Usage Statistics for rtsisrv

Summary Period: November 2002
Generated 17-Nov-2002 04:02 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2002
Total Hits 6181
Total Files 5240
Total Pages 2262
Total Visits 1258
Total KBytes 49135
Total Unique Sites 1101
Total Unique URLs 36
Total Unique Referrers 163
Total Unique User Agents 312
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 15 83
Hits per Day 363 607
Files per Day 308 520
Pages per Day 133 211
Visits per Day 74 104
KBytes per Day 2890 4539
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 5240
Code 206 - Partial Content 42
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1
Code 304 - Not Modified 566
Code 400 - Bad Request 43
Code 404 - Not Found 229
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 1
Code 408 - Request Timeout 59

Daily usage for November 2002

Daily Statistics for November 2002
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 446 7.22% 385 7.35% 162 7.16% 89 7.07% 97 8.81% 3925 7.99%
2 211 3.41% 156 2.98% 78 3.45% 46 3.66% 56 5.09% 1541 3.14%
3 184 2.98% 148 2.82% 73 3.23% 48 3.82% 62 5.63% 1343 2.73%
4 420 6.80% 359 6.85% 157 6.94% 99 7.87% 95 8.63% 3259 6.63%
5 366 5.92% 309 5.90% 141 6.23% 79 6.28% 95 8.63% 3230 6.57%
6 328 5.31% 271 5.17% 143 6.32% 91 7.23% 80 7.27% 3039 6.18%
7 541 8.75% 458 8.74% 190 8.40% 104 8.27% 100 9.08% 4202 8.55%
8 435 7.04% 318 6.07% 140 6.19% 75 5.96% 75 6.81% 2615 5.32%
9 293 4.74% 241 4.60% 117 5.17% 66 5.25% 73 6.63% 2268 4.62%
10 220 3.56% 182 3.47% 97 4.29% 55 4.37% 63 5.72% 1691 3.44%
11 465 7.52% 405 7.73% 166 7.34% 90 7.15% 100 9.08% 3739 7.61%
12 429 6.94% 405 7.73% 160 7.07% 83 6.60% 97 8.81% 3846 7.83%
13 607 9.82% 520 9.92% 211 9.33% 93 7.39% 97 8.81% 4539 9.24%
14 541 8.75% 469 8.95% 180 7.96% 90 7.15% 88 7.99% 4291 8.73%
15 349 5.65% 317 6.05% 129 5.70% 76 6.04% 91 8.27% 2908 5.92%
16 281 4.55% 246 4.69% 100 4.42% 62 4.93% 76 6.90% 2310 4.70%
17 65 1.05% 51 0.97% 18 0.80% 12 0.95% 21 1.91% 390 0.79%

Hourly usage for November 2002

Hourly Statistics for November 2002
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 9 168 2.72% 7 131 2.50% 3 64 2.83% 78 1330 2.71%
1 17 293 4.74% 14 248 4.73% 5 98 4.33% 122 2082 4.24%
2 14 241 3.90% 11 199 3.80% 6 105 4.64% 99 1685 3.43%
3 21 372 6.02% 18 310 5.92% 7 133 5.88% 161 2732 5.56%
4 11 198 3.20% 10 171 3.26% 4 81 3.58% 96 1636 3.33%
5 21 358 5.79% 17 290 5.53% 7 122 5.39% 156 2655 5.40%
6 17 291 4.71% 14 246 4.69% 6 109 4.82% 156 2644 5.38%
7 18 315 5.10% 16 275 5.25% 6 106 4.69% 154 2613 5.32%
8 18 313 5.06% 16 283 5.40% 6 105 4.64% 157 2669 5.43%
9 16 273 4.42% 13 234 4.47% 5 94 4.16% 144 2441 4.97%
10 21 364 5.89% 18 316 6.03% 6 118 5.22% 176 2987 6.08%
11 21 365 5.91% 18 319 6.09% 8 140 6.19% 211 3584 7.29%
12 19 334 5.40% 15 271 5.17% 6 116 5.13% 160 2714 5.52%
13 16 274 4.43% 14 251 4.79% 5 97 4.29% 137 2335 4.75%
14 14 248 4.01% 12 206 3.93% 4 79 3.49% 117 1986 4.04%
15 15 255 4.13% 13 222 4.24% 5 97 4.29% 130 2210 4.50%
16 13 223 3.61% 11 194 3.70% 5 93 4.11% 105 1778 3.62%
17 9 156 2.52% 7 132 2.52% 4 74 3.27% 63 1069 2.18%
18 13 228 3.69% 10 182 3.47% 4 81 3.58% 94 1592 3.24%
19 13 221 3.58% 10 174 3.32% 5 91 4.02% 85 1451 2.95%
20 13 230 3.72% 11 201 3.84% 4 83 3.67% 107 1816 3.70%
21 8 147 2.38% 7 127 2.42% 3 67 2.96% 66 1116 2.27%
22 9 165 2.67% 8 136 2.60% 4 69 3.05% 61 1040 2.12%
23 8 149 2.41% 7 122 2.33% 2 40 1.77% 57 970 1.97%

