Welcome to the Bay Area Skeptics (BAS) Home Page.

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Who We Are

Bay Area Skeptics is a non-profit educational organization, founded in June 1982 to encourage critical thinking, and accuracy in the media and in our schools. We encourage rational thought by using and promoting scientific methods to analyze data. We are particularly interested in such topics as the paranormal, pseudoscience, fraud, and untested and poorly tested medical and psychotherapeutic practices.

Bay Area Skeptics events are always free and are open to everyone. We feel strongly that there should be no charge to be a Bay Area Skeptic, and we welcome everybody at our events.

What We Do

As one means of promoting critical thinking, we sponsor a monthly lecture series that, as always, is free and open to all. In the last several months, we have had, among many excellent speakers, Dr. Margaret Singer and Ms. Patricia Ryan (former Chair of Cult Awareness Network) discuss cults and the Jonestown massacre, Dr. Wallace Sampson of Stanford University discuss homeopathy, magician and author Mr. Bob Steiner demonstrate street cons, Dr. Eugenie Scott of the National Center for Science Education discuss the public school teaching of evolution, and poet and scholar Dr. Philip Appleman talk about Darwin and read from his latest book of poetry.

Another means by which we promote the scientific process is through our newsletter, BASIS. We finance Bay Area Skeptics activities through subscriptions to BASIS. BASIS is published quarterly, and each issue contains book and lecture reviews, editorial comment, letters, and items of local and national interest. A subscription to BASIS is US $18.00 per year. Sample copies of BASIS are available at Bay Area Skeptics events and lectures. Currently, we are in process of making all back issues of BASIS available through this home page.

What's New

What Was New

Policy on Faith-Based Claims

People in Bay Area Skeptics come from diverse backgrounds and professions, and represent all age groups. The interest that we share is a realization that rational thought and reason are of paramount importance in these times, and that we can ill afford to discount the marvels of the scientific process.

One of our basic tenets holds that we're concerned only with what's testable. We're absolutely not a religious or antireligious group. We respect the religious and nonreligious beliefs of others, and recognize that spirituality is based on faith and is not testable. Consequently, spirituality in itself is of no interest to Bay Area Skeptics, and we welcome people who identify themselves as spiritual. If, however, a spiritual leader or spiritual group makes a testable claim, then that claim ceases to be a matter of faith and, as such, might be an area of interest to Bay Area Skeptics.

To Contact Us

You can submit articles, letters, and reviews for BASIS by e-mail directly to the Editor. Additionally, you can write to us at at BAS, 17722 Buti Park Ct., Castro Valley, CA 94546. We can also be reached by leaving a message on our 24-hour telephone information line at 510-LA-TRUTH.

Other Resources

The Bay Area Skeptics Home Page will continue to evolve. We find it refreshing and reassuring to find other fine organizations and groups throughout the world and throughout this country that are concerned, as we are, with critical thinking and rational thought. We have provided links to several that are on the Internet. If you have not done so already, we at BAS recommend that you search the Net, with a skeptical eye, to find many other fine resources that are not included on our links.

Bay Area Skeptics sponsors the worldwide skeptic ftp archive at this site. (Our thanks to Anson Kennedy of Georgia Skeptics for making this collection possible.) Please send all new contributions, especially issues of skeptics' newsletters, to the /incoming directory, and then describe the upload to us via e-mail to BAS Webmaster. Thank you!

Last modified: September 8, 1998

Rick Moen copyright © 1998
BAS Webmaster

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