Advanced Visual Basic (Visual Studio 2008) - Project 13

Project 13 - Tying up some Loose Ends

Launch Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.  Drop down the File menu and select New Project...

Be sure the Windows Application template in the New Project dialog is selected in the Templates pane on the right side, then type Project13-Loose Ends in the Name textbox (as shown below): 

Now click the OK button. 

Save the project by clicking on the Save All button on the toolbar.  This displays the Save Project dialog box, as shown:

Do not change the default Location path.  Be sure to uncheck the Create directory for solution option, as show above, before clicking on the Save button. 

This creates a new folder inside the My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\  folder named Project13-Loose Ends:

        My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Project13-Loose Ends

Rename the Form file and change it's Name and Text properties

With the form file (Form1.vb) selected in the Solution Explorer window, so that it's File properties are displayed in the Properties window, change the File Name property to frmProject13.vb (don't forget to include the .vb extension).

Now click on the form in the Designer window to display it's properties:

Adding some Buttons, a Tooltip control, and a ContextMenuStrip control to the form

Use the illustration above, and add two Button controls to the form.  Set these properties of the buttons:

Property Value
Name btnAddPics
Text Add Pics
Property Value
Name btnDelPics
Text Delete Pics

Now add a Tooltip control and a ContextMenuStrip control to the form.  Leave their default names unchanged.  Set these additional properties of the form:

Property Value
Size.Width 450
ContextMenuStrip ContextMenuStrip1





Adding Tooltip Support

Tooltips are short popup messages that appear when you hold the mouse pointer still over a control for 1 second.  See the illustration below: 

When you add Tooltip support to a control, you can specify how long the delay will be in milliseconds before the Tooltip originally appears with the InitialDelay property of the Tooltip control.  We must also assign values to the AutoPopDelay, ReshowDelay, and ShowAlways properties of the Tooltip control.  Here is what those 4 properties do:

Add the following code to the Form's Load event procedure to initialize the Tooltip1 control and assign Tooltip messages to the Add Pics and Delete Pics buttons:

'Configure the behavior of Tooltips. The user must
'    hold the mouse pointer still over the control for
'    1 second before initially displaying a Tooltip.
ToolTip1.InitialDelay = 1000
'Reduce the delay to just half a second before
'    redisplaying a Tooltip over a control where
'    a Tooltip has already been displayed.
ToolTip1.ReshowDelay = 500
'So that Tooltip messages don't overlap, increase
'    the delay to 3 seconds when displaying Tooltips
'    while moving from one control to another.
ToolTip1.AutoPopDelay = 3000
'Force the ToolTip messages to be displayed
'    whether the form is active or not.
ToolTip1.ShowAlways = True

We can then use the SetToolTip method of the Tooltip1 control to assign a Tooltip message to the different controls on our form.  Add the following code to the Form's Load event procedure, below the above code:

'Add ToolTip messages to the Add
'    and Delete buttons.
ToolTip1.SetToolTip( _
, "Click to Add Pictures")
ToolTip1.SetToolTip( _
, "Click to Delete Pictures")

Note: As another option for assigning tooltips to design-time installed controlslike the btnAddPics and btnDelPics buttonswe could have typed the tooltip text into their Tooltip on Tooltip1 properties in the Properties window.   But doing it with code, as we did above, is the only way you can do it if the controls are created at run-time.

Now add the follow code at the end of the Form's Load event procedure to set the enabled state of the btnAddPics and btnDelPics buttons:

'Begin with the Add button enabled
and the Delete button disabled.
btnAddPics.Enabled = True
Enabled = False

Testing the program so far

Save the project now.  Run the program.  What happens when you hold the mouse pointer over the Add Pics and Delete Pics buttons?

