International Distribution The following list identifies major distributors selling Qualitas products internationally. Those marked with an * will sell corporate licenses. Those marked with @ provide general product information. Cyprus: CLP CompuDesign Ltd 29B, Pindarou Street Nicosia CYPRUS Tel: 357 2 36 57 34 Fax: 357 2 47 31 91 Czech Republic: APRO Ltd. Praska 283 25164 Mnichovice Tel: (42) 2 545 142 Fax: (42) 2 545 148 Denmark: Norsoft AS (sell upgrades) * @ Maren Turis Gade 2 P.O. Box 1760 DK-9100 Aalborg Tel: (45) 98 11 11 88 Fax: (45) 98 11 10 88 Ravenholm Computing (Denmark) A/S Maglebjergvej 5 B 2800 Lyngby Tel: (45) 45 87 72 00 Fax: (45) 45 87 75 80 France: ISTRI 56, rue de Paris F-92771 Boulogne Cedex Tel: (33) 1 47 12 07 07 Fax: (33) 1 47 12 99 15 Germany: Albrecht Software Systeme GmbH * @ Eichelhäherstr. 30A D-81249 Munich (sells upgrades) Tel: (49) 89 86 49 11 0 Fax: (49) 89 86 49 11 99 CCP Software Software Center Postfach 520 D-35017 Marburg Tel: (49) 06421 1701-17 Fax: (49) 06421 240 85 Israel: Binaric Ltd. Post Office Box 7779 Ramat-Gam 52126 Probef 9 Street Tel: (972) 3 5745651 Fax: (972) 3 574 4779 Italy: Ingram Micro SPA Via Roma, 74 I-20060 Cassina De 'Pecchi Milano Tel: (39) 2 9534 3604 Fax: (39) 2 957 96401 Lifeboat Associates Italia srl Via Galileo Ferraris, 2 I-21047 Saronno (VA) Tel: (39) 2 9670 1592 Fax: (39) 2 9670 3113 Norway: Ravenholm Computing A/S Waldemar Thranes gate 77 Postboks 9868, lla N-0132 Oslo Tel: (47) 22 11 09 50 Fax: (47) 22 11 12 20 Sweden: JPD Datasakerhet Blasieholmsgatan 4A 103 30 Stockholm Tel: 08 463 30 93 Fax: 08 463 30 99 URL: Switzerland: Sotec Software Route Champ-Colin 10 1260 Nyon Tel: 022 362 31 44 Fax: 22 361 0245 United Kingdom: Channel MarketMakers (marketing reps) * @ 12, Mortimers Farm Paultons Park Ower Nr. Romsey, Hampshire SO51 6AL Tel:(44) 01703 812755 Fax: (44) 01703 813830 # # # Copyright Qualitas, Inc. 1996, 8601 Georgia Ave., Suite 908, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Qualitas and 386MAX are registered trademarks and BlueMAX, and RAMexam are trademarks of Qualitas, Inc. All other product names are trademarks of their respective owners.