Advanced Visual Basic - Project 2

Adding an OLE object to your Database
Accessing a Database with

Including a Photograph in Your Employee Database Viewer

In order to enhance our Database Viewer from Project 1, you are going to add the ability to view a photograph of each employee. The Visual Data Manager provided with Visual Basic is a powerful, quick way, to create a database. Unfortunately, everything has its limitations, and you cannot create a database with an OLE object (a picture, sound file, multimedia file, etc.) in it with Visual Data Manager. To create an Access (Jet) database that includes a photograph of each employee, you need to use Access. This isn’t a class on how to use Microsoft Access, so I’ve provided you with the database you’ll need to do this project (prj2data.mdb). If you're doing this project in the CIS computer lab, you'll find the prj2data.mdb file in the c:\shared folder.  Copy this file to your floppy disk. If you're not doing this project in the CIS computer lab, then download a Zip archive of this database by clicking here.

The Second Project

In this project you are going to modify your previous Database Viewer program from Project 1 (data1) so that it includes a photograph of each employee.

Begin by launching Visual Basic.

Click the View Object button on the Project Explorer window (or press Shift+F7) to view the Form if it is not already visible.

If you had created Add, Cancel, Delete, and Save buttons as enhancements to the previous version of this project, remove them now. That's right, I said remove them and their associated event procedures. You will not be able to Add records to a database with an OLE control in it unless you also include the code to assign graphic files (BMP’s) to the OLE control—which is beyond the scope of this project.

Replacing the ADO data control with a DAO data control

We need to replace the ADO data control with the DAO data control.  Despite the fact that the ADO control is newer than the DAO control, because of the nature of system migration, the DAO control still has move functionality than the newer ADO control (as of version 6 of VB). In fact, we must use a DAO control if want to display an OLE (Picture) field from a database, as the ADO control does not yet support that capability.

Fixing Our References

To add new controls to the Control Toolbox, we right click on it and select Components and put a check mark in front of a new Component object library.  The icons of the new controls appear in the Control Toolbox.  There is another type of Object Library that does not necessarily contain visual components:

You should see the following check-marked list of Object Library references:

-  Visual Basic for Applications
-  Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures
-  Visual Basic objects and procedures
-  OLE automation
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library
Microsoft DAO 3.51 Object Library

The first four items in this list are the Default object libraries that go with every project you create.  The next item (in bold) was automatically included when you added an ADO control to your form back in Project 1.  Since we have already removed the ADO control, we should also remove this unneeded object library reference that supported it, so uncheck the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 item now.  The last item in the list (in italics) is the Object Library that supports our recently added DAO control.  This reference was automatically set when we placed a DAO control on the form.  Normally we would accept this reference and go on with our programming, but there is actually a newer version of this object library that we want to use instead.  So uncheck the Microsoft DAO 3.51 Object Library item in the list now.  Scroll down the list and put a check mark in front of the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library item (Note: if you have Visual Studio Service Pack 4 installed, the reference to the newer 3.6 object library was set already).  Now click the OK button to accept the changes and close the References dialog.

Note: Setting a reference to the 3.6 version of the DAO object library is required if we want to open database (.mdb) files created with the latest version of Access (Office 2000).  

Fixing Our Code

We need to change the code from Project 1 so that it will work with our new DAO data control.  Fortunately, these changes should be minor because both data controls have a Recordset property with many of the same properties and methods.  We'll do it one event procedure at a time (new and modified code is italicized): 

'Move to the end of the Table to initialize the RecordCount property
'Move back to the beginning so we start off displaying the first record
lblTotRecs.Caption = daoEmployees.Recordset.RecordCount

In order to use initialize the RecordCount property of the DAO control, you must move to the end of the table (MoveLast).  Then we move back to the beginning (MoveFirst) so we start off displaying the first record.  Notice how the DAO control contains a Recordset object just like the ADO control.

