DoubleDisk and 386MAX This information explains how to install DoubleDisk or DoubleDisk Gold on a system that has 386MAX or BlueMAX, versions prior to 6.03, installed, and how to install 386MAX or BlueMAX on a system that currently has DoubleDisk installed. Though 386MAX is used for all examples, the following information is applicable to BlueMAX as well. Use the information in the README file for version 7 or later of 386MAX and BlueMAX. Installing DoubleDisk on a 386MAX system This information explains how to install DoubleDisk or DoubleDisk Gold if either 386MAX or BlueMAX is already present on the system. * Uninstall 386MAX. Go to the 386MAX directory and type STRIPMGR C: /ST (where C: represents your bootable drive) and press < ENTER >. This removes all references to 386MAX in the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. If you allowed 386MAX to install QCACHE on your system, place a REM statement in front of the line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT that loads QCACHE. * Do not delete any 386MAX files. * Reboot your system. * Install DoubleDisk per their directions. After you have installed DoubleDisk, run ALL of your applications to ensure that they work correctly. Do not continue if DoubleDisk installation does not complete as expected or if you have problems using your applications. * If you are having problems at this point, consult your DoubleDisk documentation and/or their technical support to get your system in working order. Reinstall 386MAX using the instructions below only after successful DoubleDisk installation and implementation. Installing 386MAX on a DoubleDisk system This information explains how to install 386MAX or BlueMAX if DoubleDisk is already present on the system. * Look in C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT for a line that looks similar to: C:\DUBLDISK\ACTIVATE.EXE * Write down the options used on the ACTIVATE.EXE line in C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT. * Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT to place REM in front of the ACTIVATE.EXE line. This disables DoubleDisk's drive swapping and does not allow access to the compressed volume. ACTIVATE.EXE is not a TSR and is not required for Maximize. * Reboot. If DoubleDisk prompts you to update the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, select YES to make the changes and YES again to reboot the system. * On the second reboot, watch for programs that normally load AFTER the ACTIVATE.EXE line but no longer load at all. If the program that does not load looks like it is a TSR, you need to copy it and its supporting files to the C:\ drive. To access the compressed volume so that you can find the missing programs and copy them to C:, type C:\DUBLDISK\ACTIVATE (options) where (options) refers to the options you noted in step 1. This activates the compressed drive and swap drive letters. * Run Install and Maximize as usual. Since any compressed drives are not active at this point, the programs do not require any special treatment. If you have any problems installing 386MAX on your system, type PREINST at the command line in the 386MAX subdirectory to return your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT to the active configuration prior to the installation of 386MAX. If you have problems after starting Maximize, PREMAXIM returns your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT to the configuration prior to the last pass of Maximize. PREMAXIM runs automatically if Maximize does not run to completion. * When Maximize completes, edit the C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file and remove the REM statement from the ACTIVATE.EXE line. Reboot the system. * Create a 386MAX directory on the UNCOMPRESSED drive. Copy the following files into the directory: 386MAX.VXD 386LOAD.CFG 386LOAD.COM To determine the name of the compressed drive, look at the ACTIVATE.EXE line. For example, if ACTIVATE.EXE is loaded with the line: C:\DUBLDISK\ACTIVATE.EXE A C0=D , S C=D the option C=D will switch drive C with drive D. Drive C, in this case, is the compressed volume. A Note to those using Microsoft Windows If you have installed or updated DoubleDisk and receive the following error message upon entering Windows: 386MAX VxD Error V1014: Disk Cache or other File I/0 Software Using EMS Memory remove the /A option on the line that loads DUBLEDISK.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS. The best way to do this is to run the DUBLEDISK configuration program from your hard disk as described in the DoubleDisk manual.