Advanced Visual Basic - Project 4

Adding a Menu, About dialog and Help File to Database Snooper

This Project will add enhancements to the Database Snooper program

As it currently stands, the Database Snooper program is incomplete. A primary feature of virtually all Windows applications is a comprehensive on-line help system. Help systems come in a couple of strengths: A Help File provides a basic level of user assistance, while Context Sensitive Help provides a higher level of user aid. This project will begin by adding a Help File to the Database Snooper program (Context Sensitive Help comes in project 5).

The Fourth Project

This project will be an enhancement of the last project (Project 3).

Begin by launching Visual Basic.

The common way to access an application’s Help File is via the Contents item under its Help dropdown menu. In an effort to maintain the Windows Program Design Philosophy that gives all windows applications a consistent look and feel, you will now add a menu structure to your project which will include a Help menu. Make sure the Form is selected and use the Menu Editor to create the menu structure outlined below (suggested Names for the menu items follow their Captions):

Level 1
Level 2
&File   mnuFile
  &Open Database mnuOpen
  mnuBrk (a single hyphen)
  E&xit mnuExit
&Help   mnuHelp
  Contents mnuContents
  Help on help mnuHelpOnHelp
  mnuBrk2 (a single hyphen)
  About mnuAbout

I leave it to you to supply functionality to the menu items under the File dropdown menu (Open Database and Exit). Do so before continuing.

Creating an About Dialog.

Add a new Form to the project:

Before you begin modifying the captions of the different labels on your new About Dialog, I want you to View the code window for the frmAbout form. You’ll notice that a lot of code has already been entered for you (Including all the code for the System Info and OK buttons). Take a look at this code from the Form_Load event procedure:

Me.Caption = "About " & App.Title
lblVersion.Caption = "Version " & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." &  _
lblTitle.Caption = App.Title

The Me object is another way of referring to the frmAbout Form. Don’t modify this code! Notice the App.Title, App.Major, App.Minor, and App.Revision properties. Go ahead and set these properties by selecting DatabaseSnooper Properties under the Project drop-down menu now. Click on the Make tab. Set the Application Title property to Database Snooper. Notice the other settings that are available. Leave the other settings unchanged for now. Then click the OK button.

View the frmAbout form again. The only Labels whose Caption properties must be set manually are lblDescription and lblDisclamer. You don’t need to copy my example above, but you get the idea (I set the Font size of the lblTitle label to 24 pt.). Don’t bother setting the Caption properties of the other Labels or the Form’s Caption, since they are set automatically by the code in the Form_Load event procedure. Note: The System Info button on your About Dialog requires that you have installed the MsInfo application that comes with most Microsoft products (i.e. Microsoft Office). If your System Info button isn’t working, it’s probably because you don’t have this application installed. I believe you can download the latest version of MsInfo for free from, check out the free downloads area.

Close the Code View and Object View windows for the frmAbout form (you won’t need to access them again), and open the Code View window for the frmSnooper form. Add the following code to the mnuAbout_Click event procedure of the frmSnooper form:


That takes care of the About dialog box. Save the project, and test it if you like.

A simplified description of the process of creating a Help File follows:

  1. Create the Help Text File (RTF) with a Rich Text Format capable editor.
  2. Create the Help Project File (HPJ) with a Text editor.
  3. Compile the Help Text File using the Help Compiler and a Help Project File. This generates the actual Help File (HLP).
  4. Declare a reference to the Help File in your Visual Basic application.

Creating the Help Text File

Rich Text Format—it sounds a lot more glamorous than it is—is a file format that supports Underline, Double-Underline, and Hidden text attributes. Microsoft Word, Wordpad, and most big-name Windows word processors support the Rich Text Format. Why do you need Underline, Double-Underline, and Hidden text in a Help Text File?

Hypertext are "jump phrases" that you designate while creating a Help Text File. Here’s an example of a Hypertext phrase (Open Database) embedded in a sentence from a Help Text File:

Click the Open Database button.

When creating a Help Text file Double-Underline is how you designate a Hypertext phrase. Note: Because HTML documents do not support double underline text, phrases in this document that are supposed to represent double underlined text will be displayed as bold, italized and underlined like this:

Open Database

Click the Open DatabaseOPEN_DATABASE button.

The Tag phrase (OPEN_DATABASE) is inserted immediately after the Hypertext phrase—no space in-between. It's attribute is set to Hidden text. The Tag phrase serves as a link to other text on another page. (When the user clicks on the Hypertext phrase—which appears as green underlined text in the compiled version of the help text file—the text linked by the Tag phrase is displayed.)

Click the Open DatabaseOPEN_DATABASE button.

