Advanced Visual Basic - Project 3

Data Base Snooper

Accessing different Databases

In the previous project, you set the DatabaseName property of your DAO Data control during the design stage of the project. You had the luxury of doing so because you knew ahead of time what the name of the Database would be. You also knew the name of the Table the Database contained and what Fields made up the records. Knowing all of that ahead of time let you set the DataSource and DataField properties of the Textboxes (data bound controls), used to view the records, during the design stage. In this project you’re going to build a Database Snooper that can access any "Access" (Jet) database. You won’t know ahead of time what the name of the Database file will be. You won’t know how many Tables the Database contains. You won’t have any idea what Fields the Tables contain or what their names will be. Before you start to panic, let’s take a look at how easy it is for your program to figure all that stuff out at run time.

The DAO Object Hierarchy (abbreviated)

Database - for accessing a Database
        TableDefs - for finding Tables within a Database
                Recordset - for accessing Records within a Table
                        Field - for accessing Fields within the Records of a Table

To use these objects you do not need a DAO Data control on your Form.  However you will need to manually set a Reference to the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library. You can use variables that you declare (dimension) as references to these DAO object types to open, examine, edit, and even create databases with Code in your Visual Basic programs. The following code:

  1. Declare 4 (DAO) Database reference variables
  2. Opens a Database and prints its name
  3. Opens the first Table in the Database and prints its name
  4. Prints the Count of Records in the Table
  5. Prints the Name and Type of each Field in a record

Begin by just looking at the following code—don’t type it, yet:

‘1) Declare a Database, TableDef, Recordset, and Field object

Dim DbFile As Database
Dim TdTable As TableDef
Dim RsRecord As Recordset
Dim FField As Field

‘2) Opens a database and prints its name

Set DbFile = OpenDatabase("a:\prj2data.mdb") ‘Precede filename with Path
Print "Database: "; DbFile.Name

‘3) Opens the first Table in the Database and prints its name

‘TableDefs is an collection of the Tables
Set TdTable = DbFile.TableDefs(0)
Print "Table Name: "; TdTable.Name

‘4) Counts the records in the Table and prints that number

Set RsRecord = TdTable.OpenRecordset
‘MoveLast sets the value of RecordCount
Print "Record Count: "; RsRecord.RecordCount

‘5) Prints the Type and Name of each Field in a record

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To RsRecord.Fields.Count - 1
      ‘Fields is an collection of the fields
      Set FField = RsRecord.Fields(i)  
      Print "Field Name: "; FField.Name;
Print Tab(30); "Type: "; FField.Type
Next i

Now let’s try this code. Run Visual Basic. Pull down the File menu and choose New Project (make it a Standard project). Type all of the Code above into the Form_Click event procedure. Before running the program, pull down the Project menu and choose References. Put a checkmark in front of the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library item and click the OK button. This reference is required so that you can dimension the Database, TableDef, Recordset and Field data types. Be sure include the full path to your prj2data.mdb database file where you specify it in the code for part (1). Run the project and click anywhere on the form to execute this code. The printout on your form should look something like this:

The numbers listed after Type: are the Record Field Type codes:

Type Code Means
10 Text
3 Integer
11 OLE Object

If you’d like to save the above exercise for later reference, do so now (Use any descriptive name you like for the Form and Project files).  Note: To see an ADO version of the DAO code above, refer to the end of this project.

A Collection of objects verses an Array of objects : What's the difference?

When you create an Array of controls or variables, they must all be of the same data type (and array of Textboxes, for example).   Instead of creating an Array, you can create a Collection of controls and they don't have to share the same data type.  A Collection provides a convenient way to refer to a related group of items as a single object. The items, or Members, in a Collection need only be related by the fact that they exist in the Collection.  I mention Collection here, because when you dimension a Database object, it comes with several collections of objects (i.e. Tabledefs, Fields, etc.).  Note: Get help on the Collection Object to find out more about Collections verses Arrays.

Be sure to Start a new project now before going on!

The Third Project

Starting your 3rd project—Database Snooper. Start Visual Basic.

This program must do the following (The controls required for each step are in bold type):

You will build this project in Several Phases. Each Phase begins with a phase title (i.e. Phase 1) and the following sections:

A Control List that describes the Controls to be added to the form during that phase.

