Advanced Visual Basic - Project 8

Financial Calculator - Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Excel—It’s an Application and a Custom Control

You can use Excel as a custom control in a manner similar to any custom control. To illustrate this, you are now going to enhance the previous project by inserting an Excel Worksheet object in an OLE control.

Load Visual Basic and select Open Project under the File menu. Open your loancalc.vbp project (project 7). Press the F4 key to view the Form’s properties—if they are not already displayed.

Use the illustration below. Stretch your Form wider and place an OLE control where shown. When the Insert Object dialog box appears, select Microsoft Excel Worksheet and click the OK button.

Notice how after you add the OLE control and select it, visual basic’s menu is modified to include part of the actual Excel menu. The Excel part of the menu disappears when you deselect the OLE control. After deselecting the OLE control, you can select it again by right-clicking on it and choosing Edit from the context menu. By the way, the addition of the Excel menu to your visual basic menu occurs because Visual Basic is also an OLE server application, and it’s menu structure is exposed to other applications for modification (in a later project you will be modifying visual basic’s menu structure from within your own application).

  1. After placing the OLE control and imbedding the Excel Worksheet in it, set its Name property to OLESheet.
  2. Add the Column Headings: Date, Interest, Principle, and Balance in the top row of the Excel Worksheet (Right click on the imbedded Excel Worksheet control and select Edit off of the context menu that appears to re-enable editing after you deselect it).
  3. Use the left mouse button to click and drag over the range of cells from A2 to A14. Right click in the middle of the selected cells and choose Format Cells from the context menu. Make sure the Number tab is selected and choose Date from the Category list. Click on the type of date format that displays the date as mm/dd/yy. Then click the OK button.
  4. Click and drag over the range of cells from B2 to D14. Right click in the middle of the selected cells and choose Format Cells from the context menu. Make sure the Number tab is selected and choose Currency from the Category list. You’ll use the default Currency format, so just click the OK button.
  5. Click on the column heading button of the Balance column (column D) to select the entire column. Right-click anywhere in the selected column and choose the Column Width item on the context menu. Type 12 for the column width and click the OK button. Note: Make sure your Form is extra wide so that you can stretch the OLE control wide enough to display the four columns of the Excel worksheet (Date, Interest, Principle, Balance) shown in the illustration above.

Save the project before going on.

Before going further, I want to warn you. The following code, which you will insert into your Amortize button’s Click event procedure (cmdAmort_Click), is a tedious affair. Here’s a summary of what this code will do:

While this sounds simple enough; the commands themselves are not so apparent in their function. The code for the cmdAmort_Click event procedure is listed below. The lines are numbered and explained after the listing:

‘Type this code into the cmdAmort_Click event procedure

  1. Dim iRow As Integer
    Dim dRate As Double
    Dim curBalance As Currency
  2. Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
  1. dRate = CDbl(txtRate.Text) / 100 / 12
    curBalance = CCur(txtLoan.Text)
  1. OLESheet.Visible = False
  2. If SheetObj Is Nothing Then
  3.       Set SheetObj = OLESheet.object.Worksheets(1)
    End If
  1. For iRow = 2 To 13
    'Display the Month and Year in column 1
  2.       SheetObj.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = DateSerial(1996, iRow - 1, 1)
    'Calc and display the Interest amount in column 2
  3.       SheetObj.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = curBalance * dRate
    'Calc and display the Principle amount in column 3
  4.       SheetObj.Cells(iRow, 3).Value = curPayment - _
                    SheetObj.Cells.Item(iRow, 2)
    'Calc the new Current Balance and display it in column 4
  5.       curBalance = curBalance - SheetObj.Cells.Item(iRow, 3)
          SheetObj.Cells(iRow, 4).Value = curBalance
    Next iRow
  1. SheetObj.Cells(14, 1).Value = "Total"
    SheetObj.Cells(14, 2).Value = "=SUM(B2:B13)"
    SheetObj.Cells(14, 3).Value = "=SUM(C2:C13)"
  1. OLESheet.Visible = True
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
  1. Here you dimension 3 variables you’ll need.
  2. Here you change the mousepointer to an hourglass, then call the cmdCalc_Click event procedure because you’ll be using the curPayment variable in the calculations which follow (curPayment is calculated in the cmdCalc_Click event procedure). Very Important: You must move the dimension statement for the curPayment variable (Dim curPayment As Currency) from the cmdCalc_Click event procedure to the General Delcarations section. Do that now.
  3. dRate and curBalance will be required in the calculations which follow.
  4. This code hides the OLESheet Excel control.
  5. The first time the User clicks the cmdAmort button, will be the only time the reference to the Excel control is assigned, thanks to this test.
  6. Here’s how you assign a reference to the Excel control. SheetObj should be dimensioned in the General Declarations section like this:

Dim SheetObj As Excel.Worksheet

  1. Here a loop begins where you will calculate the Interest, Principle, and Current Balance on a month by month basis for 12 months, and copy those values to Cells in the Excel control.
  2. This is how you place the date in the first column. The format of the DateSerial function is as follows:

DateSerial(Year, Month, Day)

  1. This line calculates the Interest amount and puts it in the second column.
  2. This line calculates the Principle amount and puts it in the third column.
  3. To get the new Current Balance, the Principle—calculated in line 10—is subtracted from the previous balance. This value is then placed in the fourth column of the Excel control.
  4. These 3 lines generate the Total line at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
  5. Here’s where you unhide the finished Spreadsheet, and change the mousepointer back to an arrow.