<Page Break here>

# Opening a Database File

Open an "Access" Database file by clicking the Open Database button. Or select Open Database from the File dropdown menu.

<Page Break here>

In the above example from a Help Text file, the Open Database Hypertext phrase is followed immediately by the OPEN_DATABASE Tag phrase. The Tag phrase is linked to the page with the title Opening a Database File by the custom Footnote symbol # (which must be the first item on the new page). The text of the footnote itself (not shown above) looks like this:


Notice that this footnote text is identical to the hidden Tag phrase attached to the link text (Open Database).

Note: Two completed versions of the snooper.rtf help text file have been included with this project (snooper.rtf and snooper2.rtf). Don’t try to open these files with a normal Text file editor like Notepad. Creating a Help text file is easy once you know how. But unless I’m looking over your shoulder as you create this type of file for the first time, far too many small things can go wrong that would prevent the Help text file from compiling. The following instructions (starting below at the next bulleted paragraph and ending at the Creating the Help Project File with Help Workshop heading later on), shows you how to create a Help text file with Microsoft Word. If you have Microsoft Word and would like to try following these instructions to create your own version of this help file, you may do so. However, you are also free to just use the completed Help text files that are contained in the self-extracting archive that you can download by clicking on this link. If you want to use the Help Text files that I’ve included, please read through the instructions below anyway so that you get the idea of how it’s done, then go directly to the section titled: Creating the Help Project File with Help Workshop.

  1. Once in Word, set the view to Normal (choose Normal under the View dropdown menu). Engage the Show/Hide button on the Standard toolbar so that Hidden text will be visible.
  2. Be sure to save the file as snooper.rtf in Rich Text Format (choose Save As and select the Rich Text Format (*.rtf) item from the Save File As Type dropdown list box displayed at the bottom of the Save As dialog box).
  3. To insert the Footnotes at the start of each of the link pages, enter a Page Break manually by pressing Ctrl+Enter. Place the insertion point at the start of the new page (Click at the top of the new page) and choose the Footnote item on the Insert dropdown menu. Click on the Custom Mark textbox and type a # symbol (Shift+3), then click the OK button. For the Footnote’s value enter the Tag phrase from the Hypertext that it is associated with.

Attribute Table (this is how you toggle on and off these attributes in Word):

Attribute To Turn On/Off Looks Like
Double-Underline Ctrl+Shift+D Double-Underlined Text
Underline Ctrl+U Underlined Text
Hidden Text Ctrl+Shift+H Dotted Underlined Text

To Insert a Page break press Ctrl+Enter.

Below this horizontal line is an example of what you're going to type into Word. Try to duplicate the format as best you can. Single underlined text appears underlined, double underlined text is bold, italized and underlined like this Open Database.

Database Snooper Help

The Database Snooper--A quick and easy way to view AccessACCESS (MDB) style databases. When you load a database into Database Snooper, you can select from a listing of its TablesTABLES and view the first 10 fields of every record. Database Snooper even has display support for Tables that contain an OLE field (pictures). You cannot accidentally change field values, or record structures in Database Snooper. Database Snooper is the Safe, Fast, and Easy way to view (MDB) databases.

The Database Snooper Menu

File Menu Items Help Menu Items
Help on helpHELP_ON_HELP

<Page Break> - (Insert page breaks by pressing Ctrl-Enter)

# Opening a Database File

Open an AccessACCESS database file by clicking the Open Database button. Or select Open Database from the File dropdown menu.

<Page Break>

# Exiting Database Snooper

Exit Database Snooper by clicking the Exit button. Or select Exit from the File dropdown menu.

<Page Break>

# Getting Help On Help

Selecting Help on help from the Help dropdown menu activates the Windows Help on help feature. An in-depth explanation (with examples) of how to use the help features of Windows applications is displayed.

<Page Break>

# About Database Snooper

Selecting About from the Help dropdown menu displays a dialog box that lists the Name of the author, program Version Number, and latest Revision Date.

<Page Break>

# You’re looking at it. It’s this screen.

<Page Break>

# Access databases created with Microsoft Access version 2.0 or later.

<Page Break>

# In Microsoft Access, Tables are a collection of Records, which in turn are comprised of the Fields where the actual data is stored.

This is how the Footnotes should appear in the Footnote Viewing Window when you are finished:


Creating the Help Project File with Help Workshop

Help Project Files are plain Text files (TXT). So any Text editor can be used to create them. However, we’re not using a Text editor to create our Project File. Instead we’re using a utility that is supplied with Visual Basic called Help Workshop. To use this utility at home, you’ll need to install it (Run the Setup program located in the \Common\Tools\vb\hcw folder on the VB version 6.0 CD). After installation is complete, you’ll find a new Help Workshop group under Programs on the Start menu).