A Performance Objectives section which includes a numbered list of things that the program should do when the phase is completed.

A Hint Section with hints for each of the Performance Objectives. You can refer to the hints anytime you like. For an extra challenge try to discover your own solutions to as many the Performance Objectives as you can. Then compare your solutions to those listed in the Hints section.

Important! Please complete each Phase in sequence, before going onto the next one. Going on to Phase 2 before completing Phase 1 is not recommended.

Phase 1

Control List

In this phase you will add the following controls to the form (Controls are followed by a suggested Name in parenthesis, and when relevant a Caption in quotes:)

CommonDialog (CommonDialog1)
Listbox (lstTables)
Command Button (cmdOpen) "Open Database"
Command Button (cmdExit) "Exit"
Data control (daoSnooper)

Performance Description

When Phase 1 is completed and the program is run, you should be able to:

  1. Click the Open Database button to see an Open Files dialog box.
  2. Select a Database (.mdb extension) file from Open Files dialog box.
  3. Any Tables in the selected Database file are listed in the lstTables Listbox.
  4. Clicking the Exit button exits the program.

Hint Section

  1. Click the Open Database button to see an Open Files dialog box

In order to allow access to any number of database files, your program will need an Open File dialog. This is accomplished with the CommonDialog control.

Following is the code to generate the File Open dialog. This code goes inside the cmdOpen_Click event procedure. Only 2 properties of the CommonDialog control need to be set:

The DialogTitle property sets the text that appears in the caption bar of the dialog:

CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Select A Database To Open"

The Filter property is a string that you assign to display only certain file types in the File Open dialog’s list of files. In order to make sure that the user opens only Access type database files (which have an MDB extension), you must specify a Filter value like so:

CommonDialog1.Filter = "MDB Files (*.mdb) | *.mdb"

The first part of the above string: MDB Files (*.mdb), is the description which appears in the List Files of Type dropdown list box of the File Open dialog. The last part of the string which comes after the a pipe symbol delimiter (which can usually be found on the key with the backslash on it): *.mdb is the actual filter. (You can provide multiple descriptions and Filters by separating each part with the pipe symbol (|).)

Once the DialogTitle and Filter properties are set, displaying the File Open dialog is easy with the ShowOpen method:


Here’s a summary of the code you need to display the File Open dialog:

‘(Add this code to the cmdOpen_Click event procedure)
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Select A Database To Open"
CommonDialog1.Filter = "MDB Files (*.mdb) | *.mdb"

If you test run the program now and click the cmdOpen button, you get an Open Files dialog. If the Filter property was set correctly, the dialog should only list folders and MDB files.

  1. Select a Database (.mdb extension) file from the Open Files dialog box

The CommonDialog1.ShowOpen command (above), generates the File Open dialog box. The user can select a file with an MDB extension (set by the Filter property above). The name of the file they select is stored in the Filename property of the CommonDialog control. Assign that name to a descriptive string variable like so (This command follows the 3 lines already entered above in the cmdOpen_Click event procedure. sDataBName must be dimensioned as a String in the General Declarations section):

sDataBName = CommonDialog1.filename

In the event the user clicks the File Open dialog’s Cancel button, the value of the sDataBName variable could be an empty string. You must test for that possibility like this (we will talk later about actually capturing the Cancel Error generated by the Cancel button of a CommonDialog control):

If sDataBName = "" Then Exit Sub

If sDataBName is an empty string the above code terminates the procedure.

Here’s a summary of the code entered so far—from hints 1 and 2:

‘(In the General Declarations section)
Dim sDataBName as String

‘(In the cmdOpen_Click() event procedure)
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Select A Database To Open"
CommonDialog1.Filter = "MDB Files (*.mdb) | *.mdb"

sDataBName = CommonDialog1.filename
‘Exit here if no Database was selected
If sDataBName = "" Then Exit Sub

  1. Any Tables in the selected Database file are listed in the lstTables Listbox

At this point you should have the name of the Database in your sDataBName string variable (see the code from the hints above), and you’re ready to Open the Database and access any Tables it may contain. (By the way, sDataBName contains the complete path name, including the drive, to the Database file). In order to access the Database you're about to open from any other procedure in your program, you’ll need to dimension the Database object in the General Declarations section.  While we're at it, let's also dimension the Recordset object we'll need in Phase 2 as well:

