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Who is Robert Jordan, and what else has he written?

"Robert Jordan" is actually a pseudonym for James Oliver Rigney, Jr., under which he has written the Wheel of Time fantasy series as well as several books of the "Conan" series (Conan the Invincible, Conan the Unconquered, Conan the Magnificent, Conan the Victorious, C.t.Triumphant, Conan the Destroyer, Conan the Defender). Other pseudonyms are Reagan O'Neal (The Fallon Blood, The Fallon Pride, The Fallon Legacy, which are being re-issued soon), Jackson O'Reilly (Cheyenne Raiders), and Chang Lung (contributions to various periodicals including Library Journal, Fantasy Review, Science Fiction Review). (Source: Contemporary Authors vol. 140.)

Many, if not all of the Conan books are still in print. Tor Books is planning to re-release the Fallon books in September 1995 under their "Forge" imprint. (The bad news: The cover art for the Fallon re-releases will be done by none other than our fave SF artist: Darrell K. Sweet!)

RJ has told several people, at signings and in letters, that when he completes The Wheel of Time, he plans to write another fantasy tale set in a Seanchan-like culture. The main character will be a more mature figure than Rand, and the tale involves him being shipwrecked in pseudo-Seanchan, where whatever is cast up on the shores of one's estate becomes one's property, even people. Doubtlessly, there'll be many changes from RJ's description to the actual story, but it gives us something to look forward to.

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This page was last modified on 24-Aug-1996, 15:47. Illustrations © 1989-1996 by Tor Books.

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