Usage Statistics for rtsisrv

Summary Period: September 2002
Generated 01-Oct-2002 04:02 CDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2002
Total Hits 12771
Total Files 10091
Total Pages 4374
Total Visits 2434
Total KBytes 100165
Total Unique Sites 2073
Total Unique URLs 34
Total Unique Referrers 215
Total Unique User Agents 532
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 17 103
Hits per Day 425 838
Files per Day 336 621
Pages per Day 145 260
Visits per Day 81 177
KBytes per Day 3339 5877
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 10091
Code 206 - Partial Content 61
Code 304 - Not Modified 1022
Code 400 - Bad Request 137
Code 404 - Not Found 1288
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 1
Code 408 - Request Timeout 171

Daily usage for September 2002

Daily Statistics for September 2002
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 306 2.40% 276 2.74% 109 2.49% 57 2.34% 57 2.75% 2751 2.75%
2 458 3.59% 370 3.67% 147 3.36% 78 3.20% 84 4.05% 3671 3.66%
3 359 2.81% 289 2.86% 129 2.95% 76 3.12% 94 4.53% 3009 3.00%
4 318 2.49% 262 2.60% 126 2.88% 76 3.12% 79 3.81% 2713 2.71%
5 476 3.73% 422 4.18% 161 3.68% 102 4.19% 101 4.87% 4037 4.03%
6 398 3.12% 336 3.33% 144 3.29% 83 3.41% 90 4.34% 3693 3.69%
7 342 2.68% 279 2.76% 123 2.81% 60 2.47% 65 3.14% 2694 2.69%
8 451 3.53% 333 3.30% 132 3.02% 62 2.55% 65 3.14% 2906 2.90%
9 710 5.56% 621 6.15% 260 5.94% 177 7.27% 181 8.73% 5877 5.87%
10 587 4.60% 487 4.83% 209 4.78% 126 5.18% 124 5.98% 4775 4.77%
11 577 4.52% 488 4.84% 207 4.73% 117 4.81% 117 5.64% 4940 4.93%
12 463 3.63% 379 3.76% 174 3.98% 100 4.11% 98 4.73% 3692 3.69%
13 414 3.24% 335 3.32% 166 3.80% 90 3.70% 105 5.07% 3160 3.15%
14 231 1.81% 189 1.87% 98 2.24% 64 2.63% 70 3.38% 1902 1.90%
15 301 2.36% 239 2.37% 111 2.54% 63 2.59% 67 3.23% 2322 2.32%
16 415 3.25% 371 3.68% 157 3.59% 85 3.49% 93 4.49% 3577 3.57%
17 385 3.01% 338 3.35% 154 3.52% 86 3.53% 85 4.10% 3483 3.48%
18 537 4.20% 348 3.45% 159 3.64% 91 3.74% 95 4.58% 3589 3.58%
19 838 6.56% 400 3.96% 170 3.89% 95 3.90% 102 4.92% 3980 3.97%
20 409 3.20% 344 3.41% 139 3.18% 74 3.04% 86 4.15% 3324 3.32%
21 271 2.12% 207 2.05% 99 2.26% 50 2.05% 51 2.46% 1886 1.88%
22 273 2.14% 220 2.18% 109 2.49% 55 2.26% 60 2.89% 2280 2.28%
23 544 4.26% 407 4.03% 164 3.75% 81 3.33% 81 3.91% 3849 3.84%
24 653 5.11% 442 4.38% 209 4.78% 104 4.27% 102 4.92% 4283 4.28%
25 443 3.47% 335 3.32% 139 3.18% 60 2.47% 70 3.38% 3703 3.70%
26 445 3.48% 411 4.07% 147 3.36% 75 3.08% 77 3.71% 3918 3.91%
27 414 3.24% 350 3.47% 159 3.64% 88 3.62% 92 4.44% 3859 3.85%
28 223 1.75% 167 1.65% 79 1.81% 44 1.81% 51 2.46% 1818 1.81%
29 168 1.32% 120 1.19% 67 1.53% 44 1.81% 46 2.22% 1299 1.30%
30 362 2.83% 326 3.23% 127 2.90% 72 2.96% 70 3.38% 3177 3.17%