Dim DbFile As Database
Dim RsRecord As Recordset

Then following the code from hints 1 & 2 above, enter this code into the cmdOpen_Click event procedure to Open the Database file:

Set DbFile = OpenDatabase(sDataBName)

You’ll need a counter to keep track of the number of Tables, and a string array to store the names of the Tables that the DbFile Database contains. Every array must have a limit, so let’s pick 25 as the maximum number of Tables per Database: Add these declarations to the General Declarations section of the form:

Const MAXTABLES = 25 ‘Maximum Tables constant
Dim sTableName(MAXTABLES) as String ‘Stores Table names
Dim iTableCount as Integer ‘Table counter

You will also need a TableDef object. This can be declared locally since it’s only going to be used to help extract the Table names from the DbFile Database. So add this dimension statement to the beginning of the cmdOpen_Click event procedure:

Dim TdTable As TableDef

Following is the code to extract the Table names from the DbFile Database (Don’t forget to dimension i as an Integer at the beginning of the cmdOpen_Click event procedure). Add this code to the cmdOpen_Click event procedure, below the code that you’ve entered there already:

iTableCount = 0
For i = 0 To DbFile.TableDefs.Count - 1
'TableDefs is an collection of the Tables
α  Set TdTable = DbFile.TableDefs(i)

      ‘Store the Table names in the sTableName array
α  sTableName(iTableCount) = TdTable.Name
      iTableCount = iTableCount + 1

      'If iTableCount equals MAXTABLES display a MsgBox and Exit
      If iTableCount = MAXTABLES Then
            MsgBox "Too Many Tables...Exiting", vbOKOnly + _
                  vbCritical, MAXTABLES  &  " Table Limit Exceeded!"
            Exit For
‘Terminate the For-Next loop
      End If
Next i

The TdTable object used in the above code is not really required to do the job. In fact it’s only used here so that you can see what the TableDef object type can be used for. Here is how the above code would look without TdTable. A little tighter:

iTableCount = 0
For i = 0 To DbFile.TableDefs.Count - 1
α   sTableName(iTableCount) = DbFile.TableDefs(i).Name
       iTableCount = iTableCount + 1
'If iTableCount equals MAXTABLES display a MsgBox and Exit
       If iTableCount  = MAXTABLES Then
             MsgBox "Too Many Tables...Exiting", vbOKOnly + _
                vbCritical, MAXTABLES  &  " Table Limit Exceeded!"
            Exit For
‘Terminate the For-Next loop
      End If
Next i

Notice how in the arrowed line of code in the above example the Table names in the DbFile.TableDefs collection are being assigned directly to the sTableName array (via the Name property of each of the TableDefs objects in the TableDefs collection), without using the TdTable (TableDef) variable as a go-between. Since the above code is tighter, change your code to match it (you can also remove the Dim TdTable As TableDef line at the top of the event procedure).

Now you are ready to copy the names of the Tables from the sTableName array to your lstTables Listbox. If you have not yet added a Listbox to the form, do so now. Name it lstTables. Below is the code that will copy the Table names from the sTableName array to the lstTables Listbox (Be sure to enter this code below the code you've previously entered into the cmdOpen_Click event procedure.):

lstTables.Clear ‘Make sure the Listbox is empty before filling it
For i = 0 To iTableCount - 1
      lstTables.AddItem sTableName(i)
Next i

Here’s a summary of the code entered so far—from hints 1, 2 and 3:

‘(In the General Declarations section)
Dim sDataBName as String ‘Variable for Database name
Dim DbFile As Database ‘The Database object
Dim RsRecord As Recordset ‘The Record Set object
Const MAXTABLES = 25
‘Maximum Tables constant
Dim sTableName(MAXTABLES) as String ‘Stores Table names
Dim iTableCount as Integer ‘Table counter

