386MAX and Banyan This document is for use with 386MAX and BlueMAX, version 7.xx. 386MAX/BlueMAX has been tested in house with Banyan versions 4.11, 5.0, and 5.50. Version 5.50 forms the basis for the information contained in this document. /NC Parameter By default, Banyan configures a DOS workstation to load a single program, BAN.EXE. Though this works with 386MAX, it may not contribute to the most efficient use of high DOS memory. When BAN.EXE is executed without any parameters, it spawns other programs which will not load high unless approximately 125KB of contiguous high DOS memory is available. Listed below is a method which can be used for the best optimization of conventional memory in a Banyan environment. Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and change the line loading BAN.EXE to BAN /NC. Follow this line with the remaining programs necessary to load the network. Listed below is a sample configuration demonstrating this syntax: cd \vines\ethernet ban /nc 3c523ban redirall z:login Admin@Testlab@Qualitas cd\ note: When replacing BAN.EXE with the BAN /NC line, a specific reference must be made to the LOGIN program on Z:. After rebooting with BAN /NC, the message, "Network interface not enabled" will appear when BAN /NC loads. This message is harmless and may be ignored. After making these changes, run Maximize. This should allow you to load some or all of these individual programs into high DOS. Refer to the Banyan documentation for complete information regarding the /NC parameter. NDIS Users loading Banyan's NDIS drivers may need 386MAX version 6.02a or later. The above method of using BAN /NC also applies to this environment as well. Listed below is a sample NDIS setup: cd \vines\ndis\ethernet ban /nc ndisban redir4 fillmem netbind arswait z:login Admin@Testlab@Qualitas cd \ The program FILLMEM.COM was written by our development staff to overcome a bug found in the NETBIND program. Symptoms of this problem are a message such as "Binding not performed" or "Protman has reported an incomplete binding" when NETBIND attempts to load. This problem is rare and should only occur after the last reboot of MAXIMIZE when a TSR or device driver has loaded into high DOS prior to NETBIND. FILLMEM.COM is a nonresident program and does not interfere with the operation of the workstation. FILLMEM.COM is available from the Qualitas FTP site at ftp://ftp.qualitas.com under the filename FILLMEM.ZIP. Banyan has acknowleged the problem and stated that it will be fixed in 5.50 patch level 5. Token Ring ASQ may fail in certain token ring environments with symptoms including lockups while loading ASQ or running ASQ . Also, connections to the ring may be lost after exiting ASQ. If you experience any of these symptoms, create a file in the working 386MAX directory called ASQ.PRO. Insert the following line into the file: NOTESTMEM Save the ASQ.PRO and retry ASQ. This should resolve the above problem. Another commonly asked question occurs when an IBM token ring card is installed into an ISA bus system. The Token Ring adapter uses two high DOS areas by default which contain an 8KB ROM and a 16KB RAM buffer. The default regions utilized by the ROM and RAM are hex addresses CC00-CE00 and D800-DC00. Either or both addresses may be different depending upon your configuration. Make sure that the appropriate RAM= statements are included in the 386MAX.PRO file for both ROM and RAM locations before running MAXIMIZE. Consult your IBM token ring manual if you have questions concerning the location and range of these memory addresses. For more information about the 386MAX.PRO file and RAM= option, check the 386MAX documentation. Qcache / SuperPCK The version of Protman used by Banyan's NDIS interface creates a buffer at the top of conventional memory that contains information used by other programs loaded later in AUTOEXEC.BAT. This buffer is not allocated memory, so any program altering memory contents near the top of low DOS memory may overwrite the information in this buffer. Disk caches such as SuperPCK or QCache may disrupt this buffer when initializing. The symptom of this problem is a Privileged Operation Exception when loading NETBIND. The address of the Priv. Op. is usually one of the following 8800:0000, 8000:0000, or 7C00:0000. To work around the problem, configure the AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that QCACHE or SUPERPCK loads after the network has completed loading.