Hourly usage for September 2002

Hourly Statistics for September 2002
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 13 397 3.11% 8 268 2.66% 4 121 2.77% 88 2644 2.64%
1 13 399 3.12% 11 335 3.32% 5 162 3.70% 122 3661 3.66%
2 17 521 4.08% 13 405 4.01% 5 178 4.07% 140 4187 4.18%
3 16 484 3.79% 12 376 3.73% 5 170 3.89% 123 3676 3.67%
4 15 479 3.75% 12 377 3.74% 5 171 3.91% 113 3376 3.37%
5 17 539 4.22% 14 426 4.22% 6 188 4.30% 151 4537 4.53%
6 22 677 5.30% 17 518 5.13% 7 214 4.89% 155 4659 4.65%
7 20 601 4.71% 15 457 4.53% 6 204 4.66% 181 5439 5.43%
8 18 563 4.41% 15 465 4.61% 6 185 4.23% 169 5071 5.06%
9 23 706 5.53% 20 602 5.97% 8 240 5.49% 211 6341 6.33%
10 25 757 5.93% 21 640 6.34% 7 237 5.42% 209 6266 6.26%
11 21 651 5.10% 18 555 5.50% 7 213 4.87% 181 5429 5.42%
12 20 602 4.71% 18 541 5.36% 6 207 4.73% 178 5353 5.34%
13 23 695 5.44% 18 544 5.39% 8 244 5.58% 171 5139 5.13%
14 21 632 4.95% 17 535 5.30% 7 231 5.28% 174 5227 5.22%
15 19 583 4.57% 15 462 4.58% 7 217 4.96% 157 4696 4.69%
16 18 566 4.43% 13 417 4.13% 5 157 3.59% 130 3896 3.89%
17 17 510 3.99% 12 384 3.81% 4 148 3.38% 112 3361 3.36%
18 11 353 2.76% 8 240 2.38% 4 134 3.06% 85 2539 2.54%
19 14 426 3.34% 9 292 2.89% 4 140 3.20% 94 2825 2.82%
20 11 341 2.67% 9 286 2.83% 4 140 3.20% 100 3005 3.00%
21 13 407 3.19% 9 288 2.85% 4 146 3.34% 91 2738 2.73%
22 17 518 4.06% 13 411 4.07% 6 199 4.55% 124 3724 3.72%
23 12 364 2.85% 8 267 2.65% 4 128 2.93% 79 2376 2.37%

Top 14 of 34 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1283 10.05% 23150 23.11% /os9faq.html
2 1242 9.73% 928 0.93% /
3 976 7.64% 2413 2.41% /home.shtml
4 914 7.16% 141 0.14% /banner.htm
5 265 2.08% 2519 2.51% /os9companies.html
6 207 1.62% 1105 1.10% /os9ugfaq.html
7 105 0.82% 203 0.20% /products.htm
8 49 0.38% 141 0.14% /history.htm
9 45 0.35% 46 0.05% /key.htm
10 40 0.31% 0 0.00% /perl/
11 18 0.14% 66 0.07% /order.html
12 2 0.02% 1 0.00% /career.htm
13 1 0.01% 0 0.00% /clock.htm
14 1 0.01% 1 0.00%

Top 10 of 34 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1283 10.05% 23150 23.11% /os9faq.html
2 265 2.08% 2519 2.51% /os9companies.html
3 976 7.64% 2413 2.41% /home.shtml
4 207 1.62% 1105 1.10% /os9ugfaq.html
5 1242 9.73% 928 0.93% /
6 105 0.82% 203 0.20% /products.htm
7 49 0.38% 141 0.14% /history.htm
8 914 7.16% 141 0.14% /banner.htm
9 18 0.14% 66 0.07% /order.html
10 45 0.35% 46 0.05% /key.htm

