Advanced Visual Basic - Project 14

Add Web Browsing capabilities to your programs

Visual Basic comes with a WebBrowser Custom Control

In this project you will create a simple application that allows a user to access the World Wide Web. Visual Basic provides you with a custom WebBrowser control that has all the functionality built into it that you’ll need to add powerful web browsing capabilities to your own projects. To run this project, you need a computer that is connected to the internet (via modem or a direct connection, that has Windows 95/98 or Windows NT with I.E. 4.0+ installed). If your computer cannot connect to the internet, you can still create this project. When it’s complete, save it to a floppy diskette and run it on a computer that has VB 5.0 or 6.0 installed and does support an internet connection.

Load Visual Basic and select New Project under the File menu. Make this a Standard project. Press the F4 key to view the Form’s properties—if the Properties window is not already displayed.

In this example of the finished Browser project, the buttons of a Toolbar are used to access the different functions that the Browser can perform. These buttons include (from left to right):

The textbox labeled URL (below the Toolbar) lets the user type the Web Address of an internet site they would like to visit. As you can see in this example, the WebBrowser control itself displays web pages just like Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.

To complete this project, you’ll be adding the following controls to your form in this order:

Adding an ImageList control to the form:

The Icons that appear in a Toolbar control are actually stored in an ImageList control that the Toolbar is linked to. Before adding the Toolbar, you’ll add an ImageList control to the form. Follow these steps.

  1. To get the ImageList and Toolbar controls to appear in your Control Toolbox, add the Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (or 5.0) component (Right-click on the Controls Toolbox and choose Components, then put a checkmark in front of Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (or 5.0).
  2. Double click the ImageList control button in the Controls Toolbox to add an ImageList control to your form. This control is similar to a CommonDialog control in the sense that the User will never see or directly interact with it, so it doesn’t matter where it sits on the form.
  3. Press the F4 key to view the ImageList control’s properties.
  4. Set the Name property of the ImageList control to iListToolbar.
  5. Click on the Custom property of the ImageList (in the Properties Window) and click on the small ellipses () button to produce the ImageList’s Property Pages dialog:
  1. For the size, leave the Custom option selected and click on the Images tab.
  1. The icon files you will need for this project are included with this project. Use the Insert Picture button and add the following Icons in this order (find them in the various Icons folders in Visual Basic's Graphics folder):

When finished, the ImageList Properties Pages dialog should look like the above illustration (if you put an icon in the wrong place, click on it and delete it with the Remove Picture button. Then click on the icon that it’s supposed to follow and click the Insert Picture button to put it back where it supposed to go.

Click on the OK button when you’ve got it right.

Adding a Toolbar control to the form:

  1. Double click on the Toolbar control button in the Controls Toolbox. By default, the new Toolbar control appears at the top of the form. Notice that it has no buttons on it.
  2. Press the F4 key to view the Toolbar control’s properties.
  3. Set the Name property of the Toolbar control to tbBrowser.
  4. Click on its Custom property and click on the small ellipses () button to produce the Toolbar Property Pages dialog:
  1. Drop down the ImageList Combobox. Select your iListToolbar ImageList.
  1. Click on the Buttons tab.
  2. Click the Insert Button button. The Index value 1 should appear.
  3. Type GoBack for the Key value. You’ll need the Key value to determine which button on the Toolbar was clicked.
  4. For the ToolTipText type Go Back a Page. A ToolTip is a descriptive string that pops up by a Toolbar button when you hold the mouse over the button for a second.
  5. Type 1 for the Image value (this is the index value of the image as it appears in the ImageList) and click the Apply button. Notice how the first icon in iListToolbar ImageList appears in your first toolbar button.
  6. Insert 6 more buttons and set their properties as follows (be sure to click the Apply button before inserting each new button):
Key ToolTip Text Image
GoForward Go Forward a Page 2
GoHome Go to Home Page 3
Refresh Refresh this Page 4
Stop Stop Refreshing this Page 5
Connect Connect to Internet 6
Disconnect Disconnect from the Internet 7
  1. Add an 8th button and set its Style property to 3 - Separator. This Separator needs no Key or Image values.
  2. Add a 9th button and set its Key value to Exit. Make its ToolTipText string Exit My Web Browser. And set its Image value to 8.
  3. Click the OK button to close the Toolbar Control Properties dialog.