Dim iStartRecord As Integer
'Save the starting record location before searching
iStartRecord = daoEmployees.Recordset.AbsolutePosition
'Search for the Matching last name. The Search criteria format
' for DAO's FindFirst is identical to the ADO's Find
daoEmployees.Recordset.FindFirst "LastName = " & "'" & txtFind.Text & "'"
'If the search fails, NoMatch is True (so is EOF),
' so return the the record we started on
If daoEmployees.Recordset.NoMatch Then
      daoEmployees.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = iStartRecord
      MsgBox "Record Not Found!", vbOKOnly + _
                         vbExclamation, "Find Failed"
End If

Very few changes are required here.  The Recordset object of the DAO data control has four methods for finding data (ADO just has the Find method): 

  1. FindFirst -- Automatically starts searching from the beginning (no MoveFirst required) to the end.
  2. FindNext -- Starts searching to the end from the current record.
  3. FindLast -- Automatically starts searching from the end (no MoveLast required) to the beginning.
  4. FindPrevious -- Starts searching to the beginning from the current record.

Instead of checking for an EOF condition, as in the ADO version of this code, a NoMatch property is provided which is True if no match was found.

lblRecNum.Caption = daoEmployees.Recordset.AbsolutePosition + 1

Adding an OLE control 

Now go to Object View so you can add an OLE control to your form:

After drawing the OLE control on the Form, set these properties of the OLE control like so:

Property Value
Name OLEPicture
DataSource daoEmployees (Use the dropdown list)
DataField Picture (Use the dropdown list)
Height 1335
Width 1065

Take it for a test spin

Save and run the project.  You should be able to scroll through the records now, and see a picture for each person in the Employees table. The Find option should also work.  Test everything.  If something doesn't work, check your code and get it working before going on to the next step.

Using SQL statements in Visual Basic

SQL (pronounced S-Que-L) stands for: Structured Query Language (Standard Query Language or even Stinking Query Language when it's not doing what you want) and is often called sequel. SQL is a query language that is the closest thing to a universal standard for performing database queries. Just as there are many dialects of BASIC, there are also many dialects of SQL, but most share a core of common commands.  We will be using SQL statements to enhancement this project.

Simple SQL Query Example

A simple SQL query statement looks like this:

SELECT fields FROM table WHERE condition ORDER BY field

To sort the Records in the table (Employees) we need to set the RecordSource property of the DAO data control to a string containing a valid SQL query:

'Sort the Employees table by 'LastName'
daoEmployees.RecordSource = "SELECT  *  FROM  Employees  ORDER  BY  LastName"
'Refresh the database to update the data bound controls

In the code above we are including all the fields and records from the Employees table (SELECT * FROM Employees) sorted by the LastName field (ORDER BY LastName).  We are going to use several SQL statements within our Visual Basic code to give the User a choice of sorting options to choose from:

advvb2-2.gif (2066 bytes)

Use the illustration below as a guide and add the following controls to the form in the order they are listed (be sure to create the Option buttons and Combo box inside the frame):

advvb2-3.gif (6362 bytes)


Control Property Value
(place this first!)
Caption Sorting Options
Option Button
(place the option buttons inside the Frame)
Name optSocialSecurity
  Caption Social Security
  Value True
Option Button Name optLastName
  Caption Last Name
Option Button Name optAge
  Caption Age
Option Button Name optSortBy
  Caption Erase it and place it directly to the left of the Combo Box (as shown above)
Combo Box
(a regular Combo box)
Name cbSortBy

Let's code the top 3 Option Buttons first.  The sorting option for Social Security may seem redundant since the Employee table is already sorted by the Social Security by default (which is why that option button must be on by default).  However, what happens after the User sorts the table by Last Name and then wants to change the sort order back to Social Security?   Here's the code that goes in the optSocialSecurity_Click event procedure:

'Sort the Employees table by 'SocialSecurity'
daoEmployees.RecordSource = "SELECT  *  FROM  Employees  ORDER  BY  SocialSecurity"
'Refresh the database to update the data bound controls

Here's the code that goes in the optLastName_Click event procedure:

'Sort the Employees table by 'LastName'
daoEmployees.RecordSource = "SELECT  *  FROM  Employees  ORDER  BY  LastName"
'Refresh the database to update the data bound controls

I want you to figure out the code that goes in the optAge_Click event procedure (use the examples above).

