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CIS M10 -- 0.5 Unit
Keyboarding Review

Recommended Preparation: A previous course in typing/keyboarding
Class Hours: 1.5 lab

Reviews existing typing/keyboarding skills. Can receive credit in CIS M10 or CIS M11, not both. Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M11 -- 1 Unit
Basic Computer Keyboarding

Class Hours: 3 lab

Introduces basic keyboarding techniques, emphasizing speed and accuracy to 20 words per minute. Works in a custom-designed program in Microsoft Word. No previous computer/typewriter experience required. Not recommended for those who have taken a previous typing/keyboarding class. Can receive credit in CIS M10 or CIS M11, not both. May be taken two (2) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M12 -- 1 Unit
Intermediate Computer Keyboarding

Prerequisite: CIS M10 or CIS M11 or ability to type 20 wpm
Class Hours: 3 lab

Introduces students to figure and symbol skills and develops speed and accuracy through a custom-designed program in Microsoft Word. Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M13 -- 1 Unit
Computer Keyboarding / Speed Building

Prerequisite: CIS M12 or the ability to type 35 wpm
Class Hours: 3 lab

Emphasizes continued development of speed and accuracy through a programmed series of timings and drills customized to individual needs. Grade based on improvement. May be taken two (2) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M14 -- 1 Unit
10-Key Mastery on the Computer

Class Hours: 0.5 lecture, 1.5 lab

Builds mastery of the numeric keyboard and develops speed and accuracy for data entry as well as spreadsheet and database applications in a work environment. Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M15 -- 1.5 Units
Introduction to the Personal Computer

Prerequisite: CIS M11
Class Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 lab

Introduces computer terminology and concepts, emphasizing software installation, computer system expansion, computer purchase, and e-mail/Internet use. May be taken three (3) times for credit. Only offered credit/no-credit. Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M16 -- 4 Units
Introduction to Information Systems

Recommended Preparation: CIS M11
Class Hours: 3 lecture, 3 lab

Covers history, development and application of information processing systems with emphasis on the microcomputer. It includes an overview of applications of computer programs in solving business programs. Includes hands-on experience in solving problems, design of program logic, and the writing and execution of programs using the Visual Basic language. Also provides hands-on experience with the major microcomputer business applications; word-processing, spreadsheets, and computerized database management. May be taken two (2) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU, UC (CIS M16 combined with CS M01 or CS M10A: maximum credit, 4 units).

CIS M17 -- 1.5 Units
Introduction to Windows

Recommended Preparation: CIS M15
Class Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 lab

Introduces the Windows operating system, emphasizing running programs, entering/moving data, and performing DOS-related tasks. Includes program and file management using Explorer, Paint and WordPad. May be taken three (3) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU

CIS M18 -- 3 Units
Accounting with QuickBooks

Prerequisite: BUS M01A or BUS M02A
Class Hours: 2 lecture, 3 lab

Introduces the use of QuickBooks in a computerized accounting system. Reinforces basic accounting concepts and procedures and their relationship to QuickBooks. Provides extensive hands-on experience including setting up a new company. (Same course as BUS M08.) Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M19A -- 1 Unit
Spreadsheets in Financial Accounting

Prerequisite: BUS M01A and CIS M24
Corequisite: BUS M01B
Class Hours: 3 lab

Introduces the use of spreadsheets in accounting applications. Emphasizes the use of spreadsheet software to record transactions, prepare financial statements and sort/analyze data. Focuses on financial accounting functions such as calculating depreciation, tracking and controlling ac counts receivable and inventories, maintaining payroll records and analyzing financial statements. Introduces specialized accounting and finance functions. (Same course as BUS M09A.) Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M19B -- 0.5 Unit
Spreadsheets in Managerial Accounting

Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in BUS M09A or CIS M19A and BUS M02C
Class Hours: 1.5 lab

Continues the introduction of the use of spreadsheets in accounting applications. Emphasizes the use of spreadsheet software in advanced financial accounting activities and managerial accounting activities such as tracking and analyzing stockholders equity, amortization schedules for leases and bonds, present and future value calculations, preparation of statement of cash flows, tracking cost of goods manufactured and cost of goods sold, equivalent unit calculations, activity based costing, and cost-volume profit analysis. (Same course as BUS M09B.) Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M20 -- 1.5 Units
Microsoft Word Part 1

Class Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 lab

Introduces Microsoft Word. Topics include creating and editing, fonts and symbols, formatting newspaper columns, spelling and grammar, headers and footers, page numbering, and searching on the Internet. Prepares student for the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) exam (Core Level). May be taken three (3) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU

CIS M21 -- 1.5 Units
Microsoft Word Part 2

Prerequisite: CIS M20
Class Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 lab

Introduces advanced topics in Microsoft Word, including borders and shading; merging documents; sorting text; table and indexes; macros; fill-in forms; and working with clip art. Prepares students for the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) exam (Expert Level) . May be taken three (3) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer Credit: CSU.

