TPA — Timed Process Algebras

Untimed Process Algebras have been extended with timing constructs in several ways including (in alphabetical order):

We mention a few examples illustrating syntactic extensions for timed behaviour and then describe the general principles involved.

In TCSP, the CSP syntax is enriched with the additional process WAIT d, where d is a non-negative unit of time. The wait process terminates successfully after d units of time. All events recorded by processes relate to a conceptual global clock, and a process can only engage in a finite number of events in a bounded period of time.

There is a constant delay δ associated with each action. Consider a user interface of a vending machine VM. The insertion of a coin is modelled by the action coin and a time tdrop is the time allowed for the coin to drop before the event button is made available. The user then presses the button and the machine then offers a drink coke after a short delay tcoke. If the operator ``;'' stands for sequential composition of processes (i.e. P;Q means do P then do Q) then the timed behaviour of the vending machine can be specified as [21]

VM = coin  →  WAIT(tdrop - δ);  
    button  →  WAIT(tcoke - δ);  
    coke  →  WAIT(treset - δ);VM  

The vending machine presents the user with no choice of product, so the button is an unnecessary feature of the interface. The hiding operator VM\button may be used to conceal the button event from the user. Hidden events occur as soon as they become available so we obtain using the algebraic rules

VM\button = coin  →  WAIT(tdrop + tcoke - δ);  
    coke  →  WAIT(treset - δ);VMS  

The delays before and after the button event are unaffected by the hiding operator.

In TCCS (temporal CCS), the construct (t).P denotes a process that will evolve into process P after exactly t units of time. δ.P denotes the process that is willing to wait any amount of time before behaving like P.

As an example, consider the alternating bit protocol ABP. The process ABP is the parallel composition of the sender, the receiver and the medium. Internal events (such as the acknowledgment signal between the medium and the sender) are hidden or projected out.

In the internal behaviour of the sender, r is the time that the sender will wait after sending a message before assuming the message has been lost and retransmitting.

The specification S that ABP must satisfy is

S = δ.send.(d ).receive.(d ).S

i.e. S is a process that after some time sends a message, followed by a transmission delay of d clock units. The transmission delay is the time that it takes to transmit the message and receive an acknowledgment. Once the message is received and acknowledged (this also takes d clock units), the same behaviour is then repeated. The protocol is verified to be correct by showing that if r > 2d then


The equality is interpreted in a labelled transition graph semantics. It means that the graph of ABP is the same as that of S, modulo the occurrence of any number of internally hidden transitions.

In [32,33], an extended version of CCS called CCSR is presented. CCSR deals with timing properties as well as resource sharing based on a priority semantics. Most real-time formalisms capture delays due to synchronization. Resource specific details are abstracted out by assuming idealistic operating environments. The problem with this abstraction is that true parallelism may take place only at the system level where a group of shared resources is executed simultaneously. Each resource, however, is inherently sequential in nature. A resource can only execute a single action at one point in time. This constraint leads naturally to an interleaving notion of concurrency. On the other hand, scheduling algorithms ignore the effect of process synchronization except for simple precedence relations between processes.

The computation model of CCSR treats synchronization and scheduling. It is resource based in that multiple resources execute synchronously, while processes assigned to the same resource are interleaved according to their priorities. CCSR possesses a prioritized equivalence for terms, based on strong bisimilarity. An equational proof system is provided for syntactic manipulation of terms based on resource configuration and priority ordering.

In [98], an overview of the above timed process algebras (TPAs) is presented as well as a unifying framework for treating them. The authors of [98] point out that most TPAs implicitly adopt the following view concerning their operation:

An untimed process algebra is a quadruple UPA = (O, A, R,∼) where O is a set of operators defining the syntax of the language. L is a set of transition labels (actions). R is a set of rules defining the operational semantics or models, associating with each term of the language a transition system. The relation ∼ is a behavioural equivalence (e.g. bisimulation) defined over the models.

A labelled transition system (whose states are process expressions) is the main computational model considered for the sake of comparing the various algebras. P$\;\stackrel{{a}}{{\rightarrow }}\;$Q means the process P may perform the atomic and timeless action a and then it behaves like Q. The transition P$\;\stackrel{{d}}{{\rightarrow }}\;$Q means that the process P may idle for d time units after which it behaves like Q. A time domain is a commutative monoid (D, + , 0). As D is usually infinite, models of processes are generally infinitely branching transition systems.

A timed process algebra is obtained from the untimed algebra (O, A, R,∼) by adding a set O' of time constraining operations. The timed process algebra is then defined as TPA = (O$\bigcup$O', A, R',∼'). It must then be decided how to obtain the operational semantic rules R' and the strong equivalence ∼' with respect to the labelled transition system.

The two main constraints that must be satisfied are:

Semantics Conservation.
The untimed process and its timed equivalent should have the same behaviour as long as we observe execution actions only. This means that the untimed rules R remain valid in the corresponding TPA, as far as they are applied on terms of the UPA.
For any terms P, Q of UPA, the equivalence PQ holds iff P∼'Q. This requirement guarantees that any theoretical development in UPA remains valid in TPA and conversely.

See [98] for a further discussion of how and to what extent these constraints are satisfied in the various timed process algebras.

An important issue that arises is the finite variability property (or non-Zeno behaviour) of the algebras. TCSP is the only algebra for which all processes satisfy the finite variability property, namely, that a process can only perform a finite number of actions in a finite time interval. A process that has Zeno behaviours may be unrealizable. In TCSP, non-Zeno behaviour is achieved by enforcing a system delay between two actions of a sequential process. Thus the isomorphism requirement is not satisfied, and hence not all laws of CSP are valid in TCSP. The assumption of a system delay seems to be the only solution that ensures finite variability, but yields instead a complicated theory which also destroys the abstractness of time [98].

In algebras such as TCCS, U-LOTOS and ACPρ there exist processes whose models can block the progress of time. For timed systems it is natural to demand that a terminated process does not block time; but then a distinction must be made between termination and deadlock. The designers of algebras that block time admit that such time-locks are counterintuitive. However, they claim that time-locks can detect certain types of timing inconsistencies and unrealizable specifications.

In summary, verifying that a timed process P satisfies a specification S depends on whether a dual language framework is used or a single language framework.

Often, the requirement that two specifications be equivalent is too strong. For example, it may not be necessary to prove two processes equally fast, as perhaps ``faster'' would be sufficient. On the other hand equivalences are interesting tools for abstractions as a larger concrete implementation can be replaced by its smaller high level specification, and vice versa [37]. The approach of using a bisimulation has been successful in the untimed case. However, some researchers claim that it will not be useful in the timed case owing to the complexity introduced by the timed constructs [21].

The dual language approach of using a specification language such as temporal logic, has the advantage of separation of concerns. Each relevant requirement can be expressed as a separate formula, and each formula can be verified separately [37].