Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: March 2009
Generated 01-Apr-2009 04:20 CDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Users] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2009
Total Hits 46506
Total Files 32987
Total Pages 12606
Total Visits 7032
Total KBytes 32575534
Total Unique Sites 3012
Total Unique URLs 214
Total Unique Usernames 1
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 62 294
Hits per Day 1500 2081
Files per Day 1064 1405
Pages per Day 406 614
Visits per Day 226 287
KBytes per Day 1050824 2763132
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 21
Code 200 - OK 32987
Code 204 - No Content 21
Code 206 - Partial Content 5549
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 88
Code 302 - Found 28
Code 304 - Not Modified 3940
Code 400 - Bad Request 14
Code 401 - Unauthorized 51
Code 403 - Forbidden 172
Code 404 - Not Found 3601
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 34

Daily usage for March 2009

Daily Statistics for March 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1613 3.47% 1068 3.24% 398 3.16% 226 3.21% 164 5.44% 1519748 4.67%
2 2081 4.47% 1246 3.78% 481 3.82% 272 3.87% 198 6.57% 1044382 3.21%
3 1771 3.81% 1185 3.59% 465 3.69% 255 3.63% 198 6.57% 765181 2.35%
4 1869 4.02% 1239 3.76% 414 3.28% 243 3.46% 165 5.48% 745974 2.29%
5 1625 3.49% 1232 3.73% 394 3.13% 236 3.36% 187 6.21% 1202790 3.69%
6 1969 4.23% 1283 3.89% 588 4.66% 243 3.46% 167 5.54% 1977732 6.07%
7 1706 3.67% 1111 3.37% 452 3.59% 211 3.00% 147 4.88% 2419460 7.43%
8 1285 2.76% 1019 3.09% 392 3.11% 188 2.67% 127 4.22% 1317513 4.04%
9 1278 2.75% 952 2.89% 321 2.55% 191 2.72% 148 4.91% 536710 1.65%
10 1353 2.91% 937 2.84% 399 3.17% 196 2.79% 134 4.45% 453664 1.39%
11 1322 2.84% 1050 3.18% 356 2.82% 219 3.11% 174 5.78% 300889 0.92%
12 1346 2.89% 1004 3.04% 357 2.83% 208 2.96% 147 4.88% 451423 1.39%
13 1777 3.82% 1264 3.83% 472 3.74% 262 3.73% 180 5.98% 1081870 3.32%
14 1410 3.03% 938 2.84% 421 3.34% 212 3.01% 130 4.32% 971135 2.98%
15 1738 3.74% 1041 3.16% 614 4.87% 287 4.08% 153 5.08% 952378 2.92%
16 1423 3.06% 977 2.96% 462 3.66% 227 3.23% 169 5.61% 437762 1.34%
17 1341 2.88% 1106 3.35% 375 2.97% 237 3.37% 167 5.54% 1123481 3.45%
18 1699 3.65% 1209 3.67% 394 3.13% 216 3.07% 156 5.18% 2763132 8.48%
19 1888 4.06% 1405 4.26% 463 3.67% 270 3.84% 194 6.44% 1655705 5.08%
20 1621 3.49% 1239 3.76% 544 4.32% 267 3.80% 175 5.81% 875350 2.69%
21 1314 2.83% 951 2.88% 403 3.20% 247 3.51% 174 5.78% 1195397 3.67%
22 1779 3.83% 927 2.81% 365 2.90% 225 3.20% 154 5.11% 1515306 4.65%
23 1072 2.31% 815 2.47% 313 2.48% 191 2.72% 139 4.61% 661172 2.03%
24 1352 2.91% 1057 3.20% 356 2.82% 211 3.00% 156 5.18% 1067988 3.28%
25 1568 3.37% 1142 3.46% 365 2.90% 244 3.47% 183 6.08% 1286640 3.95%
26 1323 2.84% 1041 3.16% 394 3.13% 209 2.97% 159 5.28% 672625 2.06%
27 1270 2.73% 1059 3.21% 331 2.63% 226 3.21% 172 5.71% 591301 1.82%
28 998 2.15% 757 2.29% 260 2.06% 199 2.83% 165 5.48% 1086567 3.34%
29 902 1.94% 647 1.96% 235 1.86% 165 2.35% 103 3.42% 546304 1.68%
30 1293 2.78% 1028 3.12% 393 3.12% 238 3.38% 172 5.71% 846713 2.60%
31 1520 3.27% 1058 3.21% 429 3.40% 218 3.10% 170 5.64% 509241 1.56%

