Qualitas Memory Tester The Qualitas Memory Tester (QMT), uses advanced memory checking to find problems in your PC's memory system. QMT detects classes of memory errors not detectable by the basic POST test provided at boot-time. In many cases, memory fails without warning. Symptoms of memory problems may include erratic lock-ups, loss of data, or disk corruption. Regular extensive testing of your PC's memory system gives you an opportunity to try to track any problems before you experience the symptoms. QMT warns about error conditions that can lead to these problems so that you may take appropriate steps to try to correct them. System memory is fragile and may be affected by numerous circumstances and conditions. Some of the causes of memory problems include humidity, vibration, static, radiation, temperature fluctuations, and pressure changes. Aging and deteriorating components can also cause memory failures. Another condition that affects how memory functions is design flaws in the components. These flaws can cause critical timing errors in memory. QMT installs and runs automatically in the Quick mode each time you boot your system if you reply "yes" to the question asked during Install. There are advantages to checking the available portion of the system memory on a daily basis. However, you gain the maximum benefit from QMT by testing as much of your system memory as possible regularly and by using the Full memory test. For this reason, it is most beneficial to test your system memory without resident programs and device drivers that may use extended or expanded memory. Memory management software, disk caches, RAM drives, and even Windows are all included in this group of programs. Periodically, weekly or even daily, you may want to boot from a boot floppy or a basic Config.sys and Autoexec.bat to ensure as little RAM as possible is in use before using QMT to test the system memory. (IF WINDOWS) All of QMT's advanced RAM checking tests are available while you are in Windows. Because Windows uses a large portion of the available system RAM, it is more advantageous to test system memory outside the Windows environment. Error Messages QMT has encountered an error (name?) in the memory in this system. The recommended course of action is to discuss the results of the test with your authorized dealer. It is important to note that the address given does not necessarily correspond to the physical address of the faulty memory chip. The physical layout of memory differs from system to system, making it impractical to try to point to a particular chip within the system. Please consult with your authorized dealer if you encounter errors in the system memory. QMT has encountered a parity error. It is important to note that the address given does not necessarily correspond to the physical address of the faulty memory chip. The physical layout of memory differs from system to system, making it impractical to try to point to a particular chip within the system. Consult with your authorized dealer for replacement of the faulty module(s). # # # Qualitas and 386MAX are registered trademarks, and BlueMAX and RAMexam are trademarks of Qualitas, Inc. All other product names are trademarks of their respective owners.