Microsoft Repository 2.0 Readme

� 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Repository Readme includes updated information for the documentation provided with Microsoft� Visual Studio -- Development System for Windows and the Internet. The information in this document is more up-to-date than the information in the Help system. Many of the issues outlined in this document will be corrected in upcoming releases.

For general installation issues on the Visual Studio 6.0 suite of products, including side by side product installation, see the Installation Notes readme (install.htm).

For other issues on the Help system of the Visual Studio suite of products, go to MSDN™, the Microsoft Developer Network Readme.


Repository Overview

Important:   This section contains vital information about installing Repository 2.0. Please read all items carefully before you begin your installation.

Repository Installation Notes

Repository Files on Your Hard Disk

Repository 2.0 Issues
Limitations and More Information

Repository Overview

What Is Microsoft Repository?

Microsoft Repository is an enabling technology for defining and populating information models. It is used by engineering and software development tools to share information about engineered artifacts. Engineered artifacts are things like software components, manufactured components, documents, maps, Web pages - anything about which you might want to share information that has complex structure. Microsoft Repository stores repository data in a relational database. Two database management systems are supported: Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5 or later and the Microsoft Jet database engine version 3.0 or later.

What Is New in Microsoft Repository 2.0?

Microsoft Repository 2.0 contains significant enhancements in the areas of version management and team development while maintaining backward compatibility with Microsoft Repository 1.0 interfaces.

The major areas of new functionality are:

Important Information for Release 2.0 Customers

Users should also be aware of the following:



Repository Installation Notes

Microsoft Repository is installed during a Visual Basic installation.

Microsoft Repository requires that the Data Access component be installed. By default, the Data Access component is installed during a Visual Basic installation. However, if you choose not to install the Data Access component, and then install a third party tool that uses Microsoft Repository, you will encounter the following error when starting Visual Basic 98:

"An error occurred while opening the Microsoft Repository database. Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 126 (Microsoft Access Driver (*.MDB)). Microsoft Repository Add-in for Visual Basic is shutting down."

To correct this problem, install the Data Access component.

Repository Files on Your Hard Disk

The following files will be added to the Windows SYSTEM (or SYSTEM32) directory:

The following files will be added to the "Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry" directory:

The following files will be added to the "Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\infoMdl" directory:

The following files will be added to the Visual Basic directory:

Repository 2.0 Issues

Differences Between Repository 1.0 and Repository 2.0

Repository 1.0 Usage

If the repository database was created using the Repository 1.0 engine and has been used for information model creation, population, and retrieval only through this engine, there will be some differences when you run the same application with the Repository 2.0 engine. The differences arise from the treatment of relationships, as listed below:

Mixed-mode Repository 1.0 and Repository 2.0 Usage

It is conceivable that a Repository 1.0 application might be run on the Repository 2.0 engine, in which versioning operations are performed by other applications on the same repository. The engine of course has to respect the semantics of versioning, and some of those semantics will necessarily be visible to the nonversioning application. A Repository 1.0 application can only see these effects when operating on a repository database in which Repository 2.0 applications are performing version and workspace operations. These effects do not arise when all applications on a repository database are following Repository 1.0 semantics. In addition to the effects mentioned above, the following could arise:

SQL Tables


The following table shows other differences between Repository 1.0 and Repository 2.0.

Description V1 engine V2 engine
IRepositoryItem::get_Item() Out of range integer index returns EREP_BADPARAMS. Out of range integer index returns DISP_E_BADINDEX.


Insert appends to the collection if the collection is a nonsequenced. Insert fails for nonsequenced collections (EREP_COL_NOT-SEQUENCED) and destination collections (EREP_RELSHIP_ORGONLY).


Fails with EREP_RELSHIP_ ORGONLY for nonsequenced and destination collections. Fails with EREP_COL_NOT-SEQUENCED for nonsequenced collections, and EREP_RELSHIP_ ORGONLY for destination collections.
IRepositoryObjectVersion::put_Name() Error EREP_OBJ_NO-NAMING-RELSHIP is not added to the error queue. Error REP_OBJ_NONAMING-RELSHIP is added to the error queue.
Unique naming collections: Item B with name "B" is added multiple times to a unique naming collection Error code is EREP_RELSHIP_DUPENAME. Error code is EREP_RELSHIP_EXISTS.
IRepositoryItem::get_Name() Succeeds on a non-naming relationship (returns "0"). Fails.

ITargetObjectCol:: get_Item()

Argument can be INTID, OBJID, Index, or Name. Argument can be OBJID, Index, or Name.
ExecuteQuery() on SQL Server Checks for INTID column in result set. Accepts more than just INTID whenever implicit conversion is possible.
Refresh on object instances collection Refreshes properties and then objects. Refreshes objects and then properties.


Asynchronous Operation

Loading of object collections in response to IRepositoryODBC::ExecuteQuery() can be asynchronous. The calling thread should check to determine whether the load is complete. If the calling thread tries to read data, refresh the collection, or construct an enumerator while loading is in progress, it will be blocked until the load is complete.