Hourly usage for March 2009

Hourly Statistics for March 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 45 1402 3.01% 36 1142 3.46% 14 444 3.52% 23035 714084 2.19%
1 38 1200 2.58% 30 958 2.90% 12 375 2.97% 42727 1324524 4.07%
2 36 1138 2.45% 28 890 2.70% 9 305 2.42% 22430 695342 2.13%
3 48 1499 3.22% 39 1226 3.72% 16 510 4.05% 19312 598675 1.84%
4 45 1401 3.01% 37 1171 3.55% 12 396 3.14% 51973 1611148 4.95%
5 44 1386 2.98% 38 1193 3.62% 13 428 3.40% 14144 438469 1.35%
6 46 1439 3.09% 34 1069 3.24% 14 439 3.48% 25439 788619 2.42%
7 51 1595 3.43% 39 1210 3.67% 13 421 3.34% 29980 929368 2.85%
8 63 1971 4.24% 46 1446 4.38% 16 510 4.05% 28863 894751 2.75%
9 79 2477 5.33% 52 1637 4.96% 18 567 4.50% 27488 852127 2.62%
10 79 2452 5.27% 53 1669 5.06% 21 670 5.31% 88715 2750152 8.44%
11 82 2566 5.52% 60 1887 5.72% 19 601 4.77% 60171 1865287 5.73%
12 71 2216 4.76% 50 1557 4.72% 18 572 4.54% 35784 1109297 3.41%
13 74 2307 4.96% 48 1518 4.60% 16 501 3.97% 29359 910128 2.79%
14 89 2764 5.94% 64 1989 6.03% 18 580 4.60% 57482 1781942 5.47%
15 82 2551 5.49% 59 1840 5.58% 18 572 4.54% 66830 2071743 6.36%
16 73 2264 4.87% 52 1640 4.97% 18 576 4.57% 55203 1711281 5.25%
17 55 1729 3.72% 37 1162 3.52% 16 521 4.13% 45420 1408035 4.32%
18 54 1677 3.61% 39 1233 3.74% 16 513 4.07% 39358 1220101 3.75%
19 69 2143 4.61% 42 1304 3.95% 16 503 3.99% 54009 1674284 5.14%
20 80 2496 5.37% 49 1548 4.69% 18 565 4.48% 78413 2430801 7.46%
21 78 2436 5.24% 49 1543 4.68% 21 654 5.19% 82437 2555554 7.85%
22 57 1784 3.84% 36 1137 3.45% 24 746 5.92% 34108 1057354 3.25%
23 52 1613 3.47% 32 1018 3.09% 20 637 5.05% 38144 1182467 3.63%

Top 30 of 214 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3361 7.23% 38315 0.12% /
2 2420 5.20% 704315 2.16% /~HRInstructor/Extra/2008 Extra Class 2.00 Syllabus-1.2009.pdf
3 1552 3.34% 542925 1.67% /~HRInstructor/Technician/Technician Study Guide 2.1.pdf
4 1495 3.21% 182 0.00% /robots.txt
5 1005 2.16% 1611 0.00% /~HRInstructor/
6 865 1.86% 7292 0.02% /webdav/arb/arb.ics
7 840 1.81% 325319 1.00% /~HRInstructor/Technician/Technician Study Guide 2.0.pdf
8 831 1.79% 4983 0.02% /button8.swf
9 830 1.78% 4751 0.01% /button4.swf
10 829 1.78% 4931 0.02% /button3.swf
11 826 1.78% 5014 0.02% /button5.swf
12 821 1.77% 4936 0.02% /button6.swf
13 809 1.74% 15055 0.05% /os9faq.html
14 805 1.73% 4770 0.01% /button10.swf
15 798 1.72% 5212 0.02% /button9.swf
16 797 1.71% 5309 0.02% /button15.swf
17 787 1.69% 2349 0.01% /Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js
18 772 1.66% 4973 0.02% /button16.swf
19 767 1.65% 4967 0.02% /button17.swf
20 585 1.26% 2862 0.01% /~HRInstructor/General/
21 521 1.12% 2071 0.01% /~HRInstructor/Technician/
22 464 1.00% 2198 0.01% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/
23 443 0.95% 4127 0.01% /wwa.html
24 382 0.82% 853 0.00% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/
25 310 0.67% 1891 0.01% /os9ugfaq.html
26 310 0.67% 300 0.00% /~HRInstructor/Extra/
27 308 0.66% 346886 1.06% /~HRInstructor/General/G7_
28 274 0.59% 1446 0.00% /button13.swf
29 269 0.58% 1611 0.00% /button11.swf
30 250 0.54% 1608 0.00% /button12.swf

