Advanced Visual Basic - Project 1

Creating a Database with Visual Data Manager
Accessing a Database with

Project 1

Visual Basic comes with a tool called Visual Data Manager (under the Add-Ins menu) that makes it easy for you to create Microsoft Jet (Access) databases. You could also just use Access (2.0+) to create databases if you wish. Besides creating Access databases, Visual Data Manager lets you examine the structure of existing databases in a variety of formats:

Database Types Visual Data Manager Can Open

A Database is made up of at least one Table which is comprised of rows and columns. Each row in the Table is a Record. Each Record is divided into Fields (columns). The Fields contain the actual data. Each Field has properties that define what Type of data it can contain (Numeric, Alpha-numeric, OLE, etc.), and what Size it is.

Visual Basic’s Data Control

Visual Basic provides you with two Data Controls (ADO and DAO) that you can use to access data from a database in any of the above formats in your Visual Basic programs.

The First Project

In this first part of this project you are going to create a simple database and add some records to it with Visual Data Manager. Then you are going to write a Visual Basic program to access your database.

Begin by launching Visual Basic.

There are 2 smaller windows inside the Visual Data Manager main window: the Database Window and the SQL Statement window. Databases often contain more than 1 Table of related data, but for this first project you are going to add just 1 Table to the prj1data database. Right-click on the Properties icon in the Database Window. Select New Table on the context menu:

After selecting New Table, this Table Structure dialog appears:

A four step summary of the process of creating a Table is as follows (just read these steps, don’t do them yet):

  1. Give the Table a Name.
  2. Construct a Record format by designating Fields (click the Add Fields button to display the Add Field dialog):
    • Give each Field a Name
    • Designate what Type of data each Field will contain
    • Specify each Field’s Size
  3. Add each Field to the Field List by clicking the OK button (click the Close button when finished adding fields).
  4. When finished, click the Build the Table button to save the Table and Record structure.

Now do the following:

Give your new Table the name Employees. Use the Add Field button and add the following Fields in this order (Note: there are no spaces in the Field Names. Leave all other settings on the Add Field dialog box at their default values):

Field Name Type Size
SocialSecurity Text 11
FirstName Text 25
LastName Text 25
Street Text 30
City Text 20
State Text 2
Zip Text 5
Age Integer 2

When you finish adding these Fields, click the Close button on the Add Field dialog box. Then click the Build the Table button on the Table Structure dialog box.

The name of your new Table appears in the Database Window (as shown above).  Now you’re going to add some data to the new Employees table of your prj1data.mdb database.

Double-click the Employees table icon in the Database Window and the Add Data dialog appears (as shown above).

Add a new record by first clicking the Add button once, then type the data for a record, then press the Update button to insert that data into the database. Press the Add button again and repeat the process until you’ve added the following records to the Employees table. If you make a mistake, use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the dialog to locate the offending record then press the Edit button, modify it, and press the Update button again. When you’re finished entering records, click the Close button:

SocialSecurity FirstName LastName Street City State Zip Age
129-95-5993 Suzy Block 2995 Chatsworth Blvd Chatsworth CA 92112 24
288-24-4344 Dennis Anderson 1622 Billings Circle Ventura CA 92213 25
293-11-1293 Kevin Cary 2993 Claudia Drive Simi Valley CA 93065 35
299-55-1685 Martha Heyman 3994 East Western Road Ventura CA 92213 25
334-19-4493 Debra Smith 344 East Lester Ventura CA 92214 22
385-34-1009 Mary Chekov 3078 Sycamore Road Simi Valley CA 93065 32
395-11-2344 Lori Sanchez 1121 Cranston Newbury Park CA 91135 35
399-43-2200 Sharon Butterfield 2334 Tampa Ave Northridge CA 91125 25

Give yourself a pat on the back for entering all this data. Select Exit from the Visual Data Manager’s File drop down menu. The records you entered are saved automatically.

So now you’ve created a small database and exited from Visual Data Manager. On the screen is the blank Form of the new project you’re about to create. Press the F4 key to view the Form’s properties, if the Properties Window is not already visible.

Now we need to add a Data control to the Form.  There are two different Data controls available: DAO-Data Access Object and ADO-ActiveX Data Object.   DAO is the older (been around since version 4 of Visual Basic).  We will be using the newer and much more powerful ADO data control.  While there are many differences between DAO and ADO, the most significant difference is ADO's simpler object model.  We will compare the DAO and ADO object models in more detail in a later project.

Right-click on the Control Toolbox and select Components.  Put a checkmark in front of the Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0 object library and click the OK button.  The ADO data control icon should appear at the bottom of the Control Toolbox (the tool-tip that appears when you hold the mouse pointer over it says adodc).  Add an ADO Data control to the blank Form by double clicking on its icon in the Control Toolbox.  

