Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2008
Generated 01-Nov-2008 04:20 CDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Users] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2008
Total Hits 27392
Total Files 20178
Total Pages 7305
Total Visits 4404
Total KBytes 12198667
Total Unique Sites 2005
Total Unique URLs 238
Total Unique Usernames 1
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 57 627
Hits per Day 1369 1827
Files per Day 1008 1216
Pages per Day 365 601
Visits per Day 220 308
KBytes per Day 609933 1681180
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 19
Code 200 - OK 20178
Code 204 - No Content 19
Code 206 - Partial Content 2567
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 49
Code 302 - Found 11
Code 304 - Not Modified 2540
Code 400 - Bad Request 7
Code 401 - Unauthorized 33
Code 403 - Forbidden 56
Code 404 - Not Found 1843
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 66
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 4

Daily usage for October 2008

Daily Statistics for October 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
12 722 2.64% 573 2.84% 245 3.35% 132 3.00% 101 5.04% 1229014 10.07%
13 1572 5.74% 1206 5.98% 358 4.90% 225 5.11% 186 9.28% 512619 4.20%
14 1635 5.97% 1159 5.74% 374 5.12% 241 5.47% 180 8.98% 720823 5.91%
15 1827 6.67% 1124 5.57% 409 5.60% 219 4.97% 174 8.68% 347284 2.85%
16 1458 5.32% 975 4.83% 348 4.76% 214 4.86% 146 7.28% 1058167 8.67%
17 1158 4.23% 953 4.72% 275 3.76% 190 4.31% 141 7.03% 285401 2.34%
18 1234 4.50% 927 4.59% 289 3.96% 191 4.34% 148 7.38% 315026 2.58%
19 1166 4.26% 863 4.28% 332 4.54% 205 4.65% 148 7.38% 329454 2.70%
20 1305 4.76% 1014 5.03% 373 5.11% 225 5.11% 174 8.68% 486021 3.98%
21 1650 6.02% 1144 5.67% 389 5.33% 250 5.68% 189 9.43% 520136 4.26%
22 1166 4.26% 896 4.44% 295 4.04% 216 4.90% 165 8.23% 316146 2.59%
23 1728 6.31% 1086 5.38% 601 8.23% 308 6.99% 182 9.08% 1681180 13.78%
24 1290 4.71% 1035 5.13% 299 4.09% 220 5.00% 190 9.48% 113876 0.93%
25 984 3.59% 728 3.61% 351 4.80% 223 5.06% 137 6.83% 376692 3.09%
26 1107 4.04% 902 4.47% 384 5.26% 223 5.06% 163 8.13% 157025 1.29%
27 1528 5.58% 1187 5.88% 450 6.16% 221 5.02% 147 7.33% 457131 3.75%
28 1472 5.37% 1169 5.79% 411 5.63% 222 5.04% 168 8.38% 1147737 9.41%
29 1228 4.48% 931 4.61% 386 5.28% 220 5.00% 183 9.13% 775151 6.35%
30 1621 5.92% 1216 6.03% 394 5.39% 238 5.40% 174 8.68% 1027027 8.42%
31 1541 5.63% 1090 5.40% 342 4.68% 226 5.13% 185 9.23% 342754 2.81%