RODBC_RESET_OPTIONS = 1  // Reset all options
RODBC_ASYNCH = 2         // Asynchronous query execution
READY = 1                // Loading is complete
INPROGRESS = 2           // Loading in progress
CANCELLED = 3            // Loading has been cancelled (by caller)
FAILED = 4               // Loading failed (reason unknown)
New Interfaces

Additional methods:

  • LoadStatus: Obtains the load status of the collection.
HRESULT LoadStatus(long *piStatus)                   // Automation
HRESULT get_LoadStatus(long *piStatus           // COM
Return value
  • Cancel: Requests the cancellation of the ongoing load operation.

HRESULT Cancel()

Return value

Additional methods:

  • GetOption: Obtains the value of the load option.

HRESULT GetOption(long iOption, VARIANT *psValue)

[out, retval]
VARIANT_TRUE or VARIANT_FALSE, depending upon whether the RODBC_ASYNCH option has been set.
Return value
S_OK if successful, EREP_BADPARAMS if any other option is specified.
  • SetOption: Sets the option for loading the collection. The async flag can be set if and only if the underlying database system supports the async operation.
  • Signature
    HRESULT SetOption(long iOption, VARIANT sValue)
    Input Arguments
    iOption RODBC_ASYNCH and sValue TRUE sets the async mode of load.
    iOption RODBC_ASYNCH and sValue FALSE clears the async mode.
    iOption RODBC_RESET_OPTIONS resets the async mode of load.
    Return value

    S_OK if successful, EREP_TYPE_COLMISMATCH if a value other than TRUE or FALSE is specified in sValue when iOption is RODBC_ASYNCH.

    Other Changes


    SQL and API Types Used in Property Definitions

    The following two tables show the API types recognized by the Repository engine, as well as the SQL types. These values appear in the APIType and SQLType properties of a PropertyDef Object. For information on conversion between SQL and API types, please refer to the ODBC Programmer's Reference.















































































    New Features


    Two new properties have been added to the IRepository2 interface to indicate the version of the database file.

    HRESULT MajorDBVersion(long *piMajorDBVersion)             // Automation
    HRESULT get_MajorDBVersion( long *piMajorDBVersion)      // COM
    [out, retval]
    The major version number of the first Repository engine version that introduced this database format.
    HRESULT MinorDBVersion(long *piMinorDBVersion)             // Automation
    HRESULT get_MinorDBVersion( long *piMinorDBVersion)      // COM
    [out, retval]
    The minor version number of the first Repository engine version that introduced this database format.

    A new method CreateObjectEx() has been added to the interface IRepository2. It creates the first version of a new Repository object of the specified type. The newly created version is assigned the object-version identifier passed in as an argument, unlike IRepository::CreateObject(), in which the Repository assigns the version ID. It has the following syntax:

    HRESULT IRepository2::CreateObjectEx(
    VARIANT ObjectID,
    VARIANT ExtVersionID,
    IRepositoryObjectVersion **ppRepObjVer);
    It does the same work as IRepository::CreateObject
    It does the same work as IRepository::CreateObject 
    This is the object-version identifier (20 bytes) to be assigned to the first version of the object
    This is the IRepositoryObjectVersion pointer to the newly created version


    Known Limitations in Microsoft Repository 2.0

    1. Limitations related to interfaces and associated methods


    IRelationshipCol and ITargetObjectCol



    IClassDef and IInterfaceDef


    2. Repository constants

    In the Repository documentation, it is mentioned that the maximum length, in bytes, of a name that a relationship assigns to its destination object is 260 as defined by the constant RELSHIPNAMESIZE. This value is actually 249.


    3. Conventions for names

    Names of relationships and objects must follow these conventions:

    1. Names can be no longer than 249 characters.
    2. Any characters can be used in a name.
    3. The name can contain leading or trailing spaces. It can also be an empty string.
    4. If the name is all spaces, it is treated as an empty string.

    This applies to names used inside quotation marks or stored inside variables. For example, the following "IFolder" interface must meet these restrictions:




           where: sIFolder = "IFolder"

    However, these guidelines are not accurate for names specified outside of quotation marks (such as property names or relationship collection names). For example, the relationship collection "RcFolderContains" below:


    must adhere to the Microsoft Visual Basic naming guidelines, except that the limit is 127 characters instead of the 255 characters limit that Visual Basic allows.


    4. Stored Procedures

    The stored procedure name for a table is generated by prefixing the table name with the string "R_i". Since table names are unique, this will generate unique stored procedure names. If the table name’s length is greater than MaxIdentifierLength-3, however, the table name generation algorithm fails. For this reason, a user may not supply a table name longer than MaxIdentifierLength-3. Supplying a longer name causes the error EREP_BADNAME.

    When the user supplies no table name for an interface, the engine automatically generates the table name from the interface name. If the interface name, with the leading "I" stripped off, is less than MaxIdentifierLength-4, the interface name will be used as the table name. Otherwise, the interface name is truncated to MaxIdentifierLength-7, and a 4-character number (called a "uniqifier") is appended to the name to make it unique, before prefixing R_i.

    The engine uses named arguments to call the stored procedures. A named argument starts with the "@" character and is not longer than MaxIdentifierLength. Therefore, the property names, which are also column names, must be no longer than MaxIdentifierLength-1.

    MaxIdentifierLength’s are:


    5. Table Definitions

    The following tables are not included in the Repository help file:

    • RTblSumInfo
    • RTblNamedObj
    • RTblVersionAdminInfo

    These tables are explained below along with column names and data types.



    RTblSumInfo is an interface-specific table; its columns correspond to the properties exposed by the ISummaryInformation interface. By default, no class of the Repository Type Information Model implements ISummaryInformation. Thus the Repository database does not, by default, include the table RTblSumInfo. Instead, the Repository omits the table from the database to save space. However, as soon as you insert into the Repository any class that implements ISummaryInformation, Repository creates the table.

    Column Name Data Type Description
    IntID RTIntID The internal identifier of the class.
    Z_BranchID_Z RTBrID Indicates the branch of the version graph containing the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
    Z_VS_Z RTVerID A version-within-branch identifier indicating the lower bound of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
    Z_VE_Z RTVerID A version-within-branch identifier indicating the upper bound of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
    Comments RTLongString A field used for comments.
    ShortDesc RTLongString The description of the object.



    RTblNamedObj is an interface-specific table; its columns correspond to the properties exposed by the INamedObject interface. By default, no class of the Repository Type Information Model implements INamedObject. Thus the Repository database does not, by default, include the table RTblNamedObj. Instead, the Repository omits the table from the database to save space. However, as soon as you insert into the Repository any class that implements INamedObject, Repository creates the table.

    Column Name Data Type Description
    IntID RTIntID The internal identifier of the class.
    Z_BranchID_Z RTBrID Indicates the branch of the version graph containing the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
    Z_VS_Z RTVerID A version-within-branch identifier indicating the lower bound of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
    Z_VE_Z RTVerID A version-within-branch identifier indicating the upper bound of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
    Name RTLongString The name of the object.



    RTblVersionAdminInfo is an interface-specific table; its columns correspond to the properties exposed by the IVersionAdminInfo interface. By default, no class of the Repository Type Information Model implements IVersionAdminInfo. Thus the Repository database does not, by default, include the table RTblVersionAdminInfo. Instead, the Repository omits the table from the database to save space. However, as soon as you insert into the Repository any class that implements IVersionAdminInfo, Repository creates the table.

    Column Name Data Type Description
    IntID RTIntID The internal identifier of the class.
    Z_BranchID_Z RTBrID Indicates the branch of the version graph containing the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
    Z_VS_Z RTVerID A version-within-branch identifier indicating the lower bound of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
    Z_VE_Z RTVerID A version-within-branch identifier indicating the upper bound of the range to whose items the property values in this row apply.
    VersionCreateTime Date/Time The time the version has been created.
    VersionModifyTime Date/Time The time the version has been modified.
    CreateByUser RTLongString The user who created the version.
    ModifyByUser RTLongString The user who modified the version.


    6. Other Limitations

    • Migration Wizard (MigRepV2.exe), Repository Browser (Repbrows.exe), and Visual Component Manager (VCM) do not support file DSNs (Data Source Names). These tools only work against a DSN of type Access or SQL Server.
    • In the Migration Wizard, if you work against a DSN of the type SQL Server, you will be asked to enter a user name and a password unless the DSN is configured using the Windows NT authentication option (in the ODBC Data Source Administrator).
    • In the topic "Examples of Merging Versions," there is an inaccuracy in the second graph. The properties of the version V8 should change, after the merge, from (Large, Red, null) to (Medium, Red, null).
    • The documentation for the CollectionDefFlags enumeration did not mention the following flag:


      This flag is related to another flag in the same enumeration:


    The two flags have opposite meanings. Thus, they cannot both be set at the same time. However, since the default setting for each of them is unset, it is possible for both flags to be unset at the same time. If both flags are unset, the Repository operates as if the COLLECTION_NEWORGVERSIONSPARTICIPATE flag is set. That is, during the creation of a new version of a repository object, Microsoft Repository does copy new origin collections from a predecessor creation version to a successor version.


    For More Information

    You can go to these sources for more information about Microsoft Repository:

    • Check for the latest news on the Microsoft Repository Web site ( You can also download Repository documentation from this site.
    • In the Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 documentation, you will find the Repository Programmer's Guide, Repository Reference, Repository Browser, and Converting Repository 1.0 Databases. To locate these documents start at the top and follow this path:

      MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0
          Visual Studio Documentation
              Component, Design, and Analysis Tools
                   Microsoft Repository 2.0 Documents

    • In the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 documentation, you will find Repository Programmer's Guide for Visual Basic and The Microsoft Repository Visual Basic Add-in Reference. To locate these documents start at the top and follow this path:

      MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0
          Visual Basic Documentation
              Using Repository with Visual Basic