As run time, when the User clicks a button on the Toolbar, this event procedure is executed:

Private Sub tbBrowser_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As Button)

The ByVal statement means that the argument is passed by value only (which means it cannot be modified. Note: By default, variables are passed to event and regular procedures ByRefby reference (like a pointer in C++)—which means you actually have access to the memory location where the variable resides, so you can plug new values into it to modify any previously stored values). ByVal passes just the values stored at the memory location of the variable, and without knowing the memory location the procedure cannot modify the values stored there. ByVal is specified by this event procedure, so that you cannot accidentally change the property values of the Button object at runtime in your code.

The Toolbar button that was clicked on by the User can be determined by examining the Button.Key property. As an example, if the following code were added to the tbIcons_ButtonClick event procedure, it would make the Exit button on the Toolbar work (don’t add this code yet):

Select Case Button.Key
      Case Is = "Exit"
            Unload Me
End Select

You previously set the Key property of the Exit button to Exit in the Toolbar Property Pages dialog. This Key property is used to determine which button on the Toolbar was pushed (Case Is = "Exit").

Adding a Textbox and Label to the form:

Add a Label (Caption = URL:) and Textbox (Name = txtURL) to the form and position them below the toolbar as shown in the illustration on the first page.

Add the following code to the txtURL_KeyPress event procedure:

'On Error, prevents a crash if the web site is not found
On Error Resume Next
If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn And txtURL <> "" Then
      WebBrowser1.Navigate (txtURL.Text)
End If

If the user types a web address (a URL) into the txtURL textbox and presses the Enter key, this code uses the Navigate method of the WebBrowser control (to be added in the next step) to go to that web site.

Adding a WebBrowser control to the form:

To get the WebBrowser control to appear in your Control Toolbox, add the Microsoft Internet Controls component (Right-click on the Controls Toolbox and choose Components, then put a checkmark in front of Microsoft Internet Controls).

Double-click on the WebBrowser icon in the Controls Toolbox to place it on the form. Use the illustration on the first page and resize the WebBrowser control so that it fills the form below the Toolbar, Label and Textbox.

Leave the WebBrowser’s name property at the default WebBrowser1.

Add this code to the tbBrowser_ButtonClick event procedure (Don’t type the preceding letters—the Case statements are lettered (a through h) and explained below):

    Select Case Button.Key
a)       Case Is = "GoBack"
‘Go back to a previous page

       Case Is = "GoForward"
‘Go forward to a previous page

c)       Case Is = "GoHome"
‘Go to the user’s homepage

d)       Case Is = "Refresh"
‘Establish a connection
                WebBrowser1.Offline = False

                ‘Reopen the last web page
                WebBrowser1.Navigate (txtURL.Text)
e)       Case Is = "Stop"
‘Stop downloading a page

f)       Case Is = "Connect"
‘Establish a connection
                WebBrowser1.Offline = False

                 ‘Open specified (txtURL) page
                WebBrowser1.Navigate (txtURL.Text)
g)       Case Is = "Disconnect"
‘Disconnect from internet
                WebBrowser1.Offline = True

h)       Case Is = "Exit"
‘Exit from My Web Browser
                Unload Me
    End Select

  1. When the user clicks the GoBack button on the toolbar, the GoBack method of the WebBrowser control sends the user back to the last page they visited during the current web browsing session.
  2. The GoForward method of the WebBrowser control allows the user to move forward through pages that they have already visited, if they’ve used the GoBack button previously.
  3. The GoHome method of the WebBrowser control will go to the user’s homepage (if they have Internet Explorer on their computer, and they’ve previously designated a home page within its option settings). The WebBrowser finds this information by examining the System Registry on their computer.
  4. When the user selects the Refresh button, it reloads the currently open page (after making sure that the WebBrowser is connected).
  5. If the user clicks the Stop button, any web page that is currently being downloaded stops downloading (and any functioning ActiveX or Java controls on the page stop working).
  6. The Connect button establishes a connection and tries to access the page specified by the user in the txtURL textbox.
  7. The Disconnect button disconnects the user from the Internet.
  8. The Exit button terminates the Web Browser application.

