Beginning Visual Basic - Project 3

Option Buttons & Moving Objects

The Third Project

For your third Visual Basic project, you will create a program that displays a window with 3 Option Buttons, 3 Images, and an Exit Button. When the program runs, you will be able to point the mouse anywhere on the form and click to move one of the Images to that spot. Which Image moves depends upon which Option Button is selected.

Begin with a blank form (Choose New Project under the File menu. Make the project type: Standard) and press the F4 key to view the form’s properties—if the Properties Window is not already showing.

Select Project1 Properties on the Project dropdown menu. Make sure the General tab is selected and set these options:

In the Startup Object combobox make sure frmProj3 is selected (it should be by default). In the Project Name textbox type Project3. In the Project Description textbox type the following: Option buttons let you choose an Image you can move around the form by clicking. Leave all other settings at their defaults and click the OK button.

Pull down the File menu and choose Save Project. Save the form as: frmProj3.frm. Save the project as project3.vbp.

Use the illustration below as a guide and place 3 Option Buttons (on the left), 3 Images (top middle), and Exit Command Button as shown:

Use the Project 3 - Properties/Procedures Table (last page) to set the designated property values of the Form, Option Buttons, Images, and Command Button (don’t add any of the Code from the Event Procedures section yet).

You can refer to the Event Procedures section of the Properties/Procedures Table (last page) while following these steps:

Button As Integer The value of this parameter indicates whether the left, right, or middle mouse button was pushed. (You’re just ignoring this parameter, since you don’t care which button was pushed).

Shift As Integer The value of Shift indicates whether the mouse button was pushed while the Shift, Ctrl, or Alt keys were being pressed. (The value of Shift is also ignored by you).

X As Single
Y As Single
These variables contain the coordinates of the mouse location at the time the mouse button was pushed. A Single precision variable is a floating point number (which can have decimal value) that is 4 bytes long, an integer is just 2 bytes long (the size in bytes determines how big a number can fit in the variable—the more bytes the bigger the number can be).

You can use the values of X and Y to move the Image indicated by the selected Option Button to where the user clicked on the form. By checking the value of the Value property of each Option Button you can determine which Option Button (optCircles, optCarved, or optStraw) is selected. An important quality of Option Buttons is that only one of them my be selected at a time. If you select one, and another one is already selected, it is automatically deselected. Here’s the code that goes in the Form_MouseDown event procedure that checks which Option button is selected, and moves the corresponding Image to its new location.

If optCircles.Value = True Then Handles Circles option button
      imgCircles.Move X, Y
ElseIf optCarved.Value = True Then
Handles Carved option button
      imgCarved.Move X, Y
‘Handles Straw option button
      imgStraw.Move X, Y
End If

The first line of code above tests If the optCircles option button is selected. If it is selected, its Value property will be True (True is a reserved word in Visual Basic.  So is False which is the opposite of True). Then the Move method of the imgCircles control is used to change the location of imgCircles (like a Property and an Event Procedure; a Method is a function that comes built into a Control. Every Control type comes with several Methods).

The ElseIf test on the third line (Else and If stuck together) is only executed if the first If test is False. If the ElseIf test is also False then the code after the last Else statement on the fifth line is executed. Why not test of the Value of the optStraw control? Because if either of the first two Option ButtonsoptCircles or optCarved—are not On (True), then the last one, for optStraw, must be on. Note: Like I mentioned before, an important quality of Option Buttons is that one of them—and only one—must be On (True) at all times—you can’t turn them all Off (False).

Save your program and run it. Click on any of the 3 option buttons (Circles, Carved, or Straw). Now click anywhere on the form and watch the corresponding image jump to that spot. Now select another option button and click in the window again to see what happens.

Note: If your optCircles Option button is not on by default when your program starts, go to the Properties window and set its TabIndex property to 0 (zero). You can use the TabIndex properties of the controls on your form to set the order which the controls get the focus when the user presses the Tab key while the program is running. The control that has its TabIndex property set to zero begins with the focus when the program starts.

Required Enhancements

Add a Reset button that when clicked moves the Images back to where they were when the program started.

Hint: You must store the values of the Top and Left properties of the Images when the program starts (in Form_Load). The variables that store these values must have Public scope (dimension them as Integers in the General Declarations Section), and they must have descriptive names, i.e. iCircleX, iCircleY, iCarvedX, iCarvedY, iStrawX, and iStrawY. Here’s the code from the cmdReset_Click event procedure that actually moves the images back to where they started:

imgCircles.Move  iCircleX,  iCircleY
imgCarved.Move  iCarvedX,  iCarvedY
imgStraw.Move  iStrawX,  iStrawY

Add a new Option button named optAll and set its Caption property to All. When selected, all the Images should move to wherever you click on the window. Make sure the Images don't end up on top of each other. Try to figure this out on your own. Use the following hint if you get stuck.

Hint: You must modify the code in the Form_MouseDown event procedure to make the optAll Option button work:

If optCircles.Value = True Then ‘Handles Circles option button
      imgCircles.Move X, Y
ElseIf optCarved.Value = True Then
Handles Carved option button
      imgCarved.Move X, Y
ElseIf optStraw.Value = True Then
‘Handles Straw option button
      imgStraw.Move X, Y
‘Handles the All option button
      imgCircles.Move X, Y
Don’t put it on top of Circles
      imgCarved.Move X, Y – imgCarved.Height

Don’t put it on top of Circles
      imgStraw.Move X, Y + imgStraw.Height
End If

Beginning Visual Basic - Project 3

Properties/Procedures Table

(Download the required 3 Bitmap files for this project by clicking here.)
This downloads a self-extracting archive named begvb3-bmp.exe. Just double-click on it after downloading it to extract the 3 small bitmap files that it contains (Circles.bmp, Carved Stone.bmp, Straw Mat.bmp).


Object Property Setting
Form Name frmProj3
  Caption Project 3
  BackColor Make it White
Command Button Name cmdExit
  Caption E&xit
Option Button Name optCircles
  Caption Circles
  BackColor Make it Lite Blue
Option Button Name optCarved
  Caption Carved
  BackColor Make it Lite Green
Option Button Name optStraw
  Caption Straw
  BackColor Make it Lite Red
Image Name imgCircles
  Picture Circles.bmp
Image Name imgCarved
  Picture Carved Stone.bmp
Image Name imgStraw
  Picture Straw Mat.bmp

Event Procedures

Object Procedure Code
Form Form_MouseDown() If optCircles.Value = True Then
   imgCircles.Move X, Y
ElseIf optCarved.Value = True Then
   imgCarved.Move X, Y
   imgStraw.Move X, Y
End If
cmdExit cmdExit_Click() End