

RGB Color

This option determines how colors are rendered. The available options vary from printer to printer.

Default (sRGB): This is the best option for most of your printing needs because the colors are optimized to match the RGB colors on the screen and because it provides vivid images and graphics. This option interprets RGB color as sRGB, which is the accepted standard for many software companies and organizations, such as Microsoft and the World Wide Web Consortium.
Photo (sRGB): Select this option for an alternative rendering of raster images.

This option only affects raster data; text and graphics (vector data) are processed by the Default (sRGB) table.

Photo (Adobe RGB 1998): Use this option for documents or images that were originally created in the Adobe RGB (1998) color space or with a digital camera. When printing from a professional software program with Adobe RGB (1998), it is important that you turn off the color management in the software program and allow the printer software to manage the color space.
None: This option allows the printer to accept RGB data directly from the application.
Custom Profile: Select this option to use a custom input profile to accurately control color output (for example, to emulate a specific HP Color LaserJet printer). Color profiles can be downloaded from
Vivid (sRGB): Select this option to reproduce graphics (for example, pie charts and bar graphs) with more saturated colors. This option can be useful when printing business documents that do not contain images.