Set these properties of the ADO control as shown:

Property Value
Name adoEmployees
Align Align Bottom
Caption Employees

Using the
Custom wizard to configure the
ConnectionString property

The ConnectionString property of the ADO control is much more complicated than properties you've encountered before.  The ConnectionString can support up to five arguments separated by semicolons.  They include: 

Instead of trying to type all these arguments into the ConnectionString property manually (which masochists are free to do if they like), we can use the Custom wizard to make configuring the ConnectionString much easier.  

Make sure the ADO (adoEmployees) control is selected and click on the Custom item in its Properties window.  Now click on the ellipses button to start the Custom wizard:

The Property Pages dialog should pop open, as shown above.  The Use Connection String option is selected by default.  To build the ConnectionString click on the Build button now:

The Data Links Properties dialog appears (shown above).  It lists the different Providers (Database Engines) that are available.  We want to use the latest version of the Jet database engine (which is built into Visual Basic), click on the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider item in the list, then click on the Next button:

Now we can set our Connection options, which include the Database name, and Logon security settings.  Use the ellipses button to the right of the database name textbox to find your prj1data.mdb file on drive A: and select it.  We don't want to set any Logon security, so just leave the default settings: User Name is Admin with a blank password.  Now click on the Test Connection button:

If you've done everything correctly so far, you should see the Test Connection Succeeded message box above.  If not, make sure you've specified the correct location of your prj1data.mdb file.   Once you've closed the Test Connection Succeeded message box, click on the Advanced Tab at the top of the Data Link Properties dialog:

The Share Deny None access permission is selected by default, which is what we want.  Now click on the OK button to close the Data Link Properties dialog and return to the Property Pages dialog:

Notice how the Use Connection String textbox is automatically filled with the parameters we selected.  Typing these parameters ourselves would be tricky and prone to typos, but using the Build button makes it easy.  As a last step we need to specify the Record Source (Table) that we want to access from the database.  Click on the Record Source tab at the top of the Property Pages dialog:

Drop down the Command Type list and choose 2-adCmdTable, since it is a table from the database that we want to open.  After a short delay, as the database is accessed, the Table or Stored Procedure Name drop down list will become enabled.  Drop it down and choose the only table that our database contains: Employees.  Now you can click on the OK button to close the Property Pages dialog and accept the settings.

That takes care of the ADO (adoEmployees) control.  Now it’s time to add Textboxes to the form—One for each Field from the records in the Employees table from your database. Let’s set the properties of the first Textbox together, so that you get the idea of how this works.  Place a Textbox anywhere on the form (you’ll position it later). This first Textbox will represent the SocialSecurity field from the Employees table of your database. Set its properties like so:

Property Value
Name txtSocialSecurity
DataSource adoEmployees (Use the dropdown list)
DataField SocialSecurity (Use the dropdown list)
Text (make it blank)

You Must set the DataSource property first before trying to set the DataField property. After setting the DataSource property, setting the DataField property is easy—Just choose the Field from the DataField dropdown list.

Now use the example below (you don’t need to copy it exactly) and place 7 more Textboxes for the 7 Fields remaining in your database. Be sure to use proper Naming Conventions when naming your Textboxes.  Set their DataSource and DataField properties like you did for the Social Security textbox.  Add Labels as shown to describe each Field. I set the Font property of the Labels to Arial 9pt Bold, and I aligned them to the Right:  

Save and then run the project. When you get it working correctly, you can scan from one Record to the next by clicking the arrow buttons on the Data control. You have yet to enter any actual code, but this program is a fine (yet simple) Database Viewer. That’s how powerful the ADO Data control is—Just configure it's ConnectionString property with name of the Database and the Table to be accessed (and a few other not-so-minor details), and it takes care of the rest.

Adding More Features 

So far, no code has been required to get our program working.  But now we want to display the current Record Number and Total Records Number (as shown below), so the addition of a little code is required:

I used four Label controls to display the current record number and and total records in the above example--set the BorderStyle of the labels that display the numbers (I suggest the names lblRecNum and lblTotRec)  to Fixed Single.  