‘(In the cmdOpen_Click() event procedure)
Dim i as Integer
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Select A Database To Open"
CommonDialog1.Filter = "MDB Files (*.mdb) | *.mdb"

sDataBName = CommonDialog1.filename
‘Exit here of no Database was selected
If sDataBName = "" Then Exit Sub
Set DbFile = OpenDatabase(sDataBName) ‘Open the Database
iTableCount = 0 ‘Initialize the Table Counter
For i = 0 To DbFile.TableDefs.Count - 1
'TableDefs(i) is an array of the Tables
      sTableName(iTableCount) = DbFile.TableDefs(i).Name
      iTableCount = iTableCount + 1
'If iTableCount equals MAXTABLES display a MsgBox and Exit
      If iTableCount = MAXTABLES Then
            MsgBox "Too Many Tables...Exiting", vbOKOnly + _
                  vbCritical, MAXTABLES & " Table Limit Exceeded!"
            Exit For
‘Terminate the For-Next loop
      End If
Next i
‘Make sure the Listbox is empty before filling it

‘Fill the Listbox with the Table names
For i = 0 To iTableCount - 1
      lstTables.AddItem sTableName(i)
Next i

Now you are ready to give it a try. Save the project and run it. Choose the prj2data.mdb file from project 2. Your screen should look similar to the following example (you should also see a Data control at the bottom of your screen which this illustration doesn’t have). How many Tables does the prj2data.mdb Database contain?

What are those Msys Tables? (the number you have my vary)

The only Table in DbFile is Employees. The TableDefs array (DbFile.TableDefs) contains more than just the names of Tables however:

These MSys files are not Tables (your list may actually vary a little). They are important to Microsoft Access and every MDB Database file you open will contain all or some of these (These extra "Tables" contain Query info, Relationship info, etc). But if you treat them like Tables and try to open them, a runtime error will occur. You need to avoid loading their names into the sTableName array by inserting the code below into the code in your cmdOpen_Click event procedure (The 2 arrowed lines):

iTableCount = 0 ‘Initialize the Table Counter
For i = 0 To DbFile.TableDefs.Count - 1
‘Avoid using names from the TableDefs array that
            contain the letters "msys"
α  If InStr(DbFile.TableDefs(i).Name, "MSys") = 0 Then
            sTableName(iTableCount) = DbFile.TableDefs(i).Name
            iTableCount = iTableCount + 1
'If iTableCount equals MAXTABLES display a MsgBox and Exit
            If iTableCount = MAXTABLES Then
                   MsgBox "Too Many Tables...Exiting", vbOKOnly + _
                                   vbCritical, MAXTABLES & " Table Limit Exceeded!"
            End If
α End if
Next i

Add only the 2 arrowed lines above to your existing code. This is an InStr (In String) test, get help on the InStr function to see how it works. By skipping names in the DbFile.TableDefs collection that contain "MSys", you extract only valid Table names (Unless, of course, a valid Table just happens to have msys as part of its name. Oh well, nothing’s perfect). Make these changes to your code, then save and test run your program again with the prj2Data.mdb file. This time the only Table you should see in the lstTables listbox is Employees.

There are three other database files which you can examine (To download a self-extracting archive that contains those databases, click on this link.   If you're doing this project in the CIS computer lab, you'll find these database files in the Shared folder on drive C). There are also 2 database files in your Visual Basic program folder:

          c:\Program Files\Visual Studio\vb98

Test your program thoroughly with these files (the
Bookprob.mdb database-found in the archive-contains 4 tables. The Nwind.mdb database-found in the Visual Basic program folder (vb98) contains even more tables) before going on to Phase 2. Be sure to save the project.

Phase 2

Control List

In this phase you will add the following controls to the form (Controls are followed by a suggested Name in ():

An array of 10 Labels (lblField)
An array of 10 Textboxes (txtField)
A single Label (lblOLEField – not part of the lblField array)
An OLE control (OLEField)

Performance Description

When Phase 2 is completed and the program is run, the user can do everything they could after Phase 1 plus the following:

  1. Clicking on a Table in the Listbox control displays the Field names in the array of Label controls, and the Field values in the array of Textbox controls.
  2. They can scroll from one record to the next by clicking the directional arrow buttons on the DAO Data control.

Hint Section

  1. Clicking on a Table in the Listbox control displays the Field names in the array of Label controls, and the Field values in the array of Textbox controls. The only purpose of the DAO Data control to scan through the records of a Table.