Dynamically Creating Controls

To dynamically create controls at run-time requires you to do these 5 steps, in this order:

  1. Dimension reference variables for the controls you plan on dynamically constructing, like this (don't type this example code):
        Dim MyPicBox As PictureBox
  2. Declare delegate procedures for the Event Procedures of the dynamically constructed controls that require codeNote: You don't have direct access at design-time to the Event Procedures of controls created at run-time.
  3. Add the code to construct the controls, like this:
        MyPicBox = New PictureBox()
  4. Add the code to add the newly constructed controls to the Form's Control collection, like this:
  5. Add the code to link the Event Procedures of the newly created controls to the corresponding delegate procedures you previously created for them, like this:
        AddHandler MyPicBox.Click, AddressOf  MyPicBox_Click

Now let's do these steps:

1) Dimension Reference variables for the controls you plan on dynamically constructing

Add the following code to the Declarations section:

'Create an array of PictureBox reference
'    variables for the five PictureBoxes we
'    will dynamically create.
Dim MyPicBox(5) As PictureBox
'Create a generic control reference
'    variable (for use later).
Dim DeleteControl As Control

2) Declare delegate procedures for the Event Procedures of the dynamically constructed controls that require code

One problem with dynamically constructing controls is that you do not have access to their Event Procedures at design-time (since the controls do not exist at design-time).  Important: In order to use the Event Procedures of dynamically created controls, you must declare delegate procedures and assign them at run-time with the AddHandler command to those Event Procedures of the dynamically created controls that you want to use.

We will be dynamically constructing five PictureBoxes.  In order to use their Click and MouseDown event procedures, we need to declare two delegate event procedures; One for Click and one for MouseDown.  Type the following two delegate procedure declarations into the code window.  Start on a blank line above the End Class statement at the bottom of the code window:

'Delegate Click event procedure for the
MyPicBox collection of PictureBox controls.
Private Sub MyPicBox_Click(ByVal sender As _
            Object, ByVal
e As EventArgs)
    'sender is the MyPicBox control that
    '    raised the event.
   MessageBox.Show("MyPicBox #" & _
sender.Tag & " was clicked!")
End Sub

'Delegate MouseDown event procedure for the collection
'    of PictureBox controls. This MouseDown procedure
'    will allow the user to right-click on the dynamically
'    created pictureboxes to display a context menu that
'    gives them the option to delete each picturebox.
Private Sub MyPicBox_MouseDown(ByVal sender _
        As Object, ByVal
e As MouseEventArgs)
     'Display the context menu only if the user right-clicked
    If e.Button = _
Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then
         'sender is the MyPicBox control that raised the
         '    event.  We use a generic DeleteControl control
         '    reference variable to actually delete the control
         '    if the user selects the Delete option on the
         '    context menu we are displaying 2 lines below.
       DeleteControl = sender
         'Create a Point to specify where the
         '    ContextMenuStrip will popup.
       Dim p As New System.Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y)
         'Popup the ContextMenuStrip.
       ContextMenuStrip1.Show(sender, p)
    End If
End Sub

Save the project, but do not attempt to test run this project yet.

3, 4, and 5) Add code to construct the controls, Add them to the Form's Control collection, and Link them to their delegate procedures

Add the following code to the Click event procedure of the Add Pics button (btnAddPics_Click):

Dim i As Integer
'Create 5 PictureBox controls and
'    add them to the Form.
For i = 0 To 4
'Create a new PictureBox
MyPicBox(i) = New PictureBox()
     'Add the new PictureBox to the Form's
     '    controls collection.
     'Connect the Click and MouseDown event
     '    procedures of the new PictureBox to the
     '    Delegate Click and MouseDown procedures.
    AddHandler MyPicBox(i).Click,  _
    AddHandler MyPicBox(i).MouseDown, _
     'Set initial values for several properties
     '    of the new PictureBox.
    MyPicBox(i).SizeMode = _
i).Image = _
FromFile( _
:\shared\JPG Images\jeffrey.jpg")
     'Line up the new PictureBoxes from
     '    left to right in a row
    MyPicBox(i).Left = i * MyPicBox(i).Width
     'Set the Tag property to the index value so we
     '    have an easy way of distinguishing one
     '    PictureBox from another by examining its 
     '    Tag property at a later time.
    MyPicBox(i).Tag = i
          'Set the ToolTip message for each new PictureBox
        ToolTip1.SetToolTip(MyPicBox(i), _
                "PictureBox #"
& i)
          'Don't forget to make the new PictureBox visible
        MyPicBox(i).Visible = True
'Disable the Add button and enable the Delete button
btnAddPics.Enabled = False
Enabled = True

Testing the program so far

Save the project now.  Run the program.  What happens when you click the Add Pics button?  Once the PictureBoxes are created, do you see a different Tooltip message when you hold the mouse pointer over each picturebox?