Add this line of code to the Form_Load event procedure:


When the user launches your Web Browser program, the first place on the web it goes is their homepage. Note: If the user has Microsoft Internet Explorer on their computer, and they’ve previously designated a home page within its option settings, this will work. I’m not sure if it will work if they regularly use Netscape Navigator, and don’t have Microsoft Internet Explorer installed.

Adding a ProgressBar control and another Textbox control to the form.

If you are an Internet user, you are well aware of how long it can take for a web page to download. As a matter of fact, long download times are one of the biggest complaints about accessing the internet (And to think that people are all excited about learning Java and ActiveX programming so that they can create cool custom controls for their web pages, which in the end will just make them take even longer to download!). A progress bar is traditionally used to display the progress of a web page being downloaded to your computer—actually, it just gives the user something to look at so they don’t go nuts!

Click once on your WebBrowser control to select it. Grab the sizer handle dot at the bottom center of the control and drag it up about and inch, to make room for the Textbox and ProgressBar controls you’re going to place at the bottom of the form:

Place a Textbox control where shown (lower left corner of form). Set it’s Name property to txtProgress. Set it’s Visible property to False.

Place a ProgressBar where shown (the ProgressBar control was added to your Control Toolbox when you added the Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 component back in step 2). Leave its default Name property at ProgressBar1 and its Max property at 100. Set it’s Visible property to False.

Your goal is to display the percentage that the downloading of a web page is complete as a number in the txtProgress textbox, and graphically in the ProgressBar. You’ll need to use the following event procedures of the WebBrowser control to do it:


The above event procedure is executed once when a new web page is first accessed and downloading of the web page begins.


The above event procedure is executed over and over as every new byte of the web page being downloaded arrives.


The above event procedure is executed once when the downloading of a new web page is complete.

Enter the following code into the WebBrowser DownloadBegin and DownloadComplete event procedures:

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DownloadBegin()
      ProgressBar1.Value = 0
      txtProgress.Text = "0.00%"
      ProgressBar1.Visible = True
      txtProgress.Visible = True
End Sub

The above code initializes the values of the Value and Text properties of ProgressBar1 and txtProgress controls. Then it makes them both visible.

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DownloadComplete()
      ProgressBar1.Visible = False
      txtProgress.Visible = False
End Sub

The above code hides the ProgressBar1 and txtProgress controls after they’ve done their job.

Enter the following code into the WebBrowser1_ProgressChange event procedure (don’t type the preceding letters—some lines are lettered and explained below):

Private Sub WebBrowser1_ProgressChange(ByVal Progress As Long, _
                  ByVal ProgressMax As Variant)
       Dim dPBarValue As Double
a)    If ProgressMax > 0 Then 'Avoid a divide-by-zero error
b)          dPBarValue = (Progress * 100) / ProgressMax
c)          If dPBarValue > 0 And dPBarValue <= ProgressBar1.Max Then
α              ProgressBar1.Value = dPBarValue
α              txtProgress.Text = Format(dPBarValue, "0.00") & "%"
             End If
      End If
End Sub

Note: The 2 arrowed lines above set the Value and Text properties of the ProgressBar1 and txtProgress controls. Notice that the number being assigned to the Text property of txtProgress is converted to a number with 2 decimal points via the Format command. The lettered lines are explained below:

  1. This code tests the value of the ProgressMax variable to make sure it is greater than zero, so we can avoid a potential divide-by-zero error. ProgressMax is a Variant that is passed to this event procedure by the operating system. It is WebBrowser1’s best-guess of how much longer this download will take.
  2. This line of code uses another variable passed to this event procedure by the operating system: Progress. Progress is WebBrowser1’s estimate of how far the download has progressed so far. By multiplying Progress by 100 and dividing it by ProgressMax, you get a percentage that the download is complete. This value is stored in a local double named dPBarValue.
  3. This line of code makes sure that dPBarValue is greater than zero and less than or equal to ProgressBar1.Max (trying to assign a number to the Value property of a ProgressBar control that is less than it’s Min or greater than it’s Max properties upsets it J ).

