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Set Per-Folder Views in the Finder

Tired of navigating to a particular folder and having to switch to List View every time? With Finder in Leopard, you can set viewing preference for each individual folder. Just navigate to it, and set the view the way you want (Column, List, Icon, or Cover Flow). Then choose View > Show View Options (Command-J) and in the window that appears, select the Always Open In... checkbox.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Apple Unveils G5 Xserve, new Xserve RAID

Apple Unveils G5 Xserve, new Xserve RAID -- Apple last week lifted the cover on a significant upgrade to the Xserve, its line of 1U (one-unit high) rack-mount Mac OS X-based serversShow full article

Apple Releases Final Cut Express 2

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Microsoft Announces Office 2004 for Mac OS X

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