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Schedule Fetch to Work Automatically

Although Fetch doesn't have a built-in scheduler, you can use iCal along with Fetch's Mirror command or Automator support to automatically upload or download files at a specified time. To find out how...

Visit Scheduling automatic transfers with iCal



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Free RAM Doubler 8 Update

Free RAM Doubler 8 Update -- Users of Connectix's RAM Doubler 2.x can now update to RAM Doubler 8 using a free updater (379K download) available from Connectix's Web site. Despite the large version number change, the update is fairly minor, offering primarily some additional reporting and configuration options in the RAM Doubler control panel, plus a fix for a conflict with Microsoft Office 98 (see "Minor Connectix Updates" in TidBITS-431). [ACE]

< update.html>


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