The DAO Data control (added in Phase 1) is so powerful that all you need to add to your program are 2 lines of code in order to initialize it:

‘Initialize the Data control by setting its DatabaseName and RecordSource
daoSnooper.DatabaseName = sDataBName
daoSnooper.RecordSource = lstTables.List(lstTables.ListIndex)

Place this code into the lstTables_Click event procedure. The lstTables.List property is an array of all the entries in the Listbox. The lstTables.ListIndex property is always equal to the index value of the entry in lstTables that the user selected by clicking on it (ListIndex is equal to -1 if no item in the listbox is selected).

Add arrays of 10 Labels and 10 Textbox controls to the form. Pair them up so that 1 Label goes with 1 Textbox. Step by step instructions for creating an array of controls follows.

To create an array of Textbox controls do the following:

  1. Place 1 Textbox control on your form and size it accordingly.
  2. Set its Name property to txtField
  3. Set its Text property to (Empty).
  4. Set its DataSource property to daoSnooper.
  5. Right click on the textbox and choose Copy from the context menu which appears.
  6. Right click on any blank part of the form (not on a control) and choose Paste from the context menu which appears.
  7. A message box pops up, warning you that you already have a control with the name txtField and asking you if you want to create a Control Array. Click the Yes button.
  8. The new Textbox control is pasted into the upper left corner of the form (that’s where they will all appear when you paste). Drag the new control from the corner to where you want it.
  9. Repeat steps 6 and 8 until done (Once you’ve chosen to create an array of controls, the message box in step 7 will not appear again).

Use the same technique to create the array of Labels to go with the Textboxes. Note: The properties you set on the first control you create will be inherited by each new array element you create (Do not set the DataSource property of the Labels--leave DataSource blank).

In projects 1 and 2, you used Labels and Textboxes to display a Record’s Field names and Field values. In this project you will use the same technique. The 2 vital properties of the Textbox controls that you need to set are DataSource and DataField. The value for the DataSouce property you already know—It’s daoSnooper, which is the DAO Data control on the form. The value for DataField is another matter.  We need to set the DataField prorperty of our Textboxes manually.  That's where the following code comes in.

Start by adding these 3 lines of code after any code in the lstTables_Click event procedure:

‘Previously entered code is here

Set RsRecord = DbFile.OpenRecordset(daoSnooper.RecordSource, _
Set daoSnooper.Recordset = RsRecord

Once you’ve dimensioned the Recordset variable (RsRecord), it’s just a matter of using the OpenRecordset method along with the name of the Table and you have access to the tables Records. Note the final parameter of the OpenRecordset method: dbOpenSnapshot is one of 3 ways you can open a Recordset. Calling OpenRecordset with the dbOpenSnapshot parameter opens the Recordset for examination only (SnapShot). After all, the goal of this project is to snoop databases, not edit them.  The second Set command above references the Recordset object built into the Data control (daoSnooper) to the record set assigned to RsRecord.

Add the following code at the end of the lstTables_Click event procedure (below the previously entered code):

iField = 0
For i = 0 To RsRecord.Fields.Count - 1
      If iField < 10 Then

      lblField(iField).Caption = RsRecord.Fields(i).Name
            ‘Once you set the DataField property of a Textbox to the
            ‘      name of field, the value for that field is displayed
             txtField(iField).DataField = RsRecord.Fields(i).Name
            iField = iField + 1
      End If
Next i

Don’t forget to dimension iField and i as integers at the beginning of the lstTables_Click event procedure. In this code, you’re only grabbing the first 10 Fields from a Record. If there are more than 10, they just won’t be displayed.  Note the Fields collection in the above code which is included in a Recordset object (RsRecord.Fields). It is a collection of the Fields that a record from the Table contains.

Now you're going to insert a call to a custom procedure named ClearFields as the first line of code in the lstTables_Click event procedure (below the Dim statements but above all other code in the procedure):

        ‘A custom procedure to clear the Textboxes and
              Labels of any previous Record values

You must create the custom ClearFields procedure to avoid an embarrassing run-time error. It is important that the DataField properties of the Textbox controls are set to empty string values before opening a new Table. If the DataField property of a control is set to a Field value that the records from the Table being opened do not contain, your program comes crashing down. It’s also a good idea to clear the Caption property of the Labels and the Text properties of the Textboxes, so they don’t show values from the records of the previous Table that was open. To that end, you're going to add a custom procedure to your program named ClearFields. Below is the code it must contain (type this code at the bottom of the General Declarations section, on the line above the first Private Sub statement):