Top 16 of 36 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 677 10.95% 512 1.04% /
2 615 9.95% 10415 21.20% /os9faq.html
3 493 7.98% 1218 2.48% /home.shtml
4 480 7.77% 76 0.15% /banner.htm
5 201 3.25% 0 0.00% /robots.txt
6 140 2.27% 1258 2.56% /os9companies.html
7 80 1.29% 410 0.83% /os9ugfaq.html
8 76 1.23% 136 0.28% /products.htm
9 38 0.61% 103 0.21% /history.htm
10 35 0.57% 32 0.07% /key.htm
11 28 0.45% 0 0.00% /perl/
12 12 0.19% 39 0.08% /order.html
13 2 0.03% 2 0.00%
14 1 0.02% 1 0.00% /career.htm
15 1 0.02% 1 0.00% /perl/
16 1 0.02% 0 0.00% /perl/

Top 10 of 36 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 615 9.95% 10415 21.20% /os9faq.html
2 140 2.27% 1258 2.56% /os9companies.html
3 493 7.98% 1218 2.48% /home.shtml
4 677 10.95% 512 1.04% /
5 80 1.29% 410 0.83% /os9ugfaq.html
6 76 1.23% 136 0.28% /products.htm
7 38 0.61% 103 0.21% /history.htm
8 480 7.77% 76 0.15% /banner.htm
9 12 0.19% 39 0.08% /order.html
10 35 0.57% 32 0.07% /key.htm

Top 10 of 11 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 677 10.95% 566 46.93% /
2 615 9.95% 486 40.30% /os9faq.html
3 80 1.29% 61 5.06% /os9ugfaq.html
4 140 2.27% 31 2.57% /os9companies.html
5 480 7.77% 21 1.74% /banner.htm
6 35 0.57% 14 1.16% /key.htm
7 76 1.23% 13 1.08% /products.htm
8 38 0.61% 8 0.66% /history.htm
9 12 0.19% 3 0.25% /order.html
10 2 0.03% 2 0.17%

Top 10 of 12 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 615 9.95% 470 39.63% /os9faq.html
2 480 7.77% 288 24.28% /banner.htm
3 677 10.95% 169 14.25% /
4 140 2.27% 98 8.26% /os9companies.html
5 80 1.29% 64 5.40% /os9ugfaq.html
6 76 1.23% 47 3.96% /products.htm
7 38 0.61% 20 1.69% /history.htm
8 35 0.57% 18 1.52% /key.htm
9 12 0.19% 8 0.67% /order.html
10 2 0.03% 2 0.17%

Top 30 of 1101 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 107 1.73% 49 0.94% 363 0.74% 3 0.24%
2 89 1.44% 86 1.64% 77 0.16% 18 1.43%
3 78 1.26% 78 1.49% 977 1.99% 13 1.03%
4 64 1.04% 33 0.63% 298 0.61% 6 0.48%
5 49 0.79% 42 0.80% 93 0.19% 15 1.19%
6 48 0.78% 29 0.55% 210 0.43% 1 0.08%
7 41 0.66% 11 0.21% 0 0.00% 24 1.91%
8 40 0.65% 12 0.23% 0 0.00% 21 1.67%
9 38 0.61% 4 0.08% 0 0.00% 23 1.83%
10 37 0.60% 26 0.50% 94 0.19% 4 0.32%
11 36 0.58% 20 0.38% 176 0.36% 1 0.08%
12 35 0.57% 30 0.57% 262 0.53% 2 0.16%
13 35 0.57% 35 0.67% 302 0.62% 1 0.08%
14 34 0.55% 23 0.44% 176 0.36% 2 0.16%
15 34 0.55% 26 0.50% 186 0.38% 3 0.24%
16 34 0.55% 32 0.61% 196 0.40% 1 0.08%
17 33 0.53% 29 0.55% 221 0.45% 1 0.08%
18 33 0.53% 33 0.63% 262 0.53% 2 0.16%
19 32 0.52% 32 0.61% 456 0.93% 6 0.48%
20 29 0.47% 25 0.48% 227 0.46% 3 0.24%
21 29 0.47% 29 0.55% 272 0.55% 1 0.08%
22 29 0.47% 26 0.50% 248 0.51% 1 0.08%
23 29 0.47% 23 0.44% 225 0.46% 4 0.32%
24 28 0.45% 28 0.53% 270 0.55% 3 0.24%
25 28 0.45% 26 0.50% 386 0.79% 21 1.67%
26 28 0.45% 28 0.53% 185 0.38% 1 0.08%
27 27 0.44% 9 0.17% 27 0.05% 1 0.08%
28 27 0.44% 4 0.08% 0 0.00% 16 1.27%
29 26 0.42% 18 0.34% 116 0.24% 1 0.08%
30 26 0.42% 20 0.38% 170 0.35% 1 0.08%