CIS M22A/B -- 1 to 3 Units
Independent Studies in Information Systems

Prerequisite: A previous course in Computer Information Systems
Class Hours: 0.5 to 3 as arranged

Allows an independent project (approved by instructor and dean) to expand knowledge of computer information systems through research, lab work or field trips. Includes one-on-one work with instructor. May be taken for a maximum of six (6) units. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission.

CIS M24 -- 1.5 Units
Microsoft Excel Part 1

Prerequisite: CIS M17
Class Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 lab

Introduces basics of an electronic spreadsheet, working with Excels desktop environment. Emphasizes how to enter data, select commands, move the cell cursor around the worksheet, get help, save a worksheet in a workbook file, and print a range of data. Prepares student for the Microsoft Office user Specialist (MOUS) exam (Core Level). May be taken three (3) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU

CIS M25 -- 1.5 Units
Microsoft Excel Part 2

Prerequisite: CIS M24
Class Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 lab

Develops advanced spreadsheet tools for managing data and making financial decisions. Emphasizes using macros, database functions, data tables, PivotTable reports, and Report Manage. Prepares student for the advanced level of the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) exam. May be taken three (3) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer Credit: CSU.

CIS M26A -- 1.5 Units
Microsoft Access I

Prerequisite: CIS M17
Class Hours: 1 lecture/1.5 lab

Introduces designing and building an Access database, using Microsoft Windows. May be taken three (3) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M26B -- 1.5 Unit
Microsoft Access II

Prerequisite: CIS M26A
Class Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 lab

Introduces advanced topics in working with Access, including creating advanced queries and custom forms, customizing reports, integrating Access with other programs, working with HTML documents and data access pages, applying Macros, and writing Visual Basic for applications code. Prepares student to pass the Microsoft Office User Specialist Expert-Level Examination. Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M27 -- 1.5 Units
Microsoft PowerPoint

Prerequisite: CIS M17
Class Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 lab

Introduces presentation preparation, using animation, charts, clip art, pictures, shapes and sounds. May be taken three (3) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M28 -- 3 Units
Microsoft Office

Class Hours: 2 lecture, 3 lab

Introduces Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, emphasizing integration features and advanced OLE technology. May be taken three (3) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree.

CIS M30 -- 1.5 Units
Web Page Design I

Recommended Preparation: CIS M17
Class Hours: 1 lecture/1.5 lab

Provides the fundamentals of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) programming to design Web pages, exploring personal Internet and business Intranet environments. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU.

CIS M31 -- 1.5 Units
Web Page Design II

Prerequisite: CIS M30
Class Hours: 1 lecture, 1.5 lab

Introduces intermediate concepts of web design using H TML (Hyper Text Markup Language) programming, XML (Extended Markup Language), and CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Scripting. Requires creation of custom Web pages for personal Internet and business Intranet environments. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer Credit: CSU.

CIS M40 -- 4 Units
Visual BASIC I

Prerequisite: CIS M16
Recommended Preparation: CIS M16
Class Hours: 3 lecture, 3 lab

Windows programming environment using Visual Basic. Includes an overview of Windows and provides an introduction to Object Oriented, Event driven programming. Topics include forms, controls, event procedures, properties, methods, files and graphics, the user interface, managing projects, proper program design and structure and flow control. Provides some basic understanding of and experience in the development and use of error handling and debugging procedures. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU: UC. CAN: CSCI 6

CIS M41 -- 4 Units

Prerequisite: CIS M40
Recommended Preparation: CIS M16
Class Hours: 3 lecture, 3 lab

Second in a two -course sequence of instruction in programming in a Windows environment using Microsoft Visual Basic. Builds on the understanding of syntax and procedures learned in the first course, requiring the student to develop more complex and advanced programs. Concentrates on more advanced aspects of Visual Basic programming, including: accessing databases with Visual basic, Object Linking and embedding (OLE), creating ActiveX applications, creating custom Visual Basic user controls, etc. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU: UC.