Private Sub ClearFields()
     Dim i As Integer
     For i = 0 To 9
           lblField(i).Caption = ""
           txtField(i).DataField = ""
           txtField(i).Text = ""
     Next i
End Sub

Save the project and test run it. If you load the prj2data.mdb Database file, and click once on the Employees Table in the lstTables listbox, your screen should resemble this example:

Let’s not forget about the support you’re going to add for an OLE Field:

Place an OLE control along with another Label control (see the Control List at the start of Phase 2) onto the form (Getting kind of crowded now I bet). To extract any OLE Fields that a Table may contain, you now need to check each Field’s Type before assigning them by default to a Textboxes’ DataField property. Here, I repeated the above code, from the lstTables_Click event procedure, with the new code inserted (arrowed lines) to detect whether a field is an OLE Type or not:

α  bOLEFound = False ‘Flag to show only 1 OLE Field at a time
      iField = 0
      For i = 0 To RsRecord.Fields.Count - 1
α      Select Case RsRecord.Fields(i).Type
‘Fields of Type 1 through 10 are Textbox displayable
α      Case 1 To 10

                If iField < 10 Then
                lblField(iField).Caption = RsRecord.Fields(i).Name
                      ‘Once you set the DataField property of a Textbox to the
                      ‘      name of field, the value for that field is displayed
                      txtField(iField).DataField = RsRecord.Fields(i).Name
                      iField = iField + 1
                End If
α      Case 11
‘Fields of Type 11 are OLE control displayable
α            If bOLEFound = False Then
α                  lblOLEField.Caption = RsRecord.Fields(i).Name
α                  OLEField.DataField = RsRecord.Fields(i).Name
α                  bOLEFound = True
α            End If
α      End Select
      Next i

A Select Case structure is ideally suited here. Any Type between 1 and 10 can be displayed as text, so it is assigned to a Textbox. A Field that is type 11 is an OLE object, so it is assigned to the OLEField’s DataField property. You only have room to display 1 OLE Field. In the unlikely event that there is more than 1 OLE Field in the Table, we use a flag, bOLEFound, to avoid assigning one OLE Field on top of another. Make sure you dimension bOLEFound as a Boolean at the beginning of this procedure.

As a last touch, you need to add a few lines of code to the end of your ClearFields procedure to take care of the OLEField control, because it also has a DataField property that must be cleared (add these lines as the last lines of code in the ClearFields procedure, below the Next i statement):

OLEField.DataField = ""
lblOLEField.Caption = ""
‘Deletes any picture in the OLE field

Below is a summary of the code entered in Phase 2:

(This code belongs in the lstTables_Click() event procedure)
Dim iField As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim bOLEFound As Boolean
‘A custom procedure to clear the Textboxes and
                            Labels of any previous Table values

‘Initialize the Data control by setting its DatabaseName and
      RecordSource properties. Refresh rebuilds the set of associated

daoSnooper.DatabaseName = sDataBName
daoSnooper.RecordSource = lstTables.List(lstTables.ListIndex)
Set RsRecord = DbFile.OpenRecordset(daoSnooper.RecordSource,  _
Set daoSnooper.Recordset = RsRecord
bOLEFound = False
iField = 0
For i = 0 To RsRecord.Fields.Count - 1
      Select Case RsRecord.Fields(i).Type
‘Fields of Type 1 through 10 are Textbox displayable
            Case 1 To 10

                If iField < 10 Then
                lblField(iField).Caption = RsRecord.Fields(i).Name
                      ‘Once you set the DataField property of a Textbox to the
                      ‘      name of field, the value for that field is displayed
                      txtField(iField).DataField = RsRecord.Fields(i).Name
                      iField = iField + 1
                End If
‘Fields of Type 11 are OLE control displayable
            Case 11

                  If bOLEFound = False Then
                        lblOLEField.Caption = RsRecord.Fields(i).Name
                        OLEField.DataField = RsRecord.Fields(i).Name
                        bOLEFound = True
                  End If
      End Select
Next i

(This code belongs in the ClearFields() procedure)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 9
      lblField(i).Caption = ""
      txtField(i).DataField = ""
      txtField(i).Text = ""
Next i
OLEField.DataField = ""
lblOLEField.Caption = ""
‘Deletes any picture the OLE field contains

Save the project, and take it for a test spin. Required enhancement: Display the name of the currently open database somewhere on the form (hint: get the name from the FileTitle property of the CommonDialog control).  That completes this project.

