This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-08-26 at 12:00 p.m.
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Another Miraculous Release?

by Tonya Engst

Another Miraculous Release? HTML aficionados take note - Miracle Software has released World Wide Web Weaver 2.0. Also known as W4, the new version adds many new features, including a special version of Casady & Greene's new Spell Catcher (formerly Thunder 7) and multi-file search and replace (though the search and replace lacks a "whole word only" feature, wild cards, and grep). Additionally, the forms and table editors are more flexible and useful than those in earlier versions.

W4 2.0 requires about 2.5 MB of both disk space and application RAM. The new version lists for $89, but with a $60 educational price and a $35 upgrade from version 1.x if you didn't buy an applicable subscription. Miracle Software has made a 1.2 MB demo available. [TJE]

Miracle Software -- 315/265-0930 -- 315/265-1162 --

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