The Therapeutic Power of Music


Benefits of Music

Focusing attention, developing and improving memory and communication are three fundamental points in human beings' lives and both are connected and related to the brain.


The Human Brain and its Funtions

The human brain is a muscle formed by two sides, left and right; they rule different areas and functions of the human body and are extremely sensitive to musical stimuli, but especially to Mozart and the Baroque music's patterns composed by 60 beats per minute.


Mozart and Baroque music's Effects

This kind of musical pattern stimulates both sides simultaneously, maximazing learning and retaining information. Scientists and experts have been doing some research with groups of children and how music influences them; through those investigations, scientists have demonstrated how important music is in humankind since childhood. According to the article "Surprising Effects of Music: How Music Affects Us and Promotes Health:"


"There is clear evidence, that children who take music lessons develop a better memory compared with children who no have musical training."

Neurotransmitters and electricity

Experts explain that the part of the human brain that receives more stimuli from music is the one formed by the Neurotransmitters, which are endogenous chemicals that amplify and connect signals between a neuron and other cells;neurotransmitters work as an electrical stream that activate the brain and its functions.


Focusing attention is also improved by music because it reduces fatigue,increases the levels of psychological arousal, and creates a psychological relaxation response. Other consequences from listening to music that impact those activities are enhancing mathematical abilities, emotional intelligence, spatial-temporal reasoning, and reading and literacy skills.


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The Therapeutic Power of Music • 197 Sabra Ave. • Oak Park, CA 91377 • 310-720-6955 •