Top 10 of 214 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 162 0.35% 9870645 30.30% /~HRInstructor/amateur_radio_today.mpg
2 99 0.21% 3802410 11.67% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/Tsunami_HamRadio.mpeg
3 94 0.20% 3440493 10.56% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Radio Merit Badge - KF5WT - Ham Com 2007.ppt
4 96 0.21% 1787708 5.49% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/BPL-and-HF-web.mpg
5 74 0.16% 1342542 4.12% /~HRInstructor/General/2009 General Class Syllabus AD7FO.doc
6 41 0.09% 920165 2.82% /~HRInstructor/General/Zipped
7 53 0.11% 740654 2.27% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/NBC4NY_101505.wmv
8 2420 5.20% 704315 2.16% /~HRInstructor/Extra/2008 Extra Class 2.00 Syllabus-1.2009.pdf
9 1552 3.34% 542925 1.67% /~HRInstructor/Technician/Technician Study Guide 2.1.pdf
10 87 0.19% 482286 1.48% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/MVI_0953.AVI

Top 10 of 69 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3361 7.23% 2901 42.09% /
2 809 1.74% 713 10.34% /os9faq.html
3 1005 2.16% 616 8.94% /~HRInstructor/
4 464 1.00% 251 3.64% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/
5 443 0.95% 237 3.44% /wwa.html
6 230 0.49% 191 2.77% /guest.html
7 382 0.82% 180 2.61% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/
8 183 0.39% 159 2.31% /~WB5QNG/inforequest.html
9 585 1.26% 149 2.16% /~HRInstructor/General/
10 310 0.67% 145 2.10% /os9ugfaq.html

Top 10 of 77 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3361 7.23% 2767 40.07% /
2 809 1.74% 656 9.50% /os9faq.html
3 1005 2.16% 287 4.16% /~HRInstructor/
4 464 1.00% 271 3.92% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/
5 443 0.95% 249 3.61% /wwa.html
6 521 1.12% 215 3.11% /~HRInstructor/Technician/
7 585 1.26% 213 3.08% /~HRInstructor/General/
8 230 0.49% 180 2.61% /guest.html
9 382 0.82% 177 2.56% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/
10 225 0.48% 167 2.42% /os9companies.html

Top 30 of 3012 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 735 1.58% 735 2.23% 9437 0.03% 735 10.45%
2 732 1.57% 732 2.22% 9398 0.03% 732 10.41%
3 689 1.48% 63 0.19% 4709 0.01% 2 0.03%
4 347 0.75% 228 0.69% 440219 1.35% 187 2.66%
5 281 0.60% 279 0.85% 71427 0.22% 1 0.01%
6 254 0.55% 254 0.77% 2320 0.01% 16 0.23%
7 233 0.50% 228 0.69% 610390 1.87% 7 0.10%
8 227 0.49% 227 0.69% 71659 0.22% 89 1.27%
9 227 0.49% 35 0.11% 1979 0.01% 1 0.01%
10 224 0.48% 148 0.45% 160061 0.49% 7 0.10%
11 224 0.48% 114 0.35% 189822 0.58% 9 0.13%
12 195 0.42% 101 0.31% 454227 1.39% 9 0.13%
13 193 0.42% 158 0.48% 141376 0.43% 16 0.23%
14 182 0.39% 91 0.28% 877 0.00% 6 0.09%
15 180 0.39% 180 0.55% 1621 0.00% 10 0.14%
16 178 0.38% 172 0.52% 1021 0.00% 1 0.01%
17 168 0.36% 161 0.49% 19617 0.06% 4 0.06%
18 165 0.35% 147 0.45% 176438 0.54% 74 1.05%
19 164 0.35% 140 0.42% 251315 0.77% 64 0.91%
20 163 0.35% 150 0.45% 133860 0.41% 59 0.84%
21 161 0.35% 157 0.48% 41602 0.13% 3 0.04%
22 155 0.33% 125 0.38% 27506 0.08% 2 0.03%
23 154 0.33% 74 0.22% 11442 0.04% 1 0.01%
24 147 0.32% 141 0.43% 170655 0.52% 3 0.04%
25 146 0.31% 146 0.44% 1054 0.00% 32 0.46%
26 145 0.31% 109 0.33% 432584 1.33% 3 0.04%
27 145 0.31% 141 0.43% 459762 1.41% 6 0.09%
28 144 0.31% 88 0.27% 138786 0.43% 2 0.03%
29 141 0.30% 131 0.40% 377913 1.16% 6 0.09%
30 137 0.29% 137 0.42% 920 0.00% 1 0.01%