Top 10 of 12 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1242 9.73% 1031 44.25% /
2 1283 10.05% 1026 44.03% /os9faq.html
3 207 1.62% 146 6.27% /os9ugfaq.html
4 265 2.08% 48 2.06% /os9companies.html
5 914 7.16% 45 1.93% /banner.htm
6 49 0.38% 12 0.52% /history.htm
7 45 0.35% 8 0.34% /key.htm
8 105 0.82% 7 0.30% /products.htm
9 18 0.14% 3 0.13% /order.html
10 2 0.02% 2 0.09% /career.htm

Top 10 of 12 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1283 10.05% 972 42.73% /os9faq.html
2 914 7.16% 577 25.36% /banner.htm
3 1242 9.73% 295 12.97% /
4 265 2.08% 184 8.09% /os9companies.html
5 207 1.62% 144 6.33% /os9ugfaq.html
6 105 0.82% 52 2.29% /products.htm
7 49 0.38% 24 1.05% /history.htm
8 45 0.35% 18 0.79% /key.htm
9 18 0.14% 5 0.22% /order.html
10 2 0.02% 2 0.09% /career.htm

Top 30 of 2073 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 337 2.64% 0 0.00% 98 0.10% 1 0.04%
2 336 2.63% 0 0.00% 98 0.10% 0 0.00%
3 108 0.85% 48 0.48% 390 0.39% 2 0.08%
4 97 0.76% 73 0.72% 931 0.93% 15 0.62%
5 72 0.56% 0 0.00% 5 0.00% 45 1.85%
6 70 0.55% 54 0.54% 404 0.40% 2 0.08%
7 69 0.54% 40 0.40% 299 0.30% 6 0.25%
8 67 0.52% 0 0.00% 4 0.00% 40 1.64%
9 62 0.49% 0 0.00% 3 0.00% 38 1.56%
10 55 0.43% 47 0.47% 583 0.58% 5 0.21%
11 50 0.39% 35 0.35% 207 0.21% 4 0.16%
12 48 0.38% 44 0.44% 42 0.04% 44 1.81%
13 47 0.37% 38 0.38% 364 0.36% 2 0.08%
14 44 0.34% 39 0.39% 278 0.28% 2 0.08%
15 44 0.34% 3 0.03% 24 0.02% 26 1.07%
16 42 0.33% 29 0.29% 236 0.24% 5 0.21%
17 42 0.33% 28 0.28% 321 0.32% 6 0.25%
18 41 0.32% 5 0.05% 34 0.03% 5 0.21%
19 41 0.32% 31 0.31% 258 0.26% 2 0.08%
20 40 0.31% 29 0.29% 239 0.24% 3 0.12%
21 39 0.31% 21 0.21% 173 0.17% 1 0.04%
22 39 0.31% 19 0.19% 136 0.14% 1 0.04%
23 38 0.30% 2 0.02% 12 0.01% 2 0.08%
24 38 0.30% 20 0.20% 170 0.17% 1 0.04%
25 37 0.29% 24 0.24% 127 0.13% 16 0.66%
26 37 0.29% 36 0.36% 356 0.36% 3 0.12%
27 36 0.28% 32 0.32% 152 0.15% 6 0.25%
28 36 0.28% 35 0.35% 41 0.04% 12 0.49%
29 36 0.28% 33 0.33% 200 0.20% 1 0.04%
30 34 0.27% 2 0.02% 11 0.01% 2 0.08%

Top 10 of 2073 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 97 0.76% 73 0.72% 931 0.93% 15 0.62%
2 55 0.43% 47 0.47% 583 0.58% 5 0.21%
3 24 0.19% 24 0.24% 407 0.41% 1 0.04%
4 70 0.55% 54 0.54% 404 0.40% 2 0.08%
5 108 0.85% 48 0.48% 390 0.39% 2 0.08%
6 47 0.37% 38 0.38% 364 0.36% 2 0.08%
7 37 0.29% 36 0.36% 356 0.36% 3 0.12%
8 24 0.19% 23 0.23% 349 0.35% 19 0.78%
9 22 0.17% 20 0.20% 321 0.32% 3 0.12%
10 42 0.33% 28 0.28% 321 0.32% 6 0.25%