Top 10 of 1101 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 78 1.26% 78 1.49% 977 1.99% 13 1.03%
2 32 0.52% 32 0.61% 456 0.93% 6 0.48%
3 28 0.45% 26 0.50% 386 0.79% 21 1.67%
4 107 1.73% 49 0.94% 363 0.74% 3 0.24%
5 35 0.57% 35 0.67% 302 0.62% 1 0.08%
6 64 1.04% 33 0.63% 298 0.61% 6 0.48%
7 29 0.47% 29 0.55% 272 0.55% 1 0.08%
8 28 0.45% 28 0.53% 270 0.55% 3 0.24%
9 35 0.57% 30 0.57% 262 0.53% 2 0.16%
10 33 0.53% 33 0.63% 262 0.53% 2 0.16%

Top 30 of 163 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1703 27.55% - (Direct Request)
2 116 1.88%
3 65 1.05%
4 51 0.83%
5 49 0.79%
6 28 0.45%
7 26 0.42%
8 23 0.37%
9 22 0.36%
10 21 0.34%
11 19 0.31%
12 10 0.16%
13 9 0.15%
14 9 0.15%
15 8 0.13%
16 8 0.13%
17 7 0.11%
18 6 0.10%
19 6 0.10%
20 6 0.10%
21 6 0.10%
22 5 0.08%
23 5 0.08%
24 5 0.08%
25 4 0.06%
26 4 0.06%
27 4 0.06% http://localhost/default.asp
28 4 0.06%
29 4 0.06%
30 4 0.06%

Top 20 of 83 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 25 17.61% os 9
2 17 11.97% os-9
3 6 4.23% os9
4 4 2.82% os9max
5 4 2.82% real time services
6 3 2.11% os/9
7 3 2.11% real-time services inc
8 2 1.41% gespac
9 2 1.41% os/9 -mac
10 2 1.41% rtsi
11 2 1.41% time services
12 1 0.70% 609-452-7374
13 1 0.70% 6809
14 1 0.70% 9 users
15 1 0.70% allan
16 1 0.70% audio/video decodersource codec
17 1 0.70% backup os 9 unix
18 1 0.70% c cross compiler for 68000 downloads
19 1 0.70% cd-i source code philips
20 1 0.70% compiler os 9

Top 15 of 312 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 587 9.50% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
2 387 6.26% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
3 311 5.03% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
4 297 4.81% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
5 245 3.96% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
6 225 3.64% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
7 136 2.20% Googlebot/2.1 (+
8 119 1.93% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
9 116 1.88% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 4.0)
10 105 1.70% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461)
11 98 1.59% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0)
12 95 1.54% Scooter/3.2.SF0
13 80 1.29% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
14 79 1.28% Mozilla/3.01 (compatible;)
15 78 1.26% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; Girafabot; gir

Usage by Country for November 2002

Top 30 of 45 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 1682 27.21% 1410 26.91% 13644 27.77% Unresolved/Unknown
2 1504 24.33% 1226 23.40% 9083 18.49% US Commercial
3 1063 17.20% 907 17.31% 8536 17.37% Network
4 280 4.53% 245 4.68% 3342 6.80% Switzerland
5 184 2.98% 171 3.26% 1581 3.22% Germany
6 174 2.82% 148 2.82% 1507 3.07% France
7 148 2.39% 137 2.61% 1532 3.12% Japan
8 135 2.18% 130 2.48% 1433 2.92% Italy
9 127 2.05% 96 1.83% 832 1.69% Poland
10 82 1.33% 82 1.56% 843 1.72% Netherlands
11 76 1.23% 76 1.45% 537 1.09% United Kingdom
12 69 1.12% 61 1.16% 638 1.30% Australia
13 63 1.02% 62 1.18% 640 1.30% Canada
14 50 0.81% 42 0.80% 433 0.88% US Military
15 47 0.76% 42 0.80% 470 0.96% US Government
16 46 0.74% 43 0.82% 422 0.86% Singapore
17 40 0.65% 38 0.73% 295 0.60% US Educational
18 40 0.65% 38 0.73% 361 0.73% Sweden
19 39 0.63% 31 0.59% 283 0.58% Spain
20 39 0.63% 31 0.59% 262 0.53% Romania
21 38 0.61% 38 0.73% 277 0.56% Belgium
22 38 0.61% 34 0.65% 327 0.66% Czech Republic
23 35 0.57% 35 0.67% 302 0.62% Slovenia
24 34 0.55% 34 0.65% 261 0.53% Korea (South)
25 21 0.34% 21 0.40% 146 0.30% India
26 20 0.32% 20 0.38% 170 0.35% Thailand
27 18 0.29% 15 0.29% 142 0.29% Hungary
28 18 0.29% 13 0.25% 154 0.31% Russian Federation
29 12 0.19% 7 0.13% 98 0.20% Non-Profit Organization
30 11 0.18% 8 0.15% 100 0.20% Old style Arpanet (arpa)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 <>