

Color management

Select the color space in which to print your document. Color management defines the range of colors that can be printed. The printer software translates the colors of your document from their current color space to the color space selected:

ICM (Image Color Management): Microsoft technology that helps ensure that a color image, graphic or text object is printed as close as possible to its original color and helps keep its colors consistent and accurate.
ColorSmart/sRGB: Common standard color space, appropriate for most print jobs. Used for most Web-based documents and current imaging devices.
Adobe RGB (1998): A newer emerging standard, renders more colors than sRGB. If your color image, graphic, or text object uses Adobe RGB (1998), then choose this option. When printing from professional applications using Adobe RGB (1998), turn off printer color management in the application and allow the printer software to manage the color space.
Managed by application: This option allows the software program from which you are printing to manage the color of the document.