Top 30 of 215 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3782 29.61% - (Direct Request)
2 279 2.18%
3 149 1.17%
4 119 0.93%
5 108 0.85%
6 96 0.75%
7 52 0.41%
8 44 0.34%
9 42 0.33%
10 32 0.25%
11 31 0.24%
12 26 0.20%
13 25 0.20%
14 24 0.19%
15 21 0.16%
16 21 0.16%
17 21 0.16%
18 21 0.16%
19 20 0.16%
20 19 0.15%
21 18 0.14%
22 17 0.13%
23 16 0.13%
24 16 0.13%
25 14 0.11%
26 14 0.11%
27 14 0.11%
28 13 0.10%
29 13 0.10%
30 13 0.10%

Top 20 of 214 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 66 17.10% os 9
2 34 8.81% os9
3 21 5.44% os-9
4 16 4.15% os/9
5 7 1.81% real time services
6 5 1.30% os faq
7 4 1.04% real time operating system
8 3 0.78% os 9 faq
9 3 0.78% os-9000
10 3 0.78% os9max
11 3 0.78% realtime os
12 2 0.52% 68000 os
13 2 0.52% embedded os
14 2 0.52% get os 9
15 2 0.52% operating systems used on the internet
16 2 0.52% os
17 2 0.52% os 9 cd
18 2 0.52% os-9 -mac
19 2 0.52% os-9 insights
20 2 0.52% os-9 level ii

Top 15 of 532 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 940 7.36% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
2 738 5.78% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
3 626 4.90% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
4 587 4.60% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
5 499 3.91% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
6 422 3.30% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
7 350 2.74% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
8 313 2.45% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
9 267 2.09% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
10 231 1.81% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)
11 223 1.75% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 4.0)
12 197 1.54% Googlebot/2.1 (+
13 178 1.39% Mozilla/3.01 (compatible;)
14 177 1.39% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Q312461)
15 175 1.37% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0)

Usage by Country for September 2002

Top 30 of 54 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 3512 27.50% 2923 28.97% 28909 28.86% Unresolved/Unknown
2 2950 23.10% 1906 18.89% 18394 18.36% Network
3 2607 20.41% 2006 19.88% 18658 18.63% US Commercial
4 601 4.71% 524 5.19% 4828 4.82% Japan
5 589 4.61% 501 4.96% 6091 6.08% Switzerland
6 385 3.01% 361 3.58% 4255 4.25% Italy
7 324 2.54% 286 2.83% 3039 3.03% France
8 259 2.03% 234 2.32% 2329 2.33% Germany
9 193 1.51% 165 1.64% 1820 1.82% Canada
10 169 1.32% 166 1.65% 1317 1.32% United Kingdom
11 165 1.29% 155 1.54% 1647 1.64% Australia
12 140 1.10% 130 1.29% 1231 1.23% US Educational
13 86 0.67% 71 0.70% 720 0.72% Netherlands
14 84 0.66% 77 0.76% 635 0.63% Russian Federation
15 67 0.52% 58 0.57% 481 0.48% Spain
16 52 0.41% 46 0.46% 553 0.55% US Military
17 43 0.34% 36 0.36% 275 0.27% Hungary
18 38 0.30% 34 0.34% 299 0.30% Mexico
19 37 0.29% 34 0.34% 328 0.33% Poland
20 35 0.27% 33 0.33% 365 0.36% US Government
21 35 0.27% 34 0.34% 306 0.31% Sweden
22 33 0.26% 31 0.31% 270 0.27% Denmark
23 32 0.25% 31 0.31% 309 0.31% Austria
24 32 0.25% 30 0.30% 240 0.24% Norway
25 31 0.24% 31 0.31% 175 0.17% Argentina
26 30 0.23% 23 0.23% 181 0.18% Taiwan
27 23 0.18% 23 0.23% 176 0.18% Ukraine
28 22 0.17% 21 0.21% 226 0.23% Greece
29 20 0.16% 18 0.18% 157 0.16% Non-Profit Organization
30 19 0.15% 19 0.19% 136 0.14% Costa Rica

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 <>