Invoking VERIFY

VERIFY can be started up under the assumption that (a) Quintus Prolog 3.0 is installed, and (b) the <#48#>verify<#48#> directory has been properly installed as described in Section~#start#49>.

There are three ways to get started. Either invoke the QOF file <#50#>verify<#50#> from the Unix command line:


Alternatively, Quintus Prolog can be invoked under Emacs. First execute the command <#53#> prolog +<#53#> to run Emacs. At the Prolog prompt in the Emacs window, VERIFY can be invoked by executing the Prolog command <#54#>restore(verify).<#54#> (Help for either prolog or emacs can be obtained by executing the prolog command <#55#>manual.<#55#>).

A third possibility is to call <#56#>qui<#56#> from the Unix command line to invoke the X11 interface QUI (QUI can usually be invoked by executing <#393#>22 doing the Prolog procedure <#57#>restore(verify).<#57#> as before.

The Prolog command ``<#58#>routines.<#58#>'' will provide a list of all the VERIFY procedures that can be invoked.


In addition, some routines are available for examining the files in the current directory, or changing to a new directory in the Unix file system.

<#1296#><#62#>cd(directory).<#62#> ---<#1296#>
changes the current directory to be <#63#>directory<#63#>. For example, cd(..) moves up one level, and cd(sensor) changes the current directory to the subdirectory <#64#>sensor<#64#>.

<#1297#><#65#>pwd.<#65#> ---<#1297#>
returns the path of the current directory.

<#1298#>Other commands ---<#1298#>
Other commands include: <#66#>cat(filename), date, ls(directory), ls-l(directory), ls-l(directory), ls-a(directory)<#66#> and <#67#>ls-al(directory)<#67#>.

Although VERIFY is up and running, nothing can be verified until two files are created:

--- this is the file containg the Prolog code describing the real-time system as a TTM called <#71#>sample<#71#>.

--- this file contains state-formulas that are used to specify the property to be verified.