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New Documents in Snow Leopard's TextEdit

In the Snow Leopard version of TextEdit, you can now create a new document by Control-clicking TextEdit's Dock icon (when it's running), and choosing New Document from the pop-up menu. This isn't a major feature, of course, since you can also just press Command-N while in TextEdit, but consider Control-clicking other applications' Dock icons to see what functions they might make available.

Submitted by
Jerry Nilson



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Retrospect 6.1 Gains Full Tiger Compatibility

Retrospect 6.1 Gains Full Tiger Compatibility -- Although Retrospect 6.0 has worked fine with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger in general, it doesn't support two of Tiger's new features: access control lists (ACLs) that enable administrators to control who can access and modify files stored on a Mac OS X 10.4 server and extended attributes that will be used by future Mac applications. EMC Dantz has now released Retrospect 6.1 to add support ACLs and extended attributes. Needless to say, most people didn't even notice this omission in Retrospect 6.0, but it's nice to see the update anyway. A similar update for Retrospect Express 6.1 will be available in the future (Retrospect Express users running Tiger should be sure to update to Retrospect Express 6.0.212). The Retrospect 6.1 update is free for Retrospect 6.0 owners; it's a 24 MB download. [ACE]

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