Hourly usage for October 2008

Hourly Statistics for October 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 36 735 2.68% 28 567 2.81% 13 261 3.57% 4315 86304 0.71%
1 37 741 2.71% 30 608 3.01% 10 212 2.90% 17202 344046 2.82%
2 34 681 2.49% 29 598 2.96% 11 225 3.08% 12526 250518 2.05%
3 42 852 3.11% 33 668 3.31% 10 203 2.78% 4562 91250 0.75%
4 42 845 3.08% 37 740 3.67% 12 242 3.31% 4767 95335 0.78%
5 44 897 3.27% 37 745 3.69% 13 265 3.63% 9039 180777 1.48%
6 46 937 3.42% 41 828 4.10% 10 215 2.94% 18618 372363 3.05%
7 59 1194 4.36% 46 938 4.65% 13 276 3.78% 14870 297402 2.44%
8 69 1386 5.06% 50 1011 5.01% 17 352 4.82% 18031 360623 2.96%
9 80 1614 5.89% 60 1207 5.98% 18 366 5.01% 12272 245445 2.01%
10 63 1270 4.64% 48 967 4.79% 14 294 4.02% 26532 530635 4.35%
11 61 1225 4.47% 41 821 4.07% 14 297 4.07% 29183 583664 4.78%
12 105 2101 7.67% 63 1270 6.29% 35 701 9.60% 71129 1422578 11.66%
13 80 1609 5.87% 62 1252 6.20% 21 425 5.82% 44449 888988 7.29%
14 66 1323 4.83% 48 978 4.85% 15 317 4.34% 66336 1326711 10.88%
15 63 1270 4.64% 46 938 4.65% 13 274 3.75% 22952 459036 3.76%
16 67 1356 4.95% 49 988 4.90% 15 303 4.15% 52497 1049931 8.61%
17 74 1483 5.41% 55 1107 5.49% 21 423 5.79% 98959 1979175 16.22%
18 53 1063 3.88% 34 682 3.38% 14 291 3.98% 20060 401194 3.29%
19 34 692 2.53% 25 515 2.55% 10 216 2.96% 24290 485803 3.98%
20 41 821 3.00% 31 624 3.09% 12 241 3.30% 2475 49504 0.41%
21 49 992 3.62% 30 619 3.07% 12 257 3.52% 12062 241246 1.98%
22 61 1231 4.49% 38 778 3.86% 16 339 4.64% 14492 289848 2.38%
23 53 1074 3.92% 36 729 3.61% 15 310 4.24% 8314 166288 1.36%

Top 30 of 238 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1960 7.16% 23378 0.19% /
2 1664 6.07% 695831 5.70% /~HRInstructor/Technician/Technician Study Guide 2.1.pdf
3 1069 3.90% 129 0.00% /robots.txt
4 710 2.59% 4094 0.03% /webdav/arb/arb.ics
5 591 2.16% 3692 0.03% /button8.swf
6 590 2.15% 3480 0.03% /button4.swf
7 587 2.14% 3640 0.03% /button6.swf
8 580 2.12% 3653 0.03% /button5.swf
9 576 2.10% 3557 0.03% /button3.swf
10 573 2.09% 3480 0.03% /button10.swf
11 571 2.08% 3833 0.03% /button9.swf
12 562 2.05% 907 0.01% /~HRInstructor/
13 559 2.04% 3711 0.03% /button16.swf
14 552 2.02% 3794 0.03% /button15.swf
15 551 2.01% 3642 0.03% /button17.swf
16 510 1.86% 9401 0.08% /os9faq.html
17 473 1.73% 1430 0.01% /Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js
18 390 1.42% 204634 1.68% /~HRInstructor/Technician/Technician Study Guide 2.0.pdf
19 359 1.31% 2672 0.02% /guest.html
20 326 1.19% 842 0.01% /cgi-bin/
21 297 1.08% 1158 0.01% /~HRInstructor/Technician/
22 262 0.96% 2391 0.02% /wwa.html
23 259 0.95% 946 0.01% /~HRInstructor/General/
24 237 0.87% 565 0.00% /~HRInstructor/Extra/
25 204 0.74% 489 0.00% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/
26 172 0.63% 977 0.01% /button13.swf
27 169 0.62% 1048 0.01% /button11.swf
28 162 0.59% 1044 0.01% /button12.swf
29 157 0.57% 2583 0.02% /ftparchive.html
30 150 0.55% 1379 0.01% /~WB5QNG/inforequest.html

