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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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We've decided to put DealBITS, our sister publication, on hiatus while we rethink its goals and mechanisms. Thus, today's issue will be the last for a short, or possibly long whileShow full article

System 7.5.5 Update

System 7.5.5 Update -- It's clear now that Apple has not yet released System 7.5.4, and in fact, according to sources, is fixing problems relating to the IR capabilities of some MacsShow full article

Apple Unveils Fast Servers at Seybold

Last week, Apple took advantage of its continued prominence in the desktop publishing and design markets to push its latest network server technology at the Seybold Conference in San FranciscoShow full article

Rethinking More of a Web

My article on the process we took in redesigning our Web site in TidBITS-344 prompted many comments, almost all of them favorable, luckily (and thanks to those of you who pointed out problems with my HTML as well)Show full article

HTMLbits: Four New Releases

When Adobe PageMill 1.0 shipped almost a year ago, it attempted to draw a curtain over the complexities of HTML, the markup language used to create Web pagesShow full article

Now Utilities Turns 6-Point-Something

Certain components of Now Software's collection of utilities in Now Utilities are absolutely integral to my Mac experience. I am quite incapable of productive work without Super Boomerang, which compensates for the clumsiness of the Standard File dialog by causing it to come up at the most recently used item and by giving it menus that let you navigate to other recently used itemsShow full article

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