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Who is Juilin's honey?

Contributed by: Michael Gonzalez, Korda

(ACoS: Glossary, 675):

"Juilin Sander - A thief-catcher from Tear. A man in love with perhaps the very last woman he would ever have thought he could be."

So, who is it? People have suggested an Aes Sedai, Nynaeve, Birgitte, etc. However, there is only one idea backed by any demonstration of tender feelings on Juilan's part: ex-Panarch Amathera of Tarabon:

Now, we know (from ACOS: 14, White Plumes, 273, as well as other places) that Juilin does not like nobles, so a high noble of some sort might seem to be the last person he would think he'd fall in love with....

(ACoS, 14, White Plumes, 274):
"Tarabon must be terrible now for a woman not used to taking care of herself," Juilin murmured.

Going back to the group's trip away from Tarabon, I found (tFoH: 9, A Signal, 146): Nynaeve: "Amathera was difficult, but I do not wish her any harm. Do you?"
Juilin: "A pretty woman, especially in one of those Taraboner serving girl's dresses, with a pretty smile. I thought she...." (shuts up when Elayne shoots him a dirty look).

So, it looks like Amathera. It just happens that Amathera could do with some rescuing at the moment, and is wearing a dress that Juilan would really like to see her in! :)

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