Top 10 of 238 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 62 0.23% 3902172 31.99% /~HRInstructor/amateur_radio_today.mpg
2 57 0.21% 1777121 14.57% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Radio Merit Badge - KF5WT - Ham Com 2007.ppt
3 11 0.04% 813410 6.67% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/Tsunami_HamRadio.mpeg
4 1664 6.07% 695831 5.70% /~HRInstructor/Technician/Technician Study Guide 2.1.pdf
5 100 0.37% 365164 2.99% /~HRInstructor/General/G4_
6 85 0.31% 354955 2.91% /~HRInstructor/General/G1_
7 83 0.30% 260182 2.13% /~HRInstructor/Technician/T1_
8 16 0.06% 214783 1.76% /~HRInstructor/Radio MB/Merit Badge Video Clips/Hello-Movie.wmv
9 134 0.49% 206028 1.69% /~HRInstructor/General/QA G1-G0 only 4-5-2007.ppt
10 390 1.42% 204634 1.68% /~HRInstructor/Technician/Technician Study Guide 2.0.pdf

Top 10 of 56 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1960 7.16% 1762 41.42% /
2 510 1.86% 460 10.81% /os9faq.html
3 359 1.31% 310 7.29% /guest.html
4 562 2.05% 304 7.15% /~HRInstructor/
5 150 0.55% 130 3.06% /~WB5QNG/inforequest.html
6 262 0.96% 129 3.03% /wwa.html
7 121 0.44% 102 2.40% /os9ugfaq.html
8 259 0.95% 91 2.14% /~HRInstructor/General/
9 237 0.87% 88 2.07% /~HRInstructor/Extra/
10 297 1.08% 88 2.07% /~HRInstructor/Technician/

Top 10 of 62 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1960 7.16% 1690 39.54% /
2 510 1.86% 418 9.78% /os9faq.html
3 359 1.31% 301 7.04% /guest.html
4 562 2.05% 183 4.28% /~HRInstructor/
5 150 0.55% 134 3.14% /~WB5QNG/inforequest.html
6 262 0.96% 132 3.09% /wwa.html
7 237 0.87% 125 2.92% /~HRInstructor/Extra/
8 297 1.08% 118 2.76% /~HRInstructor/Technician/
9 121 0.44% 110 2.57% /os9ugfaq.html
10 259 0.95% 105 2.46% /~HRInstructor/General/

Top 30 of 2005 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 637 2.33% 44 0.22% 3302 0.03% 1 0.02%
2 560 2.04% 495 2.45% 306309 2.51% 124 2.82%
3 484 1.77% 481 2.38% 790263 6.48% 67 1.52%
4 475 1.73% 475 2.35% 6098 0.05% 475 10.79%
5 472 1.72% 472 2.34% 6060 0.05% 472 10.72%
6 258 0.94% 255 1.26% 257632 2.11% 0 0.00%
7 214 0.78% 147 0.73% 409431 3.36% 14 0.32%
8 199 0.73% 154 0.76% 181527 1.49% 2 0.05%
9 185 0.68% 185 0.92% 1381 0.01% 155 3.52%
10 182 0.66% 174 0.86% 37993 0.31% 4 0.09%
11 176 0.64% 174 0.86% 21148 0.17% 1 0.02%
12 175 0.64% 137 0.68% 417857 3.43% 1 0.02%
13 166 0.61% 166 0.82% 32134 0.26% 0 0.00%
14 163 0.60% 139 0.69% 75396 0.62% 1 0.02%
15 156 0.57% 44 0.22% 406 0.00% 2 0.05%
16 150 0.55% 29 0.14% 269 0.00% 2 0.05%
17 142 0.52% 142 0.70% 1288 0.01% 11 0.25%
18 142 0.52% 132 0.65% 28409 0.23% 1 0.02%
19 139 0.51% 121 0.60% 50395 0.41% 10 0.23%
20 136 0.50% 55 0.27% 467 0.00% 1 0.02%
21 135 0.49% 71 0.35% 112590 0.92% 6 0.14%
22 134 0.49% 97 0.48% 477014 3.91% 1 0.02%
23 121 0.44% 109 0.54% 775 0.01% 28 0.64%
24 119 0.43% 111 0.55% 187912 1.54% 5 0.11%
25 119 0.43% 108 0.54% 200442 1.64% 37 0.84%
26 115 0.42% 81 0.40% 41485 0.34% 1 0.02%
27 111 0.41% 101 0.50% 45079 0.37% 33 0.75%
28 110 0.40% 106 0.53% 17154 0.14% 2 0.05%
29 104 0.38% 58 0.29% 469 0.00% 3 0.07%
30 104 0.38% 36 0.18% 859 0.01% 1 0.02%

