Talking Agent Clock

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This page contains answers to common questions about the Talking Agent Clock program.

Note: In the following questions and answers, the abbreviation TAC is used as a shorthand for Talking Agent Clock.

What are the System requirements to install TAC?

Because Microsoft Agents are designed for Windows 2000/XP, the minimum system requirements that would accommodate a Windows 2000/XP installation are recommended.  That would be at least a 200mhz Pentium computer with at least 64 megs of RAM and a Sound Card.  TAC will run under Windows 95/98/ME, NT 4.0 and of course, Windows 2000 or XP.  To run TAC under Windows 95/98/ME, NT 4.0, you must also have the Microsoft Agent 2.0 core components installed: Microsoft Agent 2.0, Speech to Text engine, and at least 1 Microsoft Agent character: I recommend Peedy).  These can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft Agents download website.

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