Tagert's AOTP: WWII 1946 II Version 1.0 Mod Date: 08-11-93 Doc Date: 08-12-93 TABLE OF CONTENTS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 0000: AOTP 1946 II ADDITIONS Section 0001: AOTP 1946 II REPLACEMENTS Section 0003: AOTP 1946 II CORRECTIONS Section 0004: AOTP 1946 II NEW FEATURES Section 0005: AOTP 1946 II LIST OF FILES Section 0006: AOTP 1946 II SUGGESTIONS Section 0007: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Section 0008: CAUTIONARY NOTICES Section 0009: PLAY BACK OF VCR TAPES Section 000a: POINT OF CONTACT Section 0000: AOTP 1946 II ADDITIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The most significant additions are two new planes. The planes themselves are not new to this forum, but the way they are incorporated into the game is new! I found a way to add new planes to the game without displacing others planes to do so. So now the Xp-72 and the P-47 can be selected or the P-51D and P-51H can be selected at anytime. The next significant addition is that I found a way to incorporate the new planes into the campaign play. Now when you play the AOTP: WWII 1946 expansion disk portion of AOTP you will find the some of the units will upgrade or start of with Xp-72 and P-51H's. For instance the 433rd FS, 475th FG will begin with P-38J's and upgrade to the Xp-72 instead of the P-80. The 63rd FS, 56th FG will begin with Xp-72's instead of P-47's and will then upgrade to P-80. The 336th FS, 4th FG will begin with P-51D's and upgrade to Xp-72's instead of P-80's. And last but not least the 34th FS, 348th FG will begin with P-51D's and upgrade to P-51H's. Section 0001: AOTP 1946 II REPLACEMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another thing the 46 II will do for you is change some of the versions of the planes. These are not new "separate" planes like the Xp-72 and P-51H are, but they are new if you call a different version of the same thing as new? For instance, the original Ki-43 is replaced with the Ki-433b version. It now has two 20mm cannons, new performances and a new paint job. This modification was a combination of Nicholas Bells Ki-43 and mine! The Ki-61 is replaced with the Ki-61ia basically not much different here except for the bigger guns. The Ki-84 is replaced with the Ki84C, again not much different here. That is if you can call the replacement of two of it's 20mm cannons with two 30mm cannons not much different! The Kikka now has four 20mm Cannons instead of two 30mm Cannons. The P-80 is replaced with the P-80C. This mode removes two .50 Cals and replaces them with two 20mm cannons. Which really gives the P-80 an extra punch! I have included another one of Nicholas Bell's color jobs, it's a silver B-25J! I also recolored the P-47D and the P-51D with a new silver finish and white stars instead of those black stars? And added a little color to their noses! So now while in flight you can tell the difference between the P-51D & H and the P-47D & Xp-72. To get an idea of what they look like check them out in the View Aircraft section! I think you'll like these new colors! And I also changed the wing view of the P47D. I also changed the performance of the P-38J. And last but not least I changed the P51H's gun load to four 20mm Cannons instead of the two .50cals and two 20mm Cannons. Section 0003: AOTP 1946 II CORRECTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well I also made a few corrections to some of the planes and features of AOTP. I fixed the "View Aircraft" section. By that I mean now you can view the N1K1 George and the G4M Betty. I also fixed the Kikka, well at least I call it a fix. You may think different after I explain! I found that the Kikka could exceed it top speed at almost ever altitude. For example the 46 book estimates the Kikka's top speed at 20k ft to be 525mph. But the Kikka in the game could exceed 535mph. And the real interesting thing was that the Kikka could out climb a X-15. I got the Kikka to go up to 80k ft and it was still climbing! The new Kikka will now have a top speed as rated and a ceiling of 39k ft as stated in the manual. The main purpose for the down grading the performance of the Kikka was to make it a little inferior to the P-80, which is the way it should be! I also fixed the P-47's ceiling rating. Every book I've read on the P-47D rates it ceiling at about 42k ft. But until the fix the ceiling of the P-47D in AOTP was 29k ft. I know that is what it says in their manual but it is wrong! Section 0004: AOTP 1946 II NEW FEATURES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The new features in 46 II is the ability to select a pure rocket selection on US planes that could carry rockets. This is good for a bomber intercept mission. Look for the new selection in the preflight menu called INCP. I also included a rocket selection for some of the Jap planes. I figured that by the end of the war they would have figured out how to incorporate them. And I also gave the F7F and the Ki-83 the ability to carry torpedoes! Section 0005: AOTP 1946 II LIST OF FILES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below is a listing of all the 75 files included in the 1946II.ZIP. The files add up to 92910 bytes. P51H BXL LP47 EDG KI61 GLT XP72 BXL LP51H EDG KI84 GLT AIR0 DAT LXP72 EDG KIKKA GLT AIR1 DAT RP47 EDG P51H GLT CSET1 DAT RP51H EDG P80 GLT MISC DAT RXP72 EDG XP72 GLT ORDNCE0 DAT KI43 FMD F4U PG ORDNCE1 DAT KIKKA FMD KI43 PG