Methods - DoSSLPost
public Boolean DoSSLPost(sChargeType:emum)

Posts the transaction to AuthorizeNet. Returns True if successful or False if declined or error.

sChargeType : Enumerated

Member Description
SaleCharge Transactions of this type will be sent for authorization. The transaction will be automatically picked up for settlement if approved.
PreAuth Transactions of this type are submitted if the merchant wishes to validate the credit card for the amount of the goods sold. If the merchant does not have goods in stock or wishes to review orders before shipping the goods, this transaction type should be submitted. The gateway will send this type of transaction to the financial institution for approval. However this transaction will not be sent for settlement. If the merchant does not act on the transaction within 30 days, the transaction will no longer be available for capture
PostAuth This transaction is used to request settlement for a transaction that was previously submitted as an AUTH_ONLY.
Void This transaction is an action on a previous transaction and is used to cancel the previous transaction and ensure it does not get sent for settlement.
Credit This transaction is also referred to as a �Refund� and indicates to the gateway that money should flow from the merchant to the customer.


Will be forced to Test mode if the component has not been registered and a license has not been issued.