| The therapeutic Power Scheduleof Music


The Therapeutic Power of Music Schedule is an online newspaper for music lovers, but also for anyone interested in music and its impact on the modern world.

Music is timeless
Year Brief Music Timeline
325 A.C The spread of Christianity spurred development of European music.
1430 Renaissance favored Greek and Roman Classical styles.From polyphony to one harmonize melody.
1590 Opera borns ! operaimg giovanniimg dafneimg Madrigals! Jacopo Peri's Dafne is the 1st Italian opera. Euridice, is the 2nd.
1604 Ornamental works. Renaissance finished.
1600 familyimg Baroque period began. bachimg Bach explored musical forms. Vialdi became the violin's master.
1750 J.S. Bach
1854 Symphonic poems created by Liszt and slaves trades introduced West African rythms. Gustav Mahler born in Bohemia.
1923 "Queens of the blues,"Bessie Smith, records her 1st song.
The Therapeutic Power of Music • 197 Sabra Ave. • Oak Park, CA 91377 • 310-720-6955 •

Musica Insight

About Rock & Roll

Did you know that the earliest form of this genre arose from multiple genres in the late 40s ?

Music Genres

  • Definition

    According to Van Der Merwe 1989, pag.3.

    A music genre is a category of pieces that share a "basic musical language".

  • Non musical criteria

    is another way of categorize music.

    A non-musical criteria is, for example geographical origin.

  • Nowadays, is hard categorizing music

    into finer genres or subgenres.

    Musicians in a single genre are ill-founded as they may compose music in a variety of genres over time.

  • Marketing vs. musical criteria ?

    Many people think it is media to make money

    The musician John Zorn wrote in Arcana: "Genres are tools to commercialize an artist's complex personal vision.".

  • Genres are helpful.

    It is easier to organize information.

    Go through music's history and find the musicians and music we like.