UPGRADE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT INFORMATION FOR 386MAX, BLUEMAX, AND RAMEXAM To receive information on how to upgrade and receive support for 386MAX, BlueMAX, and RAMexam, please contact the appropriate address listed below: For upgrades/information and technical support in the UNITED KINGDOM only: The Upgrade Centre 4 Midas House Calleva Park Aldermaston, Berks. RG7 4QZ UNITED KINGDOM Tel: 01734 810800 Fax: 01734 810666 For marketing and dealer/reseller information in the UNITED KINGDOM only: Channel MarketMakers 12, Mortimers Farm Paultons Park Ower Nr. Romsey, Hampshire SO51 6AL Tel: 01703 812755 Fax: 01703 813830 For upgrades/information and technical support in GERMANY only: Qualitas Service Center c/o Albrecht Software Systeme GmbH Eichelhäherstraße 30A D-81249 München GERMANY Tel: 089 8649 110 Fax: 089 8649 1199 For upgrades/information and technical support in FRANCE only: ISTRI 56, rue de Paris F-92771 Boulogne Cedex FRANCE Tel: 1 47 12 07 07 Fax: 1 47 12 99 15 For the UNITED STATES and the rest of the world: Qualitas, Inc. 8601 Georgia Ave. Suite 908 Silver Spring, MD. 20910 USA Tel: 301-578-8400 Fax: 301-589-8872 ### Copyright Qualitas, Inc. 1995 8601 Georgia Ave., Suite 908, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Qualitas and 386MAX are registered trademarks and BlueMAX, and RAMexam are trademarks of Qualitas, Inc. All other product names are trademarks of their respective owners.