When using VERIFY we distinguish between:

To use VERIFY, all that is needed is the Prolog representation of the TTM which is quite similar to the mathematical description. A visual tool called BUILD5 has been developed, which ties together all three aspects of the TTM. BUILD allows the designer to enter the TTM visually as a TTM-CHART, uses the semantics to execute computations, and generates the required Prolog representations.

Consider the TTM-CHART of the timed transition model SAMPLE in Figure~#fig:sample#85>.

<#1315#>Figure<#1315#>: <#1316#>A TTM-CHART of the timed transition model sample<#1316#>

Formally the timed transition model SAMPLE is a 3-tuple


SAMPLE = (#tex2html_wrap_indisplay1321#SAMPLE, ΘSAMPLE,#tex2html_wrap_indisplay1324#SAMPLE)

consisting of a a set of variables #math125##tex2html_wrap_inline1328#SAMPLE, an initial condition #math126#ΘSAMPLE, and a set of transitions #math127##tex2html_wrap_inline1333#SAMPLE.

The set of TTM variables is #math128##tex2html_wrap_inline1337#SAMPLE = {#tex2html_wrap_inline1338#, t, x, c, y, z} where each variable has a type given by:

type(t) = {0, 1, 2, ... } = type(y)  
type(#tex2html_wrap_indisplay1344#) = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay1349#SAMPLE  
type(x) = {#tex2html_wrap_indisplay1353#  
type(z) = { ... , -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ... }  

and the initial condition is:


ΘSAMPLE = [x = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay1358#∧z = 1∧(c = 1∨c = 0)∧y = 0]

and the set of transitions is:


#tex2html_wrap_indisplay1362#SAMPLE = {tick, a, b, d, e, f, g}

Each transition #math132#τ#tex2html_wrap_inline1364# is a 4-tuple #math133#τ = (eτ, hτ, lτ, uτ), where eτ is the enabling condition, hτ is the transformation function, lτ is the lower time bound and uτ is the upper time bound.


The above table of transitions is written in Prolog style in which the TTM variables are written in upper case (e.g. <#169#>Y<#169#> instead of y). Conjunction is denoted by a comma (e.g. <#170#>X=off, Z;SPMgt;0<#170#>), disjunction is denoted by a semi-colon (e.g. <#171#>X=off; Z;SPMgt;0<#171#>), and negation is denoted by <#172#>not<#172#> (e.g. <#173#>not ( X=off; Z;SPMgt;0)<#173#> ).

Enabling conditions and initial conditions are examples of <#174#>state-formulas<#174#>, i.e. boolean-valued expressions in the TTM variables that can be evaluated to true or false in a single state. RTTL formulas are built up from state formulas, e.g.

#math134##tex2html_wrap_inline1380##tex2html_wrap_inline1381# --- henceforth (i.e. in the current state and all future states), the assertion <#177#>not( X=fast, Y=3 ) <#177#> is always true.

The symbol #tex2html_wrap_inline1383# therefore stands for <#178#>henceforth<#178#>.

#math135#(#tex2html_wrap_inline1385#)→#tex2html_wrap_inline1386##tex2html_wrap_inline1387# --- in any state in which <#181#>(C=0)<#181#> becomes true, from then onwards the only transition that can occur is a tick. (The state-formula <#182#>isTick(N)<#182#> asserts that #math136#(#tex2html_wrap_inline1389# = tick), i.e. the next transition taken is the clock tick.)

#math137##tex2html_wrap_inline1391##tex2html_wrap_inline1392# --- henceforth, in any legal state, either <#185#>Z=1<#185#>, or the transition <#186#>h<#186#> occurs, or the tick transition ocurs.

#math138##tex2html_wrap_inline1394#(#tex2html_wrap_inline1395#) --- henceforth, either <#188#>Z=1<#188#>, or the tick transition occurs.

#math139##tex2html_wrap_inline1397#→#tex2html_wrap_inline1398#~#tex2html_wrap_inline1399#~#tex2html_wrap_inline1400# --- if the transition <#193#>b<#193#> occurs, then, from that state and onwards <#194#>(C;SPMgt;=5) ; Y=0<#194#> holds true up to (but not necessarily including) the state in which the transition <#195#>e<#195#> occurs. If <#196#>e<#196#> does not occur, then <#197#>(C;SPMgt;=5) ; Y=0<#197#> holds true forever (after the occurrence of <#198#>b<#198#>).

The symbol #math140##tex2html_wrap_inline1402# stands for <#200#>unless<#200#>.

#math141##tex2html_wrap_inline1404#→#tex2html_wrap_inline1405#~#tex2html_wrap_inline1406# --- if <#204#>X=idle<#204#> becomes true, then in no less than 1 clock tick, but no more than 2 clock ticks, a state is eventually reached in which either <#205#>(X = fast)<#205#>, or <#206#>(Z = -1)<#206#>.

#math142#(#tex2html_wrap_inline1408#)→#tex2html_wrap_inline1409#(#tex2html_wrap_inline1410#) --- if the TTM is <#209#>off<#209#>, then eventually it must become <#210#>idle<#210#>.

<#1378#>S8 --- Deadlock Free<#1378#>
The requirement below specifies that in every (reachable) state, some transition other than tick must be enabled.



(The notation eτ stands for the enabling condition of the transition τ and #math144##tex2html_wrap_inline1420##tex2html_wrap_inline1421# stands for the set of all transitions of the TTM <#218#>sample<#218#>).

VERIFY can be used to check the correctness of all the above specifications. Note that since the set of legal trajectories is suffix closed, in RTTL the validity of #tex2html_wrap_inline1423#w follows from the validity of w. Thus, in RTTL



In order to check SAMPLE for the above properties, two files are needed:

--- the Prolog description of the TTM SAMPLE (see Appendix~#app:ttm#222>).

--- the file containing the atomic state-formulas from which specifications in RTTL are constructed (see Appendix~#app:sf#224>).

Once these files are present, the RG2 reachability graph must be constructed, after which the various specifications can be checked.