The MoveComplete event procedure of the ADO (adoEmployees) control is triggered after the user changes from one record to  another.  This makes it the perfect place to add  the code to display the current record number.  There are four parameters passed to the MoveComplete event procedure by the ADO control, we can use the AbsolutePosition property of the RecordSet object (pRecordSet is the last parameter) to display the current record number:

Private Sub adoEmployees_MoveComplete(ByVal adReason As
    ADODB.EventReasonEnum, _
    ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, _
    adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, _
    ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)
         lblRecNum.Caption = pRecordset.AbsolutePosition
End Sub

Note: The pRecordset parameter is a reference (that's a pointer to you C programmers) to the Employees table in the database.  Because there is a Recordset object embedded inside the ADO control, we could have used code like this to achieve the same purpose as the code above:

      lblRecNum.Caption = adoEmployees.Recordset.AbsolutePosition

But since the pRecordset parameter is conveniently passed to the MoveComplete event procedure, I didn't want to waste it.

We can get the total records number with the Recordset's RecordCount property:

Private Sub Form_Activate()
     lblTotRecs.Caption = adoEmployees.Recordset.RecordCount
End Sub

This code needs to be executed only once when the program starts, so the Form_Activate procedure is a good place for it.

Adding A Find Option 

To enhance this program further, you are going to add the ability to Find a record by the Last Name.  Add a new Textbox (txtFind) and button (cmdFind) next to each other, where shown on the following example:

To make sure the Find button is disabled until the user types something into the Find Textbox, set the Enabled property of cmdFind to False.  Now add this code to the txtFind_Change event procedure to enable the Find button when the user types something into it:

Private Sub txtFind_Change()
'Strip leading and tailing spaces, then check length of txtFind.Text
     If Len(Trim(txtFind.Text)) > 0 Then
            cmdFind.Enabled = True
            cmdFind.Enabled = False
     End If
End Sub

Examine the above code carefully.  The cmdFind button is enabled only when the txtFind textbox contains something other than spaces (Trim removes leading and trailing spaces).  To make the Find button work, we will use the Recordset's Find method.  Add this code to the cmdFind_Click event procedure:

Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
     Dim iCurrRecord As Integer
'Save the current record location before searching
     iCurrRecord = adoEmployees.Recordset.AbsolutePosition
'Move to the first record to start searching
'Build the seach string in this format:  LastName = 'Campbell'
     adoEmployees.Recordset.Find   "LastName = "  &  "'"  &  txtFind.Text  &  "'"
     'If the Find failed EOF (End of File) will be True, so return to the record we started on
     If adoEmployees.Recordset.EOF Then
          adoEmployees.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = iCurrRecord
          MsgBox "Record Not Found!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Find Failed"
     End If 
End Sub

We begin the Find process by storing the current record position, so if  the Find fails we can go back to it.  Then we do a MoveFirst so that we start searching from the beginning of the Table.  We need to pass the Find method a string in this format: <Field Name> = '<Search Value>' which is all in double quotes.  Note the required single quotes (')  around the Search Value.  If the search succeeds, the record that was found is displayed automatically.  If no matching record is found, an EOF (End of File) condition is set.  To avoid the error that would result if we attempted to display a record when EOF (or BOF for that matter) is True, we set the AbsolutePosition property back to the value of the record we were on before the search began.  The message box, telling the user that no matching record was found is a user-friendly addition (Tell you're users what is going on!).  The Recordset's Find method can include other optional parameters, including the Search Direction (Forward is default), and what record number to start searching from.

That completes the basic project, be sure to save and test it thoroughly.  

Enhancements Suggestions

Note: Before attempting these enhancements, I suggest you make a backup copy of your database (make a copy of your prj1data.mdb file) so that if you destroy it--oh, that will never happen!--you can restore it from the backup.

Create an Add button that allows users to add records to the Employees table. Hint: Use the Recordset’s AddNew method: 


Create a Save button that allows users to Save records they’ve added. Hint: Use the Recordset’s Update method. Here’s the code:

Create a Cancel button that allows users to cancel out of the AddNew option. Hint: Save the position of the current record before executing the AddNew method by putting the following line of code above the AddNew code in the cmdAdd_Click event procedure:

'Stores the location of current record.  vBookmarkCurrRec is a Variant
vBookmarkCurrRec = adoEmployees.Recordset.Bookmark

Then put this code in the cmdCancel_Click event procedure:

'Return to the record before AddNew started
adoEmployees.Recordset.Bookmark = vBookmarkCurrRec

Create a Delete button that allows users to delete records from the Employees table. Hint: Use the Recordset’s Delete method. Here’s the code:

It’s important to remember that you are always responsible for guiding user interaction with the applications you create. To that end, you must disable buttons which should not be selectable, until they are needed, i.e. the Save and Cancel buttons should be disabled until the Add button is pressed. Once the Add button is pressed, the Delete button should become disabled. When the Save or Cancel buttons are pressed, the Save and Cancel buttons should become disabled and the Add and Delete buttons should become enabled. Guiding user interaction in this way, makes your applications more User Friendly, and prevents many potential problems.