Dynamically Destroying Controls

While dynamically creating controls requires 5 distinct steps, dynamically destroying them is much easier.  Add the following code to the Click event procedure of the Del Pics button (btnDelPics_Click):

Dim i As Integer
'Before deleting anything, display the
'    number of controls on the Form in
'    the immediate window.
Debug.WriteLine( _
        "Controls on Me before deletion: "
        & Me.
'Technique #1 - Removes just PictureBoxes
'Construct a temporary picturebox so that we
'    can compare it to the controls on the form
'    to find the other pictureboxes.
Dim PicBox As New PictureBox()
'When deleting items from a collection, you
'    must remove them from the end of the
'    collect and work your way to the beginning.
'    This is required because when you remove
'    an item from a collection, the items below
'    it move up to fill the gap left by the deleted
'    item, i.e. if you delete item 2, item 3 becomes
'    item 2, item 4 becomes item 3, etc.
For i = Me.Controls.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
     'Write to the immediate window
     '    describing each control type.
    Debug.WriteLine("Control #" & i & _
        " = "
& _
     'The Object.ReferenceEquals method lets us
     '    compare two controls to see if they are equal. 
    If Object.ReferenceEquals( _
Me.Controls.Item(i).GetType, _
GetType) Then
          'If the control is a PictureBox, remove
          '    it from the Form.
    End If
'After removing the PictureBoxes, display
'    the number of controls on the Form in
'    the immediate window.
Debug.WriteLine( _
"Controls on Me after deletion: " _
        & Me.
'Once the PictureBoxes are deleted,
'    enable the Add Pics and disable
'    the Del Pics button.
btnAddPics.Enabled = True
Enabled = False

The following two code examples are not being used but are shown as alternate techniques for dynamically deleting the picturebox controls (Do Not type the following code):

'Technique #2 - Removes ALL the
'    controls from the Form
For i = 0 To Me.Controls.Count - 1
    'The index value of the Item collection
    '    remains 0 because when element 0
is removed the next element in the
    '    collection moves up to fill the gap.

'Technique #3 - Removes just the
'    MyPicBox controls.
For i = 0 To MyPicBox.Length - 1
     'Be sure the control exists before trying
     '    to deleting it.
    If Not MyPicBox(i) Is Nothing Then
    End If

Testing the program so far

Save the project now.  Run the program.  What happens when you click the Add Pics button to create the PictureBoxes, and then click the Del Pics button?

Creating a Context Menu

Set the ContextMenuStrip property of the form to ContextMenuStrip1, if you haven't already done so.  Use the following menu table and illustration.  Add these menu items to ContextMenuStrip1:

Context Menu Table
Level 1
Level 2


  Delete this Control cmnuDelControl
  (Insert Separator)  
  Cancel cmnuCancel

At run-time a ContextMenuStrip does not appear at the top of a form like a regular MenuStrip does.  We must use the Show method of the ContextMenuStrip to display it manually. 

To enable the Delete this Control menu item, add the following code to the cmnuDelControl_Click event procedure:

'Delete the control referenced by
'    the DeleteControl variable.

Add the following code to the Click event procedure of the Cancel menu item (cmnuCancel_Click):

'Clear any reference from the
'    DeleteControl variable.
DeleteControl = Nothing

Testing the program so far

Save the project now.  Run the program.  Click the Add Pics button to create the PictureBoxes, and then right-click on one of the PictureBoxes.  This executes the code in the MyPicBox_MouseDown delegate event procedureThis sets the DeleteControl control reference variable so that it references the picturebox that was right-clicked, i.e. DeleteControl = sender.  When you select the Delete this Control menu item on ContextMenuStrip1, the picturebox should be deleted.