ORDTXT0 DAT P38_J FMD KI61 PG P51H DAT P47 FMD KI84 PG PITCH_0 DAT P51H FMD KIKKA PG PITCH_1 DAT XP72 FMD P51H PG PLTXT0 DAT P51H GAU P80 PG PLTXT1 DAT P80 GAU XP72 PG SQUAD1 DAT XP72 GAU B25_J TBL XP72 DAT F4U GL KI43 TBL KI43 DMG KI43 GL P47 TBL P51H DMG KI61 GL P51 TBL XP72 DMG KI84 GL P51H TBL BP47 EDG KIKKA GL XP72 TBL BP51H EDG P51H GL KI43 TTM BXP72 EDG P80 GL P47 TTM FP47 EDG XP72 GL P51H TTM FP51H EDG F4U GLT XP72 TTM FXP72 EDG KI43 GLT PFNAME1_ TXT Section 0006: AOTP 1946 II SUGESTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that the P-51H and the Xp-72 are seperate planes to choose from may I make a suggestion? Delete the previous mods that I made that converted the P-51D to a P-51H and the mod that converted the P-47D to a Xp-72. Now if you unzip the 1946II.ZIP and copy those files into your games directory it will automatically replace MOST of the files that now do this. The only files you will have to delete are the P51.GL, P51.GLT and the P47.GL, P47.GLT. Section 0007: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below is a listing of all the people who have, in one way or another, contributed to the hex editing ability of AOTP. With this kind of team work it wont be long before we have all the unknowns figured out! I want to thank.... 1) James "Jaybird" Johnson: for his inspirational and pioneering work on Red Baron. And for all his personal help in getting me started in editing Dynamix data. I especially want to thank Jaybird for his excelent documents that help allot and for his personal help in cracking the campain codes!!! 2) Keith Heitmann: for his inspirational and pioneering work on Red Baron. 3) Bill "Samuri" Ciciora: for his inspirational and pioneering work on Red Baron. 4) Joe "The Maverick" Scoleri: for his inspirational and pioneering work on Red Baron. And for his extensive document on how to edit Red Baron. It proved to be very helpful in the development of this document. I only hope that with everyone contributing to this document that we can achieve a document as detailed as Joe's. 5) Kevin M. Fritz: for his FMD Map corrections. 6) Tim Kilgore: for his wonderful AOTP editing utility programs! And for his extensive work in the development of his mission builder programs. He has made the cumbersome task of creating a custom mission into a relatively easy process. His method of editing the HIS*.DAT's instead of old VCR method has added a whole new dimension to creating FSFORUM AOTP Tournaments. Basically he has given us a mission builder way before Dynamix has! 7) Nicholas Bell: for his extensive work on the FMD and DMG files. Nick is responsible for all the new information on the engine power ratings and drag factors in the FMD data. And he is solei responsible for all the info on the DMG files. His attention to detail and his historical accuracy is unsurpassed! I also want to thank Nick for his silver B-25J and his silver Ki-43 along with its new performance!! 8) Uwe Serf: for his extensive work on the TBL data files. Due to his efforts we can now color the planes to just about any color we desire. Section 0008: CAUTIONARY NOTICES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is always a good idea to make backup copies before applying any non Dynamix modifications. Note that the utilization of these files and information is at your own risk! I assume no responsibility for any modifications you make to these or any of the original program data. Section 0009: PLAY BACK OF VCR TAPES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One side effect to installing modified files that change "the performance" of vehicles. Is that your VCR files may not play back exactly as they were originally recorded. By modified I'm referring to any modified files with any performance modifications made to the speed, maneuverability, weapon size, ammo count etc. The reason is that the game loads all the pertinent data for each aircraft in the VCR prior to playback of the VCR. If this data is different then the data that was used during the original recording of the VCR then you will get a different play back of the VCR. So this is why you will probably have trouble playing back previously recorded VCR tapes. For example after adding the modified files you may notice that your aircraft appears to shoot at a targets that's not there. So if you or anyone else wishes to view your VCR as it was originally recorded then you must insure that the same modified files are installed that were installed during the original recording of the VCR. Note that due to this it will be very easy to tell if anyone is cheating on in a tournament! So if you were thinking of giving your self an edge during the next tournament then just forget it because all tournaments are flow with the original data files! There appears to be no side effect to modifying a planes ORDNANCE. With the modified files in plane I flew a TORPEDO MISSION with the Ki-83. I then saved that mission to a VCR. Next I removed the modified files from the games directory. I then played back the VCR and found it to fly the same as the originally flew! Section 000a: POINT OF CONTACT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact me if you have any new information or corrections to this doc and I will incorporate or correct the next version. The best way for us to figure all this data is to share all our information. GRANT C. SENN (TAGERT) 70713,136