This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-01-28 at 11:16 a.m.
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Rich Mogull Joins TidBITS as Security Editor

by Adam C. Engst

We've noticed over the past few years that some of our most popular articles are those about security issues. Although Mac OS X has proven quite secure, that's not happenstance, and is largely due to frequent security updates from Apple. But another aspect of the Mac's security is that Mac users are more likely to read publications such as TidBITS and be aware of coverage about threats that may not yet be addressed by a security update.

I'm extremely pleased, therefore, to welcome Rich Mogull to the TidBITS staff. Rich has for some time now been one of our primary sources for verifying the severity (and reality) of security issues, and having him on staff can only bolster our security coverage. Prior to striking out on his own, Rich was a security analyst with the research and advisory firm Gartner, and he continues to provide security consulting to some of the largest companies in the world while maintaining his blog at [1].

Rich is also notable because he's a relatively recent convert to the Mac world, having been encouraged by TidBITS friend Chris Pepper to switch only a few years ago. As a result, Rich brings to his writing both an appreciation of just how good Mac users have it, along with first-hand knowledge of what it's like to navigate the systems of an enterprise environment. Since most of the rest of us have been Mac users and freelance writers for ages, it's useful to be able to get Rich's take on what things are like in the mean streets of the Windows world.

We met Rich in person for the first time at Macworld Expo earlier this month, and we were happy to confirm our belief that he's smart, knowledgeable, easy-going, and highly capable. You'll be seeing a lot more of Rich in TidBITS, and, we suspect, in other parts of the Macintosh world (and Rich, we apologize in advance if this position means that you end up featured on Crazy Apple Rumors occasionally).
