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Is there a connection between Mat and the stolen dice ter'angreal?

Contributed by: Erica Sadun, Pam Korda

Could Mat's phenomenal luck come from the dice ter'angreal described in TDR: 25, 294, Questions, 237-8? Not bloody likely.

Note, though, that the dice ter'angreal could possibly be used to counteract the probability-twisting effect of ta'veren, e.g., Mat's luck. Could the dice ter'angreal have something to do with the way that Mat felt the luck in his head go bye-bye in that inn in Ebou Dar?

Alternate explanation: The "dice stopped rolling" because he had made a decision that would fix his fate for n number of days. I believe one of Liandrin's BA is in Ebou Dar. Could this have some relation?

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This page was last modified on 24-Aug-1996, 15:48. Illustrations © 1989-1996 by Tor Books.

This FAQ compiled by Pam Korda (kor2@midway.uchicago.edu) and converted to HTML by Matthew Hunter (mhunter+@andrew.cmu.edu).