Note: What follows is for those who are interested in comparing the DAO and ADO code only database access methods:

Database access with ADO (Compare this to the DAO code at the beginning of this project)

You do not need an ADO Data control on your Form (However you will need to set a Reference to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library). Just like with the DAO object library, you can declare variables that you declare to open, examine, edit, and even create databases with Code in your Visual Basic programs. The following code:

  1. Declares 3 (ADO) Database aware objects
  2. Defines the Connection mode and Cursor (data caching) options
  3. Defines the connection Provider and Connection string parameters, then opens the database
  4. Sets the ADO Command object options before opening the Record Set
  5. Sets the ADO RecordSet object options and open the Record Set
  6. Displays the Fields and their Types from the open RecordSet

To try the following code, begin a new Standard project, and type all of it into the Form_Click event procedure.

‘1) Declare Connection, Command, and RecordSet objects:

Dim DbFileCon As NEW ADODB.Connection
Dim DbFileCmd As NEW ADODB.Command
Dim DbFileRs  As NEW ADODB.RecordSet

Unlike the DAO object--where declaring a single Database object automatically creates the TableDef, Recordset, and Field objects within it (though we also declared them separately in our DAO example)--you must explicitly declare each component of the ADO object.  The Connection class of the ADO object lets you specify the connection mode, which includes the sharing options in multi-user environments.  It also lets you set the Cursor option--that is whether the data is cached on the client (your computer) or the server.  The Cursor setting also deals with data synchronization mechanisms and provides options for reducing network traffic as much as possible.

‘2) Define the Connection mode and Cursor (data caching) options:

'This mode setting allows anyone access
= adModeShareDenyNone
'Store the data cache locally
= adUseClient

The adModeShareDenyNone ADO constant sets the access mode to allow multiple users to access the database (not opened yet) at the same time.  Other options that restrict database access to one or just a limited number of users are also available.  The adUseClient ADO constant sets the Cursor location to the local (client) computer.

‘3) Define the connection Provider and Connection string parameters, then open the database:

'Specify Jet database engine 3.51
= "Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0"
'Set security settings and the database file name
= "Persist Security Info=False;" & _
                                                    "Data Source=a:\prj2data.mdb"
'Open the database

In the above code, we set the Provider option which specifies the version of the Jet database engine (3.51). The ConnectionString is where we set security settings and actually specify the location and name of the database file.  As a comparison, all of the code above code, and more come, is equivalent to this single line of code when using the DAO object library:

Set DbFile = OpenDatabase("a:\prj2data.mdb")

While much simpler, the DAO method does not provide equivalent Sharing, Cache location, or Security settings as the ADO method does. 

‘4) Set the ADO Command object options before opening the Record Set:

'Set a reference to our Connection object
Set DbFileCmd.ActiveConnection
= DBFileCon
'Tell it we are opening a Table
= adCmdTable
'Specify the Table Name
= "Employees"

Okay, we are not finished yet.  In the above code we are preparing the ADO Command object before opening the Record Set (Table).  Each step of the process must be specified by you.  Almost nothing is automatic with ADO.

‘5) Set the ADO RecordSet object options and open the Record Set:

'Allow multiple edit sessions of same record
= adLockOptimistic
'More data Cache stuff
= adUseClient
DbFileRs.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
'Open the Record Set...Finally!

The last line of code above actually opens our RecordSet (Table).  

‘6) Display the Fields and their Types from the open RecordSet:

'This code will look familiar to the DAO version
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 to DbFileRs.Fields.Count - 1
    Print "Field Name: "; DbFileRs(i).Name;
Print Tab(30); "Type: "; DbFileRs(i).Type
Next i

ADO is the newest and most recommended method for doing database access with Visual Basic. But DAO is still alive and kicking.  While the extra control when it comes to Sharing, Cache location, and Security that ADO provides are essential in corporate environments, the simplicity of DAO is still best for personal applications and small businesses.  There are many situations where using DAO over ADO is recommended.  The extra overhead that goes along with ADO is often overkill for smaller projects with simple databases.  So DAO is fully supported by Microsoft because it is still used in some many applications.