This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-03-12 at 1:42 p.m.
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AT&T Offers Unlimited Voice Use iPhone Plan

by Glenn Fleishman

Ars Technica helped clear up some confusion related to the new unlimited voice calling plans offered by the four major cellular carriers in the United States (see "Three Cell Carriers Offer Unlimited Minutes for $100 per Month [1]," 2008-02-19, and "Sprint Nextel Adds $90 and $100 Unlimited Monthly Plans [2]," 2008-02-28). Initially, it seemed as if iPhone purchasers wouldn't be eligible for the $100-per-month rate AT&T was offering (exclusive of data and text messaging).

David Chartier at Ars Technica heard from AT&T [3] that there was a delay of more than two weeks between the general AT&T offer and its appearance on the Apple pricing page for the iPhone [4]. A new $120 per month plan includes unlimited voice minutes, unlimited EDGE data, and a paltry 200 text messages. Another $20 per month gets you unlimited text messages. Chartier reports that customers with current AT&T plans or those that signed up during that period can call the carrier for a no-charge switch to the unlimited voice plan. Additional lines cost another $120 per month in a family plan. (Alaskans, sadly, can't get unlimited voice service from AT&T.)