This gets a little repetitive after awhile!  After entering the above code, save the project and run it.  Do the first 3 Sorting Option buttons do their job?   Make sure they work before going on.

Putting the Field names into the cbSortBy Combo box

We are responsible for writing the code that will fill the Combo box (cbSortBy) with the names of the Fields from the Employees table.  We can accomplish this by using the Count property of the Fields object of the Recordset object.  Fields is a collection of the fields in the Employees table.  Every collection has a Count property that is equal to the number of items in the collection--in this case, Count is equal to the number of Fields that a record from the Employees table contains.   Here's how the first line of a For-Next loop would look using the Count property as our limit:

For i = 0 To daoEmployees.Recordset.Fields.Count

The following line of code uses the Name property of the Fields collection to extract and add each field name from the Employees table to the cbSortBy combo box:

cbSortBy.AddItem  daoEmployees.Recordset.Fields(i).Name

Since Fields is an collection of the fields in the table, the names of the fields can be extracted by looking at the Field's Name property: Fields(i).Name.  When used inside a For-Next loop, we can populate the cbSortBy combo box with the names of the fields from the Employees table by adding the following code to the Form_Activate event procedure:

Dim i As Integer
'The Picture field is the last field, so do -2 to not include it
For i = 0 To daoEmployees.Recordset.Fields.Count - 2
Next i

Remember that Arrays and Collections begin with element 0, so normally you'd have to subtract 1 from Count in the above code (Count is equal to 9 because there are 9 fields in a record).   However, the index values of the fields in the Fields collection are 0 through 8.  So a For-Next loop only needs to go from 0 to 8.  This is normally accomplished by subtracting 1 from Count in a For-Next loop.  Above we are subtracting 2 from Count so that the last field, the Picture field, is not included in the cbSortBy combo box (Sorry, we can't sort the table by an OLE field).  Be sure to add the above code to the Form_Activate event procedure before going on.

Here's the code that goes in the optSortBy option button's Click event procedure:

'Make sure 'cbSortBy.Text' is not empty
If cbSortBy.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
'Sort the Employees table by the value in 'cbSortBy.Text'
daoEmployees.RecordSource = "SELECT  *  FROM  Employees  ORDER  BY  " & cbSortBy.Text

Notice how the last part of the SQL SELECT query command above includes the cbSortBy.Text property instead of a fixed field name.  To avoid a critical error, you've got to make sure that cbSortBy.Text is not blank before you try and execute this query, hence the If-Then test above that exits the procedure if cbSortBy.Text is equal to an empty string.  Be sure to add the above code to your optSortBy_Click event procedure (Note: That is the optSortBy_Click event procedure, not the cdSortBy_Click event procedure). 

The above code works if the User selects a name in the cbSortBy Combo box, and then clicks on the optSortBy option button (if the optSortBy option button is not already turned on).   It would be more user-friendly if when the User selects a field from the Combo box the optSortBy option button is automatically turned on for them.  Add the following code to the cbSortBy_Click event procedure to make this happen (Note: That is the cdSortBy_Click event procedure, not the optSortBy_Click event procedure):

'Turn on the optSortBy option button. If optSortby was off, turning 
'     it on triggers it's Click event procedure automatically
optSortBy.Value = True
'In case it was already on, and the above line of code didn't trigger 
'    it's Click event procedure, call it manually anyway

Setting the Value property of optSortBy to True turns it on.  Then calling the optSortBy_Click event procedure executes the query.  After adding this code to your cbSortBy_Click event procedure, save it and take it for a test spin.  Try the different sorting options.  That completes the basic project.