CIS M50 -- 3 Units
Introduction to Local Area Networks (LAN)

Recommended Preparation: CIS M16
Class Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 lab

Introduces system requirements, terminology, technology, topologies and software used in Local Area Networks, including evaluation of applications and integration with Wide Area Networks. Emphasizes hardware components, protocols and applications that support users. Reviews the features, expandability and maintainability of a range of network operating systems. May be taken four (4) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU

CIS M51 -- 3 Units
Introduction to Novell Client/Server

Prerequisite: CIS M50
Class Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 lab

Introduces networking using Novell, emphasizing how to log on to a Novell network, map drives, set passwords, configure a Novell Client system, run applications over the network, install and de- install Novell Client software and troubleshoot. Reviews Novell Server issues such as account administration, the Novell file system structure, system optimization, Novell server and workstation installation, security, printing and diagnostics as well as creating users and setting access privileges. Prepares students to take Novell's CNA tests and portions of CNE tests to become Novell certified. May be taken four (4) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU

CIS M52 -- 3 Units
Introduction to Microsoft Windows NT Workstation/Server

Prerequisite: CIS M50
Class Hours: 2.5 lecture, 1.5 lab

Introduces Microsoft Windows NT, focusing on how to log on to an NT network, map drives, set passwords, and configure an NT workstation. Reviews NT server issues such as account administration, the NT file system structure, system optimization, NT server and workstation installation, security, printing and diagnostics. May be taken four (4) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU

CIS M53 -- 3 Units
Systems Analysis

Prerequisite: CIS M16 and a programming class
Class Hours: 3 lecture

Introduces computer information systems and procedures and offers analysis of various existing business CIS principles and nondata and data systems concepts. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU

CIS M60 A-Z -- 1 to 3 Units
Topics in Computers

Prerequisite: To be determined
Class Hours: To be determined

Each course deals with a specific topic not covered in general offerings. When offered, each course is announced in the semester's Schedule of Classes. Transfer Credit: determined by transfer institution.

CIS M60C -- 1 Unit
Internet and WWW I

Recommended Preparation: CIS M17
Class Hours: 0.5 lecture/1.5 lab

Provides a window into the World Wide Web and its abundance of resources. Provides hands-on experience using popular search engines, selecting an Internet provider and using e-mail and File Transfer Protocol. May be taken two (2) times for credit. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU, UC.

CIS M60E -- 1 Unit
Internet and WWW II

Prerequisite: CIS M60C or equivalent knowledge of the Internet
Class Hours: 0.5 lecture/1.5 lab

Expands proficiency in dynamic areas related to the Internet and World Wide Web, including complex search and retrieval strategies, file compression and decompression, browser plug-ins, Internet Relay Chat and teleconferencing. Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU, UC.

CIS M60F -- 1 Unit

Recommended Preparation: CIS M17
Class Hours: 0.5 lecture; 1.5 lab

Introduces financial software package to organize personal finances by setting up electronic checkbook registers for tracking transactions. Includes creating reports and graphs, tracking investments, managing savings and monitoring cash flow. (Same course as BUS M60F.) Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU.

CIS M61 -- 1 Unit
Computer Programming Laboratory

Corequisite: CIS M22A/B with subject that requires extensive lab work/computer usage
Class Hours: 3 lab

Allows credit for lab experience, when deemed appropriate by the instructor under an Independent Study contract. May be taken two (2) times for credit. Only offered credit/no-credit. d Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU, UC.

CIS M80 -- 1 to 4 Units
Internship in Computer Information Systems

Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in a course in the discipline.
Class Hours: 3 to 33 work experience hours as arranged

Provides on-the-job learning to enhance course work under the direct supervision of faculty and industry supervisors. Both supervisors provide feedback and written evaluation. Some meetings and workshops may be required as part of the course. To take this course, contact the Internship Office: Call (805) 378-1536. May be taken four (4) times for credit. (Same course as WEXP M20.) Applies to Associate Degree. Transfer credit: CSU; for UC, determined after admission.

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(Course data updated as of 05/15/06)