<< global q1_yes; global q1_no; global q2_a; global q2_e; global q2_i; global q2_o; global q2_u; case yesno of "Yes": q1_yes = q1_yes + 1; "No": q1_no = q1_no + 1; end case; case Vowel of "A": q2_a = q2_a + 1; "E": q2_e = q2_e + 1; "I": q2_i = q2_i + 1; "O": q2_o = q2_o + 1; "U": q2_u = q2_u + 1; end case; total_q1_answers = q1_yes + q1_no; total_q2_answers = q2_a + q2_e + q2_i + q2_o + q2_u; q1_yes_pcnt = (q1_yes / total_q1_answers * 100) as integer; q1_no_pcnt = (q1_no / total_q1_answers * 100) as integer; q2_a_pcnt = (q2_a / total_q2_answers * 100) as integer; q2_e_pcnt = (q2_e / total_q2_answers * 100) as integer; q2_i_pcnt = (q2_i / total_q2_answers * 100) as integer; q2_o_pcnt = (q2_o / total_q2_answers * 100) as integer; q2_u_pcnt = (q2_u / total_q2_answers * 100) as integer; >> Survey Results

The results so far are:

Question 1: Is the answer Yes?

Question 2: Name your favorite vowel