Important: add this code (the Bold arrowed lines) above the code in your Form_Unload event procedure, to make sure Excel is not left running when your program exits:

‘Add the following 4 new lines above the code below
α If Not SheetObj is Nothing Then
α       Set SheetObj = Nothing
α        ExcelObj.Workbooks.Close
α End If

‘These 4 lines were added back in project 7
If Not ExcelObj is Nothing Then
    Set ExcelObj = Nothing
End If

After adding this code, save your program before going on.

Before this program will work, you need to set a Reference to the Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library. This will allow you to dimension a variable of an Excel.Worksheet data type. Select the References item on the Project dropdown menu, and put a check mark in front of Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library, then click the OK button (you should have already set this in project 7).

Note: Microsoft Excel may be left running in memory if your program does not terminate normally (of course this won't happen to you because your program will run perfectly the first time J ). To check if Excel is still in memory after your program terminates, run the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete (Note: Windows NT/2000 users, press Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Then click on the Processes tab). If you find EXCEL.EXE in the list of running processes, click on it and press the End Task button. If prompted to Wait or End Task Now, choose End Task Now. It’s a good idea to do this after test running your program the first couple of times, even if it appears to exit normally. If Excel is still left running in memory, even though everything else seems to be working normally, be sure that you properly implemented the code in the step above.

Test your program thoroughly and make sure it’s working properly before going onto the next step, where you will add a Progress Bar.

Now that you have the program working and you’ve tested it thoroughly (you’re output should look similar to the example above), you still need to deal with one last problem. There’s really nothing you can do to reduce the delay the User must suffer though after clicking the cmdAmort button. Many impatient Users (on slower computers) might even think that their computer had ceased to function and be inclined to press the reset button. To prevent that from happening, you will place a Progress Bar control on the form. A Progress Bar lets the User know that something is happening, and about how long it’s going to take. Note: To add the Progress Bar control to the Control Toolbox, add the Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 component—right-click on the Control Toolbox and choose Components.

  1. Use the illustration at the beginning of this document and place a Progress Bar control on your form (in the lower left corner)
  2. Leave it’s default Name the same (ProgressBar1).
  3. Set its Max property to 16 and leave its Min property at 0
  4. Set its Visible property to False

The code below, which is from your cmdAmort_Click event procedure, is the same as the code you’ve already typed (Don’t Re-Type it!) with the Progress Bar code inserted into it (the bold and numbered lines). Since the Progress Bar must be updated while the amortization spreadsheet is being generated, these lines of code are inserted directly into the pre-existing code. The Progress Bar code is numbered and explained after the listing below.

‘Insert the Progress Bar code (bold, numbered lines) into your pre-existing code where shown

Dim iRow As Integer
Dim dRate As Double
Dim curBalance As Currency

            'Unhide the Progress Bar
1.         ProgressBar1.Visible = True

            Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
'Set the Progress Bar's Value to Min.
2.         ProgressBar1.Value = 1

            ‘Increment the Progress Bar’s Value property.
3.         ProgressBar1.Value = 2

dRate = CDbl(txtRate.Text) / 100 / 12
curBalance = CCur(txtLoan.Text)
OLESheet.Visible = False
If SheetObj Is Nothing Then
      Set SheetObj = OLESheet.object.Worksheets(1)
End If

            ‘Increment the Progress Bar’s Value property.
4.         ProgressBar1.Value = 3

For iRow = 2 To 13
'Display the Month and Year in column 1
      SheetObj.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = DateSerial(1996, iRow - 1, 1)
'Calc and display the Interest amount in column 2
      SheetObj.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = curBalance * dRate
'Calc and display the Principle amount in column 3
      SheetObj.Cells(iRow, 3).Value = curPayment - SheetObj.Cells.Item(iRow, 2)
'Calc the new Current Balance and display it in column 4
      curBalance = curBalance - SheetObj.Cells.Item(iRow, 3)
      SheetObj.Cells(iRow, 4).Value = curBalance

                  ‘Increment the Progress Bar’s Value property.
5.               ProgressBar1.Value = iRow + 1

Next iRow

SheetObj.Cells(14, 1).Value = "Total"
SheetObj.Cells(14, 2).Value = "=SUM(B2:B13)"
SheetObj.Cells(14, 3).Value = "=SUM(C2:C13)"

            ‘Set the Progress Bar’s Value property to Maximum value
6.         ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Max

OLESheet.Visible = True
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault

            ‘Hide the Progress Bar after it’s served its purpose
7.         ProgressBar1.Visible = False

  1. Initially the Progress Bar should be hidden. But now that it is needed, this command makes it visible.
  2. Set the Value property of the Progress Bar to 1 so the user can see that some progress is being made (this makes the indicator grow 2 ticks).
  3. By setting the Value property of the Progress Bar to 2, the progress indicator grows to 4 ticks.
  4. Adding 1 more Increments the progress indicator 2 more ticks.
  5. Add 1 to the Value property of the Progress Bar each time through the loop. The Progress Bar’s maximum value is 16 (according to its Max property which you set earlier). After completing the loop, the Progress Bar’s Value property will be 14, and the progress indicator will be just 2 ticks from the end.
  6. This sets the progress indicator to it maximum.
  7. Hide the Progress Bar now that it has served its purpose.

After inserting the Progress Bar code into the cmdAmort_Click event procedure code, give it a try. That completes this project. There are no required enhancements.