To convert your TbASE .tpf files to WinTaper .wtf files, follow these steps: 1) Copy TPF2WTF.EXE into your Wintaper directory (usually c:\wintaper) note: tpf2wtf.exe MUST be in the same directory as wintaper's dll files 2) Run TPF2WTF.EXE, select File Open, select the tpf file and press OK. 3) Enter the desired default artist and tape formats and press OK. (all tapes in the file will be assigned this artist and format) 4) The conversion program will create a file with the same name as the original (tpf) except for the new .wtf extension. 5) Run WinTaper and open the new wtf file as you would any other. PLEASE NOTE: Because of imcompatibilities between WinTaper and TbASE, the "Quality" and "Generation" fields do not convert. I am very sorry for this. I tried many ways which did not work and had to abandon the conversion for these two fields. Dan Tepper