Top 10 of 2005 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 83 0.30% 80 0.40% 892910 7.32% 2 0.05%
2 484 1.77% 481 2.38% 790263 6.48% 67 1.52%
3 91 0.33% 87 0.43% 585580 4.80% 4 0.09%
4 134 0.49% 97 0.48% 477014 3.91% 1 0.02%
5 175 0.64% 137 0.68% 417857 3.43% 1 0.02%
6 214 0.78% 147 0.73% 409431 3.36% 14 0.32%
7 42 0.15% 26 0.13% 398275 3.26% 1 0.02%
8 103 0.38% 102 0.51% 356662 2.92% 6 0.14%
9 560 2.04% 495 2.45% 306309 2.51% 124 2.82%
10 34 0.12% 29 0.14% 265077 2.17% 1 0.02%

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 710 2.59% 54 0.27% 4094 0.03% 1 0.02% arb

Usage by Country for October 2008

Top 30 of 66 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 9130 33.33% 7140 35.39% 7091568 58.13% network (.net)
2 6357 23.21% 5372 26.62% 2151001 17.63% unresolved
3 5309 19.38% 4576 22.68% 1640216 13.45% commercial (.com)
4 1373 5.01% 1151 5.70% 27005 0.22% Switzerland
5 907 3.31% 828 4.10% 8110 0.07% Italy
6 537 1.96% 463 2.29% 217369 1.78% Germany
7 504 1.84% 345 1.71% 203437 1.67% Japan
8 478 1.75% 437 2.17% 268481 2.20% US governmental (.gov)
9 398 1.45% 315 1.56% 125570 1.03% Russia
10 271 0.99% 255 1.26% 72933 0.60% US Military (.mil)
11 169 0.62% 157 0.78% 1416 0.01% Belgium
12 141 0.51% 133 0.66% 6419 0.05% France
13 129 0.47% 121 0.60% 1211 0.01% Sweden
14 119 0.43% 119 0.59% 1092 0.01% Ireland
15 114 0.42% 103 0.51% 1851 0.02% US educational (.edu)
16 113 0.41% 104 0.52% 855 0.01% Czech Republic
17 107 0.39% 95 0.47% 870 0.01% Denmark
18 94 0.34% 86 0.43% 950 0.01% Netherlands
19 88 0.32% 80 0.40% 1491 0.01% Australia
20 83 0.30% 68 0.34% 685 0.01% United Kingdom
21 73 0.27% 69 0.34% 593 0.00% Poland
22 72 0.26% 64 0.32% 265435 2.18% United States of America
23 64 0.23% 15 0.07% 15721 0.13% Taiwan (Republic of China)
24 62 0.23% 55 0.27% 512 0.00% Canada
25 59 0.22% 48 0.24% 9798 0.08% India
26 57 0.21% 53 0.26% 3309 0.03% Spain
27 42 0.15% 26 0.13% 5740 0.05% People's Republic of China
28 41 0.15% 34 0.17% 338 0.00% address and routing parameter area (.arpa)
29 41 0.15% 27 0.13% 1082 0.01% Romania
30 37 0.14% 30 0.15% 307 0.00% organizations (.org)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01