Your screen should look like the above example. As you can see, an OPTIONS section has already been added for you. Other OPTION parameters are available through the Option button on the right. However, no other OPTIONS need to be set for this project.

The Topic Files dialog is where you select the RTF files that you help file will be built from. Click the Add button and select the Snooper.rtf file (not Snooper2.rtf if you've downloaded the pre-created help text files). The Topic Files dialog should look like the example above. Then click the OK button.

Above is an example of the Windows Properties dialog which appears next. Type Database Snooper Help for the Title bar text. Now click on the Position tab at the top of the dialog, and click the Auto-Sizer button on the Position dialog to display the following dialog.

The Help Window Auto-Sizer is a window that you can reposition and adjust, so that you can set the initial size and position of your help window. Make it a lot wider and center it on the screen. Then click the OK button on the Auto-Sizer window, and click the OK button on the Position dialog to get back to the main Help Workshop window.

This is how it should look when it’s done (the pos and size numbers under the WINDOWS parameter may be different on yours, that’s okay). Let’s try compiling your help file (which, if all goes well, will create your Snooper.hlp help file). Click the Save and Compile button at the bottom right corner of the window.

An example of the Compilation window is shown above. The most important part are the last 3 lines:

Created Snooper.hlp, 10903 bytes
Compile time: 0 minutes, 1 second
0 notes, 0 warnings

Yours may differ slightly from the lines above (ignore any Warnings as they usually won’t prevent your Help file from working properly), and that’s okay as long as it says that it did create the help file. If the help file was not created because of some errors, then you need to minimize the Help Workshop window, open your snooper.rtf file with Word, fix the cause of the errors, save the file and try again. When you finally succeed, you can exit from the Help Workshop program and then continue (If you’re using the snooper.rtf file that I’ve included with this project, you should have no compilation errors).

Declare a reference to the Help File in your Visual Basic application

Ah, the last step. It’s about time. Run Visual Basic and load snooper.vbp.

Select the DatabaseSnooper Properties item from the Project dropdown menu. Make sure the General tab is selected. For the Help File Name enter a:\snooper.hlp. Click the OK button. Now all you need to do is add a couple of WinHelp API calls to your mnuContents and mnuHelpOnHelp click event procedures (I’ll show you how in a minute).

Before you can add those calls, you must enter the following API declaration into your program. But where?

Declare Function WinHelp Lib "User32" Alias "WinHelpA"  _
      (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpHelpFile As String,  _
      ByVal wCommand As Long, ByVal dwData As Long) As Long

Adding a Module to your Project

Unlike a Form which has a visible (Object) part (the form itself) and Code part, a Module only has a Code part. The General Declaration section of a Module (not to be confused with the generic term module which includes Form files and Module files) is the only place in your project you can declare Public (Global in the old days) variables. It is also where you must declare API functions so that they will have the Scope that makes them callable from any other module (Form, Module, etc.) within your project.

Select Add Module from the Project dropdown menu. Choose Module from the Add Module dialog and click the Open button. Press F4 to display the Properties Windows if it isn't showing and you’ll notice that the only property a Module has is Name. Set the Module’s Name property to modSnooper. Press Ctrl+R to view the Project Explorer window, if it’s not already visible. You should see a new Module folder, which contains your modSnooper module. Select Save modSnooper As from the File dropdown menu. Save the Module file as modsnoop.bas.

Open the code window of your new modSnooper Module and add the code for the WinHelp API declaration shown above. In addition to the declaration for WinHelp, you will also need to declare a couple of Public Constants. The WinHelp function needs to be passed a Command value that tells it whether to open your Help File or open Windows’ Help on Help feature. Here are the Public Constants:

'Display the Project’s Help File

Public Const HELP_INDEX = &H3

'Display Help on Using Help

Public Const HELP_HELPONHELP = &H4

Add these lines below the WinHelp declaration structure you just added to the General Declaration section of modsnooper.