Top 10 of 3012 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 68 0.15% 66 0.20% 1146668 3.52% 1 0.01%
2 128 0.28% 128 0.39% 891811 2.74% 0 0.00%
3 125 0.27% 125 0.38% 888985 2.73% 0 0.00%
4 135 0.29% 135 0.41% 783013 2.40% 0 0.00%
5 49 0.11% 44 0.13% 753684 2.31% 1 0.01%
6 69 0.15% 69 0.21% 707128 2.17% 13 0.18%
7 233 0.50% 228 0.69% 610390 1.87% 7 0.10%
8 118 0.25% 118 0.36% 581536 1.79% 0 0.00%
9 129 0.28% 128 0.39% 548878 1.68% 11 0.16%
10 87 0.19% 62 0.19% 481232 1.48% 2 0.03%

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 865 1.86% 72 0.22% 7292 0.02% 1 0.01% arb

Usage by Country for March 2009

Top 30 of 75 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 16480 35.44% 12918 39.16% 13173395 40.44% network (.net)
2 10218 21.97% 8521 25.83% 7798994 23.94% commercial (.com)
3 10036 21.58% 8726 26.45% 9735457 29.89% unresolved
4 1803 3.88% 1568 4.75% 15675 0.05% Switzerland
5 980 2.11% 823 2.49% 11943 0.04% Italy
6 663 1.43% 519 1.57% 4874 0.01% Japan
7 569 1.22% 504 1.53% 118908 0.37% US educational (.edu)
8 530 1.14% 433 1.31% 172653 0.53% Russia
9 482 1.04% 425 1.29% 178570 0.55% India
10 419 0.90% 314 0.95% 485232 1.49% US Military (.mil)
11 416 0.89% 316 0.96% 24540 0.08% Canada
12 411 0.88% 371 1.12% 203417 0.62% Germany
13 353 0.76% 310 0.94% 371536 1.14% organizations (.org)
14 285 0.61% 263 0.80% 2401 0.01% Netherlands
15 254 0.55% 254 0.77% 2320 0.01% Ireland
16 245 0.53% 219 0.66% 2275 0.01% France
17 231 0.50% 200 0.61% 20663 0.06% United Kingdom
18 205 0.44% 182 0.55% 1599 0.00% Poland
19 200 0.43% 157 0.48% 5341 0.02% Australia
20 130 0.28% 122 0.37% 13275 0.04% US governmental (.gov)
21 116 0.25% 93 0.28% 7597 0.02% Brazil
22 114 0.25% 101 0.31% 849 0.00% Sweden
23 105 0.23% 92 0.28% 164932 0.51% Belgium
24 89 0.19% 81 0.25% 716 0.00% People's Republic of China
25 83 0.18% 73 0.22% 18907 0.06% Pakistan
26 81 0.17% 55 0.17% 411 0.00% Hungary
27 74 0.16% 70 0.21% 695 0.00% New Zealand
28 68 0.15% 63 0.19% 10900 0.03% United States of America
29 63 0.14% 56 0.17% 555 0.00% Austria
30 63 0.14% 58 0.18% 529 0.00% Czech Republic

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01