A final touch. Add the following code to the Form_Resize event procedure. This is the code that resizes the WebBrowser1, txtProgress, and ProgressBar1 controls when the user resizes the form at run-time. (Don’t type the preceding letters—some lines are lettered and explained below):

Private Sub Form_Resize()
a)       If frmBrowser.WindowState <> vbMinimized Then
b)             If frmBrowser.Width < 7000 Then
                        frmBrowser.Width = 7000
                End If
c)             WebBrowser1.Width = frmBrowser.ScaleWidth
d)             If ProgressBar1.Visible = True Then
e)                   WebBrowser1.Height = frmBrowser.ScaleHeight - _
                                   1000 - ProgressBar1.Height
f)                   ProgressBar1.Top = frmBrowser.ScaleHeight - _
g)                  ProgressBar1.Left = txtProgress.Width
h)                  ProgressBar1.Width = frmBrowser.ScaleWidth - _
i)                   txtProgress.Top = frmBrowser.ScaleHeight - _
j)                   WebBrowser1.Height = frmBrowser.ScaleHeight - _
                 End If
           End If
End Sub

  1. This line of code makes sure you don’t do anything if the program window was just minimized.
  2. This test prevents the user from resizing the form to narrower than 7000 twips. It just snaps back to 7000 wide if they try.
  3. This code sets the Width of the WebBrowser1 control to the ScaleWidth value of the form. The ScaleWidth and ScaleHeight properties refer to the Internal size of the Form, and have slightly smaller values than the Width and Height properties.
  4. Makes sure the following code is only executed if ProgressBar1 is visible.
  5. To make room for the txtProgress and ProgressBar1 controls, this code adjusts the Height of the WebBrowser1 control (the extra minus 1000 takes into account the height of the tbBrowser toolbar and txtURL textbox controls).
  6. This sets the Top property of ProgressBar1 to just below bottom edge of the WebBrowser1 control.
  7. Sets the Left property of ProgressBar1 to just to the right of the right edge of the txtProgress textbox.
  8. Sets the Width property of ProgressBar1 is to the ScaleWidth of the form minus the Width of the txtProgress textbox.
  9. Like line f) above, the Top property of the txtProgress textbox is set to just below the bottom edge of the WebBrowser1 control.
  10. If ProgressBar1 and txtProgress are not visible, this line of code adjusts the Height of the WebBrowser1 control to fill in the gap at the bottom of the screen where they would normally appear.

Make this final change to the WebBrowser DownloadBegin and DownloadComplete event procedures (add only the arrowed lines to the previously entered code):

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DownloadBegin()
      ProgressBar1.Value = 0
      txtProgress.Text = "0.00%"
      ProgressBar1.Visible = True
      txtProgress.Visible = True
'Adjust the browser window to make room for the Progress bar
α Form_Resize
End Sub

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DownloadComplete()
      ProgressBar1.Visible = False
      txtProgress.Visible = False
 'Resize the browser window, since the Progress bar is now hidden
End Sub

These calls to the Form’s Resize event procedure make room for ProgressBar1 and txtProgress when they appear, and fills the gap they leave behind when they disappear.

Testing your WebBrowser project. When you run this project, if your computer uses a modem to connect to the Internet, your auto-dialer should launch and connect you to your internet service provider (ISP) automatically. Give it a try and see what happens. In some cases you may need to establish a connect to your ISP manually before running this project. To establish a connection to your ISP manually, follow these steps:

  1. Minimize Visual Basic (you don’t need to close it).
  2. Double-click on the My Computer icon to open it.
  3. Double-click on the Dial-Up Networking icon.
  4. Double-click on the icon of the Dial-Up Networking configuration that you usually use to connect to the internet. At this point the auto-dialer should start and connect you.

Once a connection has been established you can restore Visual Basic and run this project to test it.