Adding the ability to dynamically delete any controls

Now that we have our ContextMenuStrip configured, we can add code to the MouseDown event procedures of any controls on our form (including the form itself) to allow the user to delete those controls.  Add the following code to the MouseDown event procedure of the Add Pics button (btnAddPics_MouseDown)—this code will allow the user to delete the Add Pics button:

'Display the context menu only if
'    the user right-clicked.
If e.Button = _
Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then
    DeleteControl =
     'Create a point to designate where
     '    the context menu will popup.
    Dim p As New System.Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y)
     'Popup the ContextMenuStrip
    ContextMenuStrip1.Show(btnAddPics, p)
End If

Add the following code to the MouseDown event procedure of the Del Pics button (btnDelPics_MouseDown)—this code will allow the user to delete the Del Pics button:

'Display the context menu only if
'    the user right-clicked.
If e.Button = _
Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then
    DeleteControl =
     'Create a point to designate where
     '    the context menu will popup.
    Dim p As New System.Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y)
     'Popup the ContextMenuStrip
    ContextMenuStrip1.Show(btnDelPics, p)
End If

Add the following code to the MouseDown event procedure of the Form (frmProject13_MouseDown)—this code will allow the user to delete the Form, which will terminate the program:

'Display the context menu only if
'    the user right-clicked.
If e.Button = _
Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then
    DeleteControl =
     'Create a point to designate where
     '    the context menu will popup.
    Dim p As New System.Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y)
     'Popup the ContextMenuStrip.
    ContextMenuStrip1.Show(Me, p)
End If

Testing the program so far

Save the project now.  Run the program.  What happens when you right-click the Add Pics button and select the Delete this Control item on the ContextMenuStrip? Try right-clicking on the Del Pics button, and the Form itself. Also try clicking the Add Pics button and right-clicking on any of the dynamically created PictureBoxes Important Note: If you right-click on a button that is disabled, the MouseDown event of the form behind it is raised. The user cannot raise the events of a control that is disabled.

Adding the ability to Print

We will now use a PrintDocument control to let the user print text files.  Add a PrintDocument control (in the Printing section of the control toolbox) and an OpenFileDialog control to the form.  Do not change their default names.  They will show up in the component tray, like this:

Adjust the locations of the Add Pics and Del Pics buttons and add a new button to the form, as shown in the illustration below: 

Set the Name property of the new button to btnPrintTextFile, and the Text property to Print a Text File.

Add the following code to the Declarations section:

'Declare a Font reference variable so that
'    we can specify the what font the text
'    document is printed in.
Dim PrintFont As System.Drawing.Font
'Declare a StreamReader reference variable
'    so that we can construct a StreamReader
'    to read the text file for printing.
Dim StreamToPrint As System.IO.StreamReader

We will use the OpenFileDialog control to let the user browse for a text file they want to print.  Add the following code to the Click event procedure of the Print a Text File button (btnPrintTextFile_Click):

Dim iResult As DialogResult
'Set several properties of the OpenFileDialog
'    before Showing it.

OpenFileDialog1.Title = _
"Select a Document to Print"

'List files with a .txt extension only

OpenFileDialog1.Filter = _
"Text Files (*.txt) | *.txt"

'If the user types a filename the .txt extension is
'     added automatically if they don't include it.

OpenFileDialog1.AddExtension = True
'Clear the FileName property of OpenFileDialog1,
'    so any previously selected file is not displayed.

OpenFileDialog1.FileName = ""

'Show the OpenFileDialog

iResult = OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog()
'Make sure the user did not click the Cancel
'    button And specified a file name for the
'    file to be created. 
If iResult <> _
DialogResult.Cancel And  _
FileName.Length <> 0 Then
         'Create the Font we will use to print the text file
        PrintFont = _
System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 10)
         'Create the StreamReader we will use to
         '    read the text file.

        StreamToPrint = New _
IO.StreamReader( _
         'Initiate the printing process. This raises the
         '    PrintPage event procedure of the
         '    PrintDocument1 object, which is where
         '    we actually read the text file and write
         '    it out to the printer, line by line.
         'Close the FileStream and destroy it
         '    once printing is complete.
StreamToPrint = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
Show( _
                "Error printing the file - "
& ex.Message)
    End Try
End If

Using the PrintPage event procedure of the PrintDocument object to print the file

To actually print the text file, we need to add code to the PrintPage event procedure of PrintDocument1.  This event is raised when we executed the PrintDocument1.Print method in the code above.  Add the following code to the PrintPage event procedure of PrintDocument1 (PrintDocument1_PrintPage):

Dim LinesPerPage As Single = 0
LinePosition As Single = 0
LineCount As Integer = 0
sLine As String