Add the following code to the mnuContents Click event procedure in the frmSnooper form (be sure to specify the path to where your snooper.hlp file is located. In this example I used c:\):

Dim vRetVal As Variant
vRetVal = WinHelp(frmSnooper.hWnd, "c:\snooper.hlp",   _
        HELP_INDEX, CLng(0))

This is the call to WinHelp that displays your Help File. The parameters passed to WinHelp are as follows:

Parameter Purpose
frmSnooper.hWnd This is a Handle to the application (a unique numeric identifier assigned by Windows to all running applications. The Handle also lets Windows distinguish between multiple instances of the same application)
"c:\snooper.hlp" The location of the Help File. Be sure to specify the Path to where your snooper.hlp file is located. When the application is completed and compiled as an executable, it will be important the path and to change this to simply "snooper.hlp", which would indicate to the WinHelp function that the Help File is located in the same directory as the snooper.exe file.
HELP_INDEX A command constant that tells the WinHelp function what to do. HELP_INDEX tells WinHelp to open your Help File.
CLng(0) The CLng function converts an expression to a Long numeric value. As you can see here, you are passing the number Zero to the WinHelp function (This parameter is unused).

Now add the following code to your mnuHelpOnHelp Click even procedure in the frmSnooper form:

Dim vRetVal As Variant
vRetVal = WinHelp(frmSnooper.hWnd, "c:\snooper.hlp",   _
        HELP_HELPONHELP, CLng(0))

Be sure to specify the Path to where your snooper.hlp file is located. This is the call to WinHelp that displays Windows’ Help on Using Help feature (This is the ultimate Nubie resource on using the Help system). The only parameter differences between this call and the call in the mnuContents Click event procedure is the Command Flag:


Now you are ready to give your new Help File a try. Save the project and run it. Choose the Contents item on the Help dropdown menu. Does it work?

Using your new Help File

Here’s the bad news: When you access your Help File, if it doesn’t look the way you want it to—There’s a typo, the format isn’t correct, you left something out, etc.—the only choice you have is to open your Help Text file, make the appropriate modifications, and recompile it. Again and again. Only practice will teach you how your Help Files will look when they are compiled. And only trial and error will get you to the point where you’re satisfied with the final result.

Notice how the Index button on the help window is disabled when you open your Help File. Normally, while viewing a Help File you have the option to search for keywords within the file. For example, it would be nice if you could click the Index button and type the word Table to find out what a Microsoft Access Table is. You have that information in your Help File, but to get to it the way the help File is currently configured, you need to click on the Tables Hypertext in the first paragraph of the Help File.

So far you’ve only used the # custom Footnote symbol to tie the Hypertext Tags to their linked text. What about Index words? That’s where the $ and K custom Footnote symbols come in:

$ Is used to reference the Jump Page Title so that it will appear in the Help System’s Index list box.

K Let’s you designate a list of Keywords which the user can designate to search for a topic.

Note: To complete this step if you don’t have Word (or just get frustrated trying to make these changes): Delete your snooper.rtf file and rename the snooper2.rtf file (That you downloaded earlier, or can download now by clicking here.) to snooper.rtf. Then go directly to the section with the heading, Compiling your new Snooper.rtf file.

Save your project and launch Microsoft Word. Load the snooper.rtf file. Select Normal from the View dropdown menu. Activate the Show/Hide button so hidden text is visible. Place the insertion point immediately after the # Footnote symbol at the top of the first page of Linked text (Page 2 which is titled Opening a Database File).

  1. Press the spacebar once.
  2. Select Footnote from the Insert dropdown menu.
  3. Click in the Custom Mark text box and type a $.
  4. Click the OK button.
  5. For the Footnote’s value enter this text (case is important):

    $Opening a Database File

  6. Click the Close button.
  7. Select Footnote from the Insert dropdown menu again.
  8. Click in the Custom Mark text box and type a K (capitalized K).
  9. Click the OK button.
  10. For this Footnote’s value enter this text(case is important, and semi-colons separate the different search phrases):
    Kopen;file open;open file;open database;database open
  11. Click the Close button.

That takes care of just 1 of the Link pages. There are 6 more to go. Use the following table to do the remaining Link pages. (Be sure to insert the new Footnotes exactly like you did above):

Page Footnotes
3 $Exiting Database Snooper
4 $Getting Help On Help
help;using help
5 $About Database Snooper
7 (6 was skipped) $Access Databases
8 $In Microsoft Access


Compiling your new Snooper.rtf file

After making these changes to your snooper.rtf file, save and compile it using the Help Workshop (this time when you run Help Workshop, choose Open under the File menu to open your help project file (snooper.hpj). Click the Save and Compile button to re-compile your Help Text file. If all went well, when you access your Help File again from within Database Snooper, the Index button should be selectable. Clicking the Index button will display your list of keywords (your list isn’t very long, but you get the idea). Click on, or type in a keyword to select it then click the Display button to jump straight to that topic. What happens when you have one keyword that references more than one topic? To find out, click on the Index button again and select the version keyword and click display. A new dialog appears which shows you both topics that use the keyword. Just choose the one you want.

That completes this assignment. No other enhancements are necessary.