Filtering records

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Filtering records

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To specify a filter for the export, click on "Filter" button in the "Common options" dialog

Filter dialog box opens.


Set the criteria for necessary fields and click OK.

Only the records meeting your criteria will be exported.


Filter expressions


You can use the following metasymbols in filter expressions:


    ?-any character in current position   

    *-any characters after '*'   

    *aa- search "aa" in any position   



  Example    Matches    Doesn't Match

  ab*       abc       cab

  a?b*       aabc       aadc

  *ab       cab,abc    cba


>, >=, <, <=

Example: >=100


(For Number, Float, Integer, Currency, Double fields)


You can set range for date/Timestamp fields and all numeric types.


empty() - find records with empty fields

! find with not equal value

Example: !Peter

records with field not equal Peter


records with not empty field.