538 0.57% 501 0.70% 85977 0.17% Italy
13 483 0.51% 418 0.58% 4067 0.01% Japan
14 413 0.44% 377 0.52% 75259 0.15% Canada
15 385 0.41% 354 0.49% 9265 0.02% Australia
16 326 0.35% 266 0.37% 9806 0.02% Netherlands
17 261 0.28% 225 0.31% 4885 0.01% France
18 243 0.26% 204 0.28% 558057 1.11% Non-Profit (org)
19 239 0.25% 214 0.30% 3389 0.01% Brazil
20 222 0.24% 203 0.28% 5643 0.01% Mexico
21 216 0.23% 176 0.24% 1540 0.00% Poland
22 212 0.22% 184 0.26% 73550 0.15% India
23 182 0.19% 144 0.20% 1205 0.00% Lithuania
24 165 0.17% 122 0.17% 1192 0.00% Sweden
25 131 0.14% 122 0.17% 3890 0.01% Romania
26 119 0.13% 108 0.15% 1053 0.00% Hungary
27 117 0.12% 60 0.08% 182253 0.36% US Military (mil)
28 111 0.12% 85 0.12% 5285 0.01% Belgium
29 109 0.12% 104 0.14% 1027 0.00% Denmark
30 100 0.11% 87 0.12% 872 0.00% Czech Republic

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23