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The point of this site is to provide information that will benefit beginners to seasoned gym veterans. I feel that now is a more important time than any other to promote health and fitness, because as obesity rates go up, overall health and well-being go down the drain. Supplementing physical fitness with proper diet and rest are essential on the path to achieving all of your fitness goals. Nothing is going to change overnight, but with hard work and dedication, you can make positive changes in your body.

Below you can view different parts of the site that are specific to your needs.

Gaining Mass
-Here I will describe how to put on more mass by upping protein and carb intake, and using lifting techniques such as super-setting to experience optimal gains.

Losing Weight
-Here I will describe how to change life habits that may be keeping you from losing weight, as well as introducing you to a cardio regimen that is guaranteed to burn fat.

-Here I will detail how to combine cardio and lifting techniques to obtain your dream physique. Definition is often the final stop when looking for the "beach body."

-Diet is the most important aspect of a workout regimen. In order to see any change whatsoever, diets almost ALWAYS must be altered. There is a formula for weight loss, just like there is a formula for muscle gain.

-After diet, rest is the most important aspect of your regimen. Your muscles need time to recover, and I will detail that process so that you can get the most out of those long hours in the gym.

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Healthy Fitness 101 • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 • (805) 111-1112 • email:trumank@gmail.com