'To calculate the number of lines per page use
'    e.MarginBounds divided by the PrintFont
'    height.
LinesPerPage =  _
e.MarginBounds.Height / _
'Now read a line from the file and print it. Keep
'    going until a full page is printed. If there are
'    still more lines to print, set the e.HasMorePages
'    property to True, and this PrintPage event will
'    be raised again. Keep going until the file is
'    completely printed.
sLine = StreamToPrint.ReadLine()
'Keep printing lines until the end of a page is
'    reached or there are no more lines to print,
'    whichever comes first.
While (LineCount < LinesPerPage _
sLine <> Nothing)
     'Determine the line position on the printed page
    LinePosition = e.MarginBounds.Top + _
(LineCount * PrintFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics))
     'Print the line to the default printer and
     '    increment the LineCount.
    e.Graphics.DrawString( _
sLine, PrintFont, Brushes.Black, _
e.MarginBounds.Left, LinePosition, _
New StringFormat)

    LineCount += 1
     'If we're not finished printing a page, read the
     '    next line from the file.
    If (LineCount < LinesPerPage) Then
sLine = StreamToPrint.ReadLine()
    End If
End While
'Once we are finished printing a page, if we have more
'    lines to print, then set the e.HasMorePages property
'    to True, which will force this PrintPage event to be
'    raised again.
If (sLine <> Nothing) Then
e.HasMorePages = True
e.HasMorePages = False
End If

Testing the program so far

Save the project now.  Run the program.  Use the Print a Text File button and print a small text file.

Printing other types of Documents

The above code works fine for printing text files.  But what if you wanted to print Word documents, or Excel spreadsheets from within your Visual Basic 2008 applications?  We can use Microsoft Word to print Word documents for us.  For example, to print Microsoft Word documents instead of text files, the code in the Click event procedure of the Print a Text File button would be replaced with the following code.  Note: You need to set a reference to the Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library—like we did back in the MyEditor project—before using the following code:

Dim iResult As DialogResult
'Assign the dialog’s Title property
OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Choose a File to Open"
'List files with a .txt extension only.
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Rich Text Format (*.txt) | *.txt"
'Clear the FileName property of OpenFileDialog1
OpenFileDialog1.FileName = ""
'The ShowDialog method displays the Open dialog.
'    Any code that follows this line of code will not
'    be executed until the Open dialog is closed.
iResult = OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog()
'Make sure the user did not click the Cancel button And
'    specified a file name for the file to be created. 
If iResult <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel And  _
FileName.Length <> 0 Then
          'Declare a Word application reference variable
          '    and construct an instance of Microsoft Word.

        Dim WordObj As Word.Application
        WordObj = New Word.
          'Open the Word document the user wants to print
          'Print the document to the default printer
          'Close the document without saving it
        With WordObj.Documents
    End With
          'Quit Microsoft Word
          'Set the WordObj reference variable to Nothing
          '    so that our instance of Word can terminate.
        WordObj = Nothing
    Catch ex As Exception
.Show( _
             "An error occurred printing the file - "
    End Try
End If

We don't even need a PrintDocument control if we use the above method to print Word documents. 

We could print Excel spreadsheets from within our Visual Studio 2008 applications in a similar way.

To copy a Project folder from your Projects folder on the Hard Drive to a floppy diskette or pen-drive follow these steps:

  1. Exit Visual Studio 2008 and insert the floppy diskette or pen-drive, that you want to copy the Project13-Loose Ends folder to:
  2. Select the My Documents item on the Start Menu to open the My Documents folder.
  3. In the My Documents folder, double-click the Visual Studio 2008 folder to open it.
  4. Double-click on your Projects folder to open it.
  5. Open the Project13-Loose Ends folder by double-clicking on it.  Inside the Project13-Loose Ends folder, delete the Obj and Bin folders—these folders are created automatically when you open a project.  You do not need to copy them, or their contents, to your floppy diskette or pen-drive.  Important: Be sure not to delete the My Project folder or Resources folder.
  6. Once you have deleted the Obj and Bin folders, hit the Backspace key once—or click the Back button on the toolbar.  This moves you from inside the Project13-Loose Ends folder to back inside your Projects folder.
  7. Right-click on the Project13-Loose Ends folder and selected: 31/2" Floppy A: or your pen-drive on the Send To fly-out menu.  This copies the Project13-Loose Ends folder to your floppy diskette or pen-drive.