Required Enhancement

Add a button that when clicked enlarges the form (either vertically or horizontally) to display a Frame containing tiny pictures of everyone in the database. When the user clicks on one of the pictures, the data for that record is displayed.  Below is an example illustration that stretches the form vertically to display the tiny pictures.  The first image from the list is selected, so it is hidden:

advvb2-4.gif (26721 bytes)

Add a new Command Button to the Form and name it cmdPicPick. Set its caption to Picture Pick. Stretch the Form larger (either vertically or horizontally—you decide) and make an empty area big enough to fit a Frame. Remember, the Frame must be big enough to display 17 tiny pictures. Once you have the Frame placed, place an OLE control inside the Frame (remember to click the Cancel button when the Insert Object dialog automatically appears). Set the following properties of this new OLE control:

Property Value
Name OLEPic
DataSource daoEmployees (Use the dropdown list)
SizeMode 1 – Stretch
Height 550
Width 500

Important Note: The DataField property is not set to anything, leave it blank.

Now select the OLEPic control and copy it. Right-click inside the Frame and choose Paste from the context menu. When asked if you want to create an array of the OLEPic control, select Yes. Grab the newly pasted OLEPic control from the upper left corner of the Frame and drag it next to the original OLEPic control. Keep pasting, and positioning OLEPic controls inside the Frame until you have 17 of them. Examine the Form’s properties and take note of the current value of the Height or Width property (depending upon which way you stretched your Form to fit the Frame), and write that number down—you’ll need it later. Now resize your Form back to its original size (this will hide the Frame and OLEPic controls that you just added).

Add the following code to the General Declarations section:

'Stores the Form's starting Height or Width
Dim iOrgSize As Integer
'Stores the Index of the last selected OLEPic
Dim iLastPic As Integer

Add the following code to the Form_Load event procedure:

‘(or frmData2.Width, whichever way you stretched the form to fit the frame)
iOrgSize = frmData2.Height

Add the following code to the cmdPicPick_Click event procedure. Wherever I use the word newSize in the following code, be sure to substitute the number you wrote down above for the height or width of your form when it was stretched to show the Frame and the little OLEpic controls:

Dim i As Integer
Dim iStartRecord As Integer
If frmData2.Height (or Width) = newSize Then
     frmData2.Height = iOrgSize
     Exit Sub
End If
frmData2.Height (or Width) = newSize
'Store the Starting Record location
iStartRecord = daoEmployees.Recordset.AbsolutePosition
'Start with the first record
For i = 0 To 16
     'Show the Picture of the current record
     OLEPic(i).DataField = "Picture"
     'Prevent the Picture from being changed
     '    when we move to the next record
     OLEPic(i).DataField = ""
     If i < 16 Then
'Avoid moving past EOF
     End If
Next i
'Hide the OLEPic of the current record
OLEPic(iStartRecord).Visible = False
'Store the Index of the currently selected OLEPic
' so we can unhide it when the user picks another
iLastPic = iStartRecord
'Return to the starting record
daoEmployees.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = iStartRecord

When the cmdPicPick button is pressed the first time, the above code expands the form to display the frame that contains the little OLEPic controls (the expansion is either vertical or horizontal, depending upon whether you're changing the Height or Width of the form).  The For-Next loop in the above code move through the records and copies the picture of each employee into the corresponding OLEPic control from the array.  We do this by setting the DataField property of each OLEPic control to the Picture field--which copies the actual picture into the control.  It's important that we then set the DataField property equal to an empty string ("") to make sure that when we move to the next record the picture doesn't change.  

Add the following code to the OLEPic_Click event procedure. This code will display the record of the picture the user has selected. It also hides the OLEPic that the user selected, and unhides any OLEPic control that was previous selected and hidden:

Dim i As Integer
'Display the record that corresponds to the
' selected OLEPic
daoEmployees.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = Index
'Hide the Selected OLEPic
OLEPic(Index).Visible = False
'UnHide the OLEPic that was selected last
OLEPic(iLastPic).Visible = True
'Store the Index of the currently selected OLEPic
' so we can unhide it when the user picks another
iLastPic = Index

Take it for a test spin.