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MacSpeech Dictate Profiles

Looking to improve recognition accuracy in MacSpeech Dictate? When recording, consider that ambient noise levels vary between locations. By creating a tailored profile for each location in which you record with MacSpeech Dictate, you can be assured of receiving optimum speech recognition accuracy.

Visit MacSpeech Dictate

Submitted by
Donald MacCormick



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TidBITS Available in Russian

TidBITS Available in Russian -- Thanks to the diligent efforts of Leif Halvard Silli, Zoia Nikolskaia, and a few others, you can now read TidBITS in RussianShow full article

Apple Ships QuickTime 4.0

Apple Ships QuickTime 4.0 -- Apple Computer has released the final version of QuickTime 4.0, the company's all-encompassing cross-platform media playback and authoring softwareShow full article

FileMaker Pro 4.1v2 Does Four-Digit Years

FileMaker Pro 4.1v2 Does Four-Digit Years -- FileMaker, Inc. has released a free 1.2 MB update to FileMaker Pro 4.1v2, which enhances the way FileMaker copes with two-digit years in datesShow full article

Synchronize Pro 4.0 Syncs over Internet

Synchronize Pro 4.0 Syncs over Internet -- Qdea has released Synchronize Pro 4.0, an update to its industrial-strength synchronization utility that now works over the InternetShow full article

Macintosh Model Implosion: What's in a Name?

Back in late 1993, I teed off on Apple for the proliferation of Macintosh models that were then appearing. That was around the time the Performa line (which often had models identical to the LC line) expanded beyond understanding, with model numbers sometimes indicating nothing but different software bundles or retail outletsShow full article

All the World's a Stagecast

About three years ago, when the financial picture at Apple Computer was at its bleakest, a series of austerity measures resulted in the elimination of many cool employees and the long-term projects on which they were engagedShow full article

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