about csi

Notification letters for Fall 2010 enrollees
will be mailed home the first week of March.

Eligibility: Grade 8 students enrolled in UCS Math 8, Algebra I or higher. Students must have a 2.5 GPA as reported by their Middle or Junior High School.

Enrollment Period: Open enrollment begins December 1, 2009. Applications are due on
January 15, 2010.

Description: The Utica Center for Science and Industry (UCSI) is the marriage of rigorous academic content an relevant, real world application of this
knowledge. UCSI will make use of its strong relationships
with business, industry and post-secondary partners to
provide UCSI students with the skills necessary to be
successful in a global workplace. UCSI is a 9th to 12th
grade program that will integrate English and Math into
the following three programs:

Click here for 2010 Application

Teacher Recommendation Page

How do I submit the application?

  1. Select the application link below.
  2. Online, fill out the complete application (check for typographic errors and clarity of information).
  3. Submit the form electronically if possible by either:
    a.) Using the SUBMIT button at the end of the application (requires application based Email), or
    b.) Using the SAVE button at the end of the application, save the application to your desktop and mail the application to Shellie.Kociemba@uticak12.org
  4. Submit Teacher Recommendations by selecting the link below, and
    a.) Sending your teacher an Email that links to the Teacher Recommendation Form below asking to please fill it out, or
    b.) Physically